The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


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In the Parks
With the Canadian Amazon, you have to be a Prime member to get the free 2 day shipping. Everyone else gets free standard shipping after you spend $25 or more and can upgrade to 2 day for a fee. I am not a Prime member and never upgrade. I find it still always comes in 2 days. (Can you tell that Amazon is my go-to store?)
Same down here, but you have to spend $35 or more (I guess because of the value of the dollar difference). I usually manage to hit that. I find that however long it takes depends on where in the US the shipment is coming from. I just did a huge Amazon order today (it's Black Friday). It should be interesting to see how long it takes for each item.


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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Today in 2002, Treasure Planet -- my #5 all time favorite Disney movie -- was released in the USA. Happy 13th birthday!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Here are some pictures of Mickey's very merry Christmas party for you all. Sorry I'm so slow at sharing our trip pics.

Here is a us, pair of dorks in matching shirts at the start of the party.
View attachment 120906

We really liked the design of the Christmas party shirt, we ended up getting the passholder one that was a little lighter green and said passholder.
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Poinsettia tree
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Our exciting dinner of corn dog nuggets.
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The castle after the frozen lighting ceremony.
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There were fun Christmas projects on Pirates, Splash, Thunder, and Space
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The "free" cookies and cocoa, they were okay
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We went to buy our English toffee in the Confectionary and spied these pretty treats too.
View attachment 120917

Great photo's.


I especially liked the corn dogs on the matted down astroturf. I wonder when they vacuum the astroturf if it stands up again like a rug?


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In the Parks


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that is what I am wishing for as well. Like I said, not anywhere near what it should be, but, it is inching that way and I am hopeful. It hasn't been a week yet and that last two days have shown a really good change. Fingers crossed.

About 20 years ago, I got a corneal abrasion on one of my eyes. It was the most annoying, insane thing I have ever experienced. I couldn't sleep 'cause once I went into REM it would rub on my eyelid. I got ZERO sleep that night. It's amazing how many nerves are in just the corneas of our eyes.
I was beyond miserable. The next morning I saw my regular doc and he gave me some drops for the pain while I was in his office, and taped my eye up and said it would probably be fine by morning. He thought I had just sliced it a little.
Not. Even. Close.
I was beyond miserable all night long again.
The next morning, he recommended an ophthalmologist to me. She did a closer exam, and saw that it was an abrasion. She gave me some more drops temporarily for the pain, but, said no more 'cause I would rub it raw on my eyelid if I didn't feel the pain. She put a bunch of ointment in it, taped it up tight, and told me to go home and pretend I was blind for three days.
No reading, nothing with a lot of eye movement, just TV.
I followed her orders exactly.
On the third morning in the shower, I took the patch off and panicked big time. All I could see was light. Everything was blurry and I couldn't make out any shapes at all in that eye. I called the doctor. She assured me it was the ointment and it would clear in a few days. It took more like a week, but it finally all cleared perfectly.

Crazy thing is, about a year later (during the Christmas holidays, just like the first time) it happened again, same eye, and I had to repeat the same nasty process. Now, I have eye drops everywhere, and haven't had a problem since.

Again, best wishes that it continues to improve as is expected, and you don't need more surgery on that eye.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
(O.k. Idiot disclaimer here . . . how does a Fitbit help someone to lose weight? I thought those things just tracked running mileage. Do they do more than that?)

They count steps. Both of my kids are active people but they both spend far more time sitting at a desk then they had. The average goal for adults is 10,000 steps per day to stay in shape and not be sedentary. If they fall way short they start moving. Me, I don't need one a rarely sit until I collapse in bed at night. My walks with Walt usually put me up there pretty quickly and the 2x a day in nicer weather does it.

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