Oh dear. I hope it wasn't a total loss of the house for your friend. Even small fires can create a huge mess.
Our firm has taken on several fire re-design/re-builds, refurbishments, and remodel projects of homes over the years.
Going there to take measurements and pics is always so very heart-wrenching.
We have neighbors on the street behind us who's house was badly damaged in a fire about 9 years ago, but, even though it wasn't a total loss, they had to get a hotel room for the night.
The firefighters thought they had it all out and all potential hot spots taken care of. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Another fire sparked in the middle of the night and burned it to the ground. They lost everything.
We knew them from our oldest DD going to school with their only daughter and she was also in DWifey's Girl Scout troop with oldest DD for many years. She was born with Muscular Dystrophy and had (and still does have many issues - although she graduated with a Masters from The University of Texas not all that long ago).
They were having financial issues at the time and didn't have nearly enough homeowners insurance to cover everything.
Along with the father, he and I came up with a knew design very much with their daughter in mind. Most of the existing slab/foundation was used, as it was deemed safe after inspection, with a few additions. I did all the needed drawings at night in my spare time, and there was no way in heck I was gonna' charge them one red cent.
So many folks donated time, material, and treasure to turn that tragedy into a rebirth and renewal. They were beyond grateful.
BTW, the house turned out fabulous.