Wow! I learn something new here every day. I was under the impression (as were others I know) that MA had actually outlawed the studded tires, due to the road damage. But you're correct; I just looked at the Commonwealth's web site, and they are allowed during those months. In the future, if I need to know any more facts about MA, I'm going to ask my pal from Canada!!
(Oh, by the way, we actually beat your snowfall last year. I think the final amount, recorded in March, for last winter was just over 108 inches, versus your average of 80. They do the measurements out at Boston Logan Airport, which is by the ocean; so there were other places, inland MA, that actually received more. But last winter was one for the record books. We always have snow, but nothing like last winter's amount. Lived here all my life and never seen anything like it!
