I understand that, but if she's ALLOWED to break the rules, she won't even TRY to follow them. From what I read, and obviously I don't know her, so I can't judge, but everything sounded like basically she just cut in front of lines and things because she had always been allowed to. No one ever told her she couldn't. I'm a firm believer in at least making an effort to let someone do as much as they can. I don't think you do someone any favors by letting them skate by and assuming they aren't capable of doing better. I had a student when I was teaching music and he was severely mentally handicapped. He was in 6th grade but read and did math at a 1st grade level. He had an aide that came with him to class to help him. I had the kids doing a listening exercise where I played a few pieces of music and I had each kid draw a venn diagram and in the first circle they wrote down the instruments they heard in the first piece, in the second circle, they did the same for the 2nd piece. And in the overlapping, they wrote down whatever instruments they heard in BOTH pieces. Very simple, and a 4 year old can tell you he hears a piano, or a violin even if he can't spell the words. The aide told me he couldn't do that assignment. I asked why not...there was nothing in the assignment he couldn't do. He can listen, I wasn't checking for spelling or how many instruments they got right...just wanted them to pay attention to what they were listening to. So I told her I wanted him to at least try. And he did it. If you tell someone constantly that they are incapable of doing something and you just give them a pass, what incentive do they have to try? Even if Linda Skywalker isn't in touch with reality and she might actually believe she's Luke's wife, I'm sure she can understand the concept of waiting her turn in a line. Letting her cut in line does nothing but teach her she's above the rules, which she is probably perfectly capable of following. I don't think it's kind to her to let her do that. Because at some point there will be someone who won't allow it and it will completely shatter her world.