Premium Member
Happy Sunday! Cold and rainy here, but at least the rain is just going to be on and off today. It was bad enough I decided not to finish my entire list yesterday. Life happens. Oh well, I'm going to get them finished toady. At least with the low crowds yesterday I made out very well at the farm market. The heirloom tomatoes were quite cheap, Chinese cabbage and cauliflower were beautiful and priced right, peppers were only 50 cents a pound so when we get home we're all going to be busy chopping. Maybe between everything I got there and at the Library it was a good thing we came home as the car was quite full of goodies. All I felt like doing when we got home was to sit and watch a movie. It seemed like a good idea at the time, so I made some popcorn, and salsa, pulled out the chips and we finally watched Into the Woods. 2 hours I'm not getting back. With the cast maybe I just expect too much. Heading out to finish up my original list and now I also have to get sweats for my ds and my dh has requested I pick him up a couple of flannel shirts as doing so would not be out of my way.
I'll get them but he won't until Christmas LOL Mini rant over. I think the cold and rain are getting to me. Have a and stay warm
Sounds like you got a great haul at the farmer's market, kind of wish I had gone to ours. I would really like to make some fresh spaghetti sauce today and it would be so much better with fresh tomatoes instead of canned.
I'm glad to know that I wasn't the only one who was disappointed in Into the Woods. We saw it in the theater and hubby liked it but I was severely disappointed.