He wants to stay. Even in rehab. He likes pushing that button and having someone wait on him or my Mom and I when we are there because we have deep empathy for the nursing staff. He is very strange when on some meds.
One day he asked me to fold down the blanket because he was too warm, the sheet being enough. So I did and I got yelled at because I didn't fold it down properly. He wanted it in 6" accordion style folds not the way I pulled down the whole blanket and folded.

One day I walked in as he was telling the nurse to clean his bathroom because his roommate had used it and that was not sanitary. She explained housekeeping came once a day, he told her it was her job to do it inbetween. Me, mortified. Nurse got to love it, sent in a male nurse the size of a center football player and he questioned my Dad about what he wanted his coworker to do in the bathroom. Back pedaling father was visibly unnerved. Kudos to the nursing staff. And this is why the Doc's pull him off narcotics asap and he never leaves the hospital with a script for any.