But the people you bump get some sort of compensation, right? When hubby nd I were coming home from our honeymoon, they asked for volunteers. We were checked in, waiting at the gate, and they asked if anyone was willing to take a flight the next day, and we would get a voucher for our next trip. We volunteered as we had nowhere we HAD to be the next day, and we had no children or pets or anyone to worry about. They ended up having plenty of volunteers so our seats weren't needed, but it wouldn't have bothered me to wait since we had no other obligations. But if I have somewhere to be at a certain time and I've paid for my ticket, I'd be pretty angry that they suddenly told me I wasn't getting on that flight. If they asked, I'd probably try to work something out and volunteer to give up my sear for a UM or a medical issue, but to be removed without being asked would make me angry and if they did that, they'd have to compensate me for it or I'd be making some problems for the airline. I'm a pretty mellow and patient person, but there are limits, and one of my limits is when I've paid a lot of money for a service and someone tries to duck out of the agreement. I won't stand for that.