The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I think we are the only people in the world that had it for awhile and then cancelled it. Yes, there are a lot of good things on there but if you already have cable, you might not have time for both. Our cable comes with on demand channels as well that show free tv shows and something called Shomi which is just like Netflix only free. I know it's only like $8 a month but we had only used it 3 times in as many months so decided to save the cash. So, I would say choose one or another. You can try it for free though, I do believe.
Thanks for the info. I need to check this out. We don't have Shomi, so I'm not sure.


Just Horsing Around…
Premium Member
I switched to Netflix cuz cable was just too expensive and it seemed like the same movies were on rotation. But then a lot of new good shows came out and I wanted cable again. But a lot of them are on Netflix now, although once I've caught up in the series I want to keep watching. It's a vicious cycle. :rolleyes:
I can't have Netflix. :( The only available internet for me is too slow. According to the speed test, I have a 12% rating... :mad:

French Quarter

Well-Known Member
I switched to Netflix cuz cable was just too expensive and it seemed like the same movies were on rotation. But then a lot of new good shows came out and I wanted cable again. But a lot of them are on Netflix now, although once I've caught up in the series I want to keep watching. It's a vicious cycle. :rolleyes:

Yes, I can understand. I hear a lot of people say that cable is expensive but for some reason, it isn't for us. We have it bundled with our phone and Internet. It literally costs $10 a month for a few hundred channels and it came with a PVR. We weren't going to get cable because everyone said it was costly but it seemed like too good of a deal to pass up. Maybe it was a promotion though and in a few years it might go up. I don't remember. If it does we will reevaluate.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that if the doctor recommended that you get one that you should get one regardless of the price.

If the doctor told you to take a certain medication, would you refuse to take it because of the price? I think not. That is just asinine.

There is a reason that he told you to get one. Perhaps the same reason he uses one?
He told me to lose weight. He suggested a method. There are so many free resources to accomplish that goal, and I have access to even more through school (including a nutritionist) that I do not see the need. Seeing as how I've lost 10 pounds since I've seen him (and that is with having surgery), I think I'm doing just fine on my own. As for your comparison about medications, I've had my doctor switch my meds before due to price. If the result is the same, there is no harm in switching to something less expensive. My thoughts are the same on weight loss: why spend the money on something that I might not use or might not work for me? I'd be open to it if I really got stuck, but for now I'd rather not spend money where I don't have to.


Well-Known Member
I think we are the only people in the world that had it for awhile and then cancelled it. Yes, there are a lot of good things on there but if you already have cable, you might not have time for both. Our cable comes with on demand channels as well that show free tv shows and something called Shomi which is just like Netflix only free. I know it's only like $8 a month but we had only used it 3 times in as many months so decided to save the cash. So, I would say choose one or another. You can try it for free though, I do believe.
I think the selections up in Canada are not as good as down here, at least according to @JenniferS


Well-Known Member
I switched to Netflix cuz cable was just too expensive and it seemed like the same movies were on rotation. But then a lot of new good shows came out and I wanted cable again. But a lot of them are on Netflix now, although once I've caught up in the series I want to keep watching. It's a vicious cycle. :rolleyes:
I'll probably do the same thing when I move out. I'm thinking I'll get Netflix and Hulu and be completely covered for TV shows. :happy:


Premium Member
DD wanted to go on Winnie the Pooh next, but we "ran into" the Christmas Fantasy Parade along the way, and of course she wanted to watch. We were at the beginning of the route, near IASW, and found a pretty good spot about 5-10 minutes before it started.

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Snow people butts! :p
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I can't wait to see this parade. Especially the wooden soldiers, I love the ones in WDW.


Premium Member
And now for something completely different....

The continuing story of Goofyernmost's Excellent Adventure. Day One, Oct. 19th.

This one will not take long or be accompanied by pictures. That is because all it involved for the most part was travel and massive fatigue.

I left Raleigh Airport at approximately 6:30pm. I was supposed to leave at 4:30, but, I was flying on Air Canada (@JenniferS) and we all should know by now that anything Canadian is iffy at best when it comes to being reliable. Anyway, we did eventually become airborne and flew into Toronto. After traversing around a thousand miles getting to the Iceland Air gate I had used up most of my down time and just barely had enough time to grab a quick sandwich before boarding the plane. One thing that was funny to me, but, I'm sure not to her was a man that was quite will dressed walking in a hurry to get to his gate. Following about 10 paces behind was, who I assumed was his wife, dressed in middle eastern garb, at least 8 months pregnant and pulling a large suitcase. He was upfront generously carrying a cellphone and impatiently stopping and yelling at her to catch up before they miss the flight. Ah, the difference in cultures.

Anyway, after being scorned by the "lady" at the Icelandair customer desk for asking directions, I found my plane and boarded for an uneventful flight to Reykjavik, Iceland. Arrived in Iceland on time and proceeded through Customs, which was a circus due to the fact that the staff was in strike and the work was being done by a limited number of management and a maximum amount of travelers. I eventually made it through and met my sister at the gate just in time to board and head to Paris.

Iceland-air is a very nice airline and they still hand out blankets and pillows (at no charge) for us jet-setters. If you ever have to go through Iceland be sure to check to make sure they are not on strike because it added a degree of frustration that may live with me forever.

Arriving in Paris we boarded the city Shuttle that took us to the Opera House in downtown Paris. According to our direction instructions we were only to traverse a short (two minute) distance to our apartment. Turned out to be at least a mile walk dragging luggage over narrow sidewalks and cobblestone streets. Although small, it was comfortable quite interesting due to the fact that it was an old building with a cobblestone center that the building wrapped around. Very old school and charming. By then we were both on the verge of old aged exhaustion. We picked up a couple of groceries at a store about a block away and hit the bed early. I estimate that by that point we had both been up about 26 hours and it was time to sleep and explore the next day.

I told you there wasn't much to report for the first day, but, I had to start someplace. Hopefully, the remainder will be better.

When we went to Europe this summer we flew Iceland Air. I was a little nervous about it for some reason, but we really enjoyed the airline. The people were friendly and we liked that the airport was so small it would be basically impossible to miss a connection.


Premium Member
I think we are the only people in the world that had it for awhile and then cancelled it. Yes, there are a lot of good things on there but if you already have cable, you might not have time for both. Our cable comes with on demand channels as well that show free tv shows and something called Shomi which is just like Netflix only free. I know it's only like $8 a month but we had only used it 3 times in as many months so decided to save the cash. So, I would say choose one or another. You can try it for free though, I do believe.

We used to have it too but cancelled it. I think we will get it again when Fuller House (the sequel to Full House) starts up, because I love Full House.

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