The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
About 20 years ago, I got a corneal abrasion on one of my eyes. It was the most annoying, insane thing I have ever experienced. I couldn't sleep 'cause once I went into REM it would rub on my eyelid. I got ZERO sleep that night. It's amazing how many nerves are in just the corneas of our eyes.
I was beyond miserable. The next morning I saw my regular doc and he gave me some drops for the pain while I was in his office, and taped my eye up and said it would probably be fine by morning. He thought I had just sliced it a little.
Not. Even. Close.
I was beyond miserable all night long again.
The next morning, he recommended an ophthalmologist to me. She did a closer exam, and saw that it was an abrasion. She gave me some more drops temporarily for the pain, but, said no more 'cause I would rub it raw on my eyelid if I didn't feel the pain. She put a bunch of ointment in it, taped it up tight, and told me to go home and pretend I was blind for three days.
No reading, nothing with a lot of eye movement, just TV.
I followed her orders exactly.
On the third morning in the shower, I took the patch off and panicked big time. All I could see was light. Everything was blurry and I couldn't make out any shapes at all in that eye. I called the doctor. She assured me it was the ointment and it would clear in a few days. It took more like a week, but it finally all cleared perfectly.

Crazy thing is, about a year later (during the Christmas holidays, just like the first time) it happened again, same eye, and I had to repeat the same nasty process. Now, I have eye drops everywhere, and haven't had a problem since.

Again, best wishes that it continues to improve as is expected, and you don't need more surgery on that eye.

Yikes you'd think the ophthalmologist would've warned you that your sight would be gone for awhile before sending you home! :confused:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm happy to hear that your Thanksgiving dinner went well. You certainly put in a ton of work into making everything pleasant for your family and your guests. I know your hubby helped out, too.

Curious about some of the cousins: was it a clear invitation that they were invited to dinner? I can't imagine it would not be a clear invitation, but I'm asking for a reason. The reason is this: Thanksgiving Day is a day for family to spend together. If (some) of the cousins blew off the invitation to observe this major holiday in the spirit of which is is supposed to be observed (with family, and to give thanks that we all have food to eat), then I find that disrespectful on their part. Family aside, the amount of work and money put into a big Thanksgiving Day meal is massive, and I'm stunned to read that (some) chose to hang out with friends. I'm actually holding back here my deeper feelings and what I really want to say about them, but out of respect for the forum, I'll end it here.

Yeah, everyone has their own ideas of family gatherings. None of us cared for gatherings at my MIL and we tried everything to avoid including going to Disney at Christmas, never did a Thanksgiving there. It was never pleasant when there was a gathering, my MIL made huge messes in the kitchen and then plop on couch, she had daughter in laws to clean up. :cautious: We'd easily spend 1 1/2 hours cleaning all she saved up for us to scrap clean and scourer. Been a good decade since my kids or I have attended one of those functions. I was prego with my first kid when my family started going out for Thanksgiving. I can't tell ya the last time my Sis was in for ThanksGiving, she is in el salvador this week instead. No hard feelings. Forget where she is going for Christmas but I'll see her the days before Eve as she is flying Cleveland Chicago to some warm place.

I have 20 something kiddos. I am very careful at this young adult age what I ask them to attend. If they wish too great, if not that is OK too. My DS has a lovely young lady, I really love her, smart, pretty and very nice. The rub is the demand of her family/family time, family vacations, extended family vacations. I can see clearly it is a sticking point that could be the demise ultimately. The tug of war of families not being able to let go of the control of the 20 somethings. I look at it like if you let them go they come back because they want to not because it is required. It makes for more enjoyable time together. It is just my take on my 20 somethings.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR sprouts. Slurp!
I love brussel sprouts, I'm the only one in my family that does. :(


If you look at my second plate (on top of the one with steak) you will see a healthy portion of sprouts plopped up there. They were garlic butter roasted with bacon on top. So so yummy.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thanks! Yeah, I don't do that anymore...trying to FIND a turkey, and then trying to find one that fits in the dish, etc. Just too much hassle for just us. And with DS's birthday next week, I have enough to do!! But yes, Dutch people don't bake for the most part. They buy bread from the bakery and for birthdays, they order pastries from the bakery as well. It's sad to me, since I bake so much. And I couldn't find a decent sized oven here. The outside is 2 feet wide, so smaller on the inside. My cookie sheets from the US don't fit in it.

I'd have to ship an oven consolidated in a SeaBox. Or at least a convection counter top oven also about $500 for a nice sized on. Consolidated shipping isn't all that prohibitive for something you'd likely get at least 10 years or more out of. Home Depot will even ship internationally. I'd guess the biggest hurdle would be the wiring. Just can't imagine living without sometype of an oven.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
oh my.. that looks delicious!

It was beyond delicious. I ate about 1/2 the steak. It was wet aged and prepared perfectly. The room next to ours was set up as a buffet of sides and there were 22 to choose from along with a gravy table, a bread table and various cranberry concoctions. There was a lovely 8" bowl of whipped sweet Irish butter on the bread table.

My Mom's philosophy is what she would spend on a bird, sides, desserts etc., she comes out ahead going to a high end steak house for the Holiday's. On Christmas Eve we have gone to ordering in boxes of pizza's and have a buffet of them and salad, it is easier than going out with all the stuff going on.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Green bean casserole isn't part of a traditional Canadian Thanksgiving but it is so tasty. Maybe I will incorporate it into our Christmas dinner.

Yep, green bean casserole was part of feast #3 today. I'm not a real big fan of Turkey, today's feast had 3 large chickens instead. Stuffing and dressing. I kinda avoid traditional items I don't care for. There was corn, garlic mashed potatoes, 7 layer jello, olives and yeast rolls instead of cornbread 'cause we like them more. Pumpkin Pie with fresh whipped cream. All of our comfort foods of thanksgiving, cooked in throw away tins and served up in rubbermaid containers for ease in clean up. Black Friday Feasts have been a tradition in my home for 20 some years. It all started when my DH came home with a big 'ole bird from his boss and on the same day I came home with a big 'ole bird from my company and no freezer space for either. Crazy.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I think a lot of it has to do with the gravy. Heavy beef or pork gravies are a no no. And the sauce should have vinegar or another souring agent. It should also be a thinner gravy so that it goes all through the fries. You don't want all the toppings just sitting atop the fries but everything blended together.

Yes. Drool. I always thought the Canadian version was closer to the German Sauerbraten gravy with that vinegar taste to it.

I was so disappointed in this. I've had much better.

from the disneyfoodblog Le Cellier Lunch Poutine


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
It's connected to your smartphone, so it sends you reminders about how you're doing. It tracks your steps, how well you're sleeping, and you can set goals and it keeps track of your progress. I think he also has a scale that is connected to his Fitbit. For some, it's a way to stay motivated, as well as aware of how much exercise and sleep you're getting

My DD has connected the dots between her sleep pattern and the freight trains. Her apartment is very close to a crossing which is a whistle zone and a few of these engineers are beyond obnoxious with the length of their whistles at their own discretion. Our town is in the process of installing concrete road dividers so it will become whistle free. She looks forward to seeing if her sleep pattern disruptions in REM sleep alters when the state finally clears us free of whistles.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Amazon is amazing how fast they get things to our area. Other places, takes forever , at least two or three weeks, and UPS often destroy's what is inside. I think they drop kick the package from the truck!

Last Christmas I watched a UPS driver throw a box out of his truck and then throw the same box at the house storm door. He wasn't our normal UPS driver and it was like 8pm. He really needed an attitude adjustment.

We have amazon prime and we get everything in maximum 2 days, somethings now come same day. But with same day came Illinois State Tax.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My family on my mother's side was german and they always had noodles for thanksgiving.

My Mom was one of 12 kids, she separated from family gatherings when she was married for a quieter version of family holidays when her father passed. I can't remember Thanksgiving at my Gran's ever on my Dad's side. My grandparents were all Irish Immigrants so I'm not so sure how they all attached to Thanksgiving especially since they immigrated during difficult times here, all working hard, difficult jobs with long hours to support their families. My Mom, well she is not a good chef, never has been. What I know, I know from my Gran (likely knowing I'd need some guidance.) All I got from my Mom from ThanksGiving was Dressing/Stuffing. At Easter I make her Mom's potato salad. After that I'm out on my own.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I also ordered something from Amazon just 2 nights before Thanksgiving. It arrived on my porch today! I'm surprised because I just paid for the regular, standard shipping--not express or anything. :happy:

Amazon in larger metro areas have gone to local satellite distribution centers. Their service has been good for several years now, and improving. I was creeped out this week when at 8pm when some dude rang my bell at 8pm delivering a package same day in his sedan.
New to me.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
So I tend to avoid Black Friday, as I despise crowds. However, we have a Petsmart in our area, and it's a stand-alone store (not in any kind of shopping mall). I saw that they had my dog's (24-pound bag of dog food) on sale, so I went over there this morning. Well, not only did I get that sale price, but the employee inside handed me a $5.00 coupon off anything in the store, just for today! All in all, I saved $13.00!!! :joyfull:

Meanwhile, I haven't gotten any gifts for the "people" on my Christmas list yet . . . :p (Actually, I did buy a gift for my sister about 2 weeks ago, but that's all I've bought so far.) ;)

I have not done much shopping yet. Only a few. Not good. We hit a few stores this afternoon however we stayed clear of the malls. I bought two new mugs and a pair of jeans. My DD spent a bundle, but very wisely. She is methodical. I need a winter coat yet so maybe I'll take advantage of the sales that extend over the next two days. Last year I did a lot of shopping via Amazon. It did simplify my life.

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