The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
this was actually a joke originated in 2012.. when someone was waiting too much for someone else (who was loading the game or something)..
they put this.

Talk about freezing your @$$ off. Unless it snowed and then it was 60 degrees like last Christmas


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Oh, yeah, there's no possibility of them getting pregnant on their own. Brother's hubby is the bio father though, and their good friend was their surrogate, though she's pregnant with her own right now, so if they ARE having another one, they will either have to wait or find another surrogate. Although, the big announcement could also be a big promotion my brother is expecting at work. That would be great, too, though I really want them to make me another niecelet or nephew.

Admittedly I didn't think of this as a possible reason for surrogate. Is the surrogate also the bio 'mom' or only surrogate??? I always found the legalities of surrogacy interesting.


Well-Known Member
It was pretty awesome. I'm kind of jealous you had a lab for the astronomy class, mine was just a lecture.
All our Science courses had a lab with them. I actually liked the labs because you learn so much more than what the book tells you. The Astronomy lab would have been SO much more fun with a different GA! It was fine and I loved learning about where the stars were and how to tell where to find things in the sky, but the GA made the math part worse than it needed to be. Glad it was a summer class though, because it would have been COLD doing all the night time labs in the winter! Not to mention I didn't have to worry about homework for any other classes at the same time!


Well-Known Member
Admittedly I didn't think of this as a possible reason for surrogate. Is the surrogate also the bio 'mom' or only surrogate??? I always found the legalities of surrogacy interesting.
She's the bio mom as well, though she relinquished her parental rights, so my brother can adopt. She's still in their lives as a friend and "auntie", though. But I consider her a sister anyway, even though she's not technically related to me in any way by blood or marriage. She's pretty amazing. They were pretty lucky she agreed to be a surrogate for them!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, no puzzles for me. I am terrible at any type of puzzle. I just can't see how they fit together and get really frustrated. I made a simple puzzle (from a template) for my 8th graders to figure out as a problem solving task and then I went to put it together I couldn't figure it out I had to look at the cheat sheet (it was 5 pieces). Puzzles always make me feel stupid, but I guess everyone has their strengths and weakness.

It's funny. I've never liked puzzles either, but, then, what career do I choose? Architecture...I work on big, expensive "puzzles" 5 days a week...!!! :joyfull: :hilarious:
But, at least I get paid for it...! :D ;) :)


Well-Known Member
I, of course, cannot speak for others, but, the only thing that has ever worked for me was, what others considered, over simplistic. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to deny myself the foods that I really like. Life is short whether you're overweight or not. So I decided to just eat what I always ate but in smaller quantities and then I became more active. I played more golf (even with a cart) and walked every other day. Outside if it was nice or in the mall if it wasn't. Over three years I lost 80 pounds, 10 inches off my waist and even 4 inches off my neck.

I had a lot of excess to begin with and I am still not down to the place where I figure that continued success without some other additional effort may be difficult, but, I'm pretty happy for two things. The first is that I have lost a lot of weight and that I kept all my clothes that I had expanded out of and can wear them again. Now I have to make the move to get rid of my big fat clothes to make room for my not as fat clothes. Somewhere along the line I will need a whole new wardrobe.

Yep, as we've discussed here many times before, what's worked for me any time I've wanted to lose weight, was to simply consume less and move more. It's worked every time, for me. :)


Well-Known Member
they are fairly easy.

just boil shrimp (without skin) with a pinch of salt and an onion.
cut in little pieces.. also cut in tiny cubes : celery, onion(purple one is recommended), optional: finely chopped cilantro, sweet yellow red pepper.
The "sauce" is just mayonnaise, a bit of cream and ketchup with a pinch of salt, pepper..
mix all that.. open avocado.. remove the seed.. put the mixture in.. enjoy with crackers!

There are many variants depending on the country AND the state(local area).

For example, this one as boiled eggs: (seems to be a south american version)
The Mexican variant:
and one with Brandy:



Well-Known Member
Yep, as we've discussed here many times before, what's worked for me any time I've wanted to lose weight, was to simply consume less and move more. It's worked every time, for me. :)
I think that part that surprised me was when you connect it with my age. We are told all the time that it is difficult to lose weight after a certain age. I thought about that before starting this process, but, whenever I thought about giving up the things that I really like, especially at my age, it stopped me from doing anything. The moving part is easier now, because of lost weight. I do have problems that perhaps younger people do not and that is my feet hurt me all the time except when I'm walking, but, by the night time they ache like crazy. My knee injury from 6 years back does not seem to be a problem, but, my hip on that same side does occasionally give me pain. I think that there was a minor injury to my hip as well, but, since the big focus was on my leg the hip problem went unnoticed. Whatever, I am very happy with the results, so far I have lost an entire small person and have his twin waiting in the wings to be evicted.

The first bit of satisfaction came when I was able to buy some clothes off the rack and not have to go and get my wallet attacked at the Big and Tall shops.
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Well-Known Member
Well, if people in the South drive anything like people over here do when it snows, they MIGHT all die! People here don't know how to drive in snow, so they panic and end up causing even more accidents.
They are funny around here. Having spent most of my life in New England, all we can do is shake our heads in wonderment about what they are thinking. Not just the drivers but the highway departments as well. They do not have a clue. The philosophy is to do nothing until the storm has left the area. There are so many minor things that they could do to prevent hundreds of accidents if they just got out there and spread even a little bit of salt/sand, but, they don't. Instead they close the high speed highways and force everyone to the secondary roads that are in worse shape then the big highways.

Of course, anything beyond a quarter inch of snow means that everything closes down. It is ridiculous. Auto Body shops do a wonderful business though.


Well-Known Member
They are funny around here. Having spent most of my life in New England, all we can do is shake our heads in wonderment about what they are thinking. Not just the drivers but the highway departments as well. They do not have a clue. The philosophy is to do nothing until the storm has left the area. There are so many minor things that they could do to prevent hundreds of accidents if they just got out there and spread even a little bit of salt/sand, but, they don't. Instead they close the high speed highways and force everyone to the secondary roads that are in worse shape then the big highways.

Of course, anything beyond a quarter inch of snow means that everything closes down. It is ridiculous. Auto Body shops do a wonderful business though.
Exactly...everything shuts down as soon as a couple of flakes fall and then people freak out. My in-laws...the first time it snowed after I moved over here, we got something like 3/4 inch, which to them was A LOT of snow. I wanted to go out and we were going to walk to the bus stop and my in-laws were like "You can't go out in this!! You could fall! It's terrible out there!" I just said "Look, if I stayed home every time it was like this back home, I'd be stuck in my house 9 months of the year!"


Well-Known Member
Seasonally there have been some real weird Oreo's. My favorite is Birthday Cake on a vanilla cookie, BC on the chocolate cookie-yuck! But full disclosure I am a fan of most confetti cheap desserts, cakes, cookies or ice cream.

I always buy a package of the newest flavor and there were many I found gross.

Marshmallow, candy corn, peanut butter, pumpkin, red velvet, so so gross caramel apple, cotton candy, watermelon and root beer.

I ranged from OK to yummy with the gingerbread, lime, smores, DQ Blizzard and mint.
I love the mint ones! Yum yum!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
But . . . but . . . when we all come across the pond to your house to party, we were expecting this:


I'm sure you could order a Weber barbecue kettle from Amazon online, and have it delivered on time for our visit! :p
The colors are so nice, along with the sausages or hot dogs. I'm a hot dog fan, Ball Park, turkey. I know , not the real kind, but they are kind to my gut (low fat).:p

betty rose

Well-Known Member
All our Science courses had a lab with them. I actually liked the labs because you learn so much more than what the book tells you. The Astronomy lab would have been SO much more fun with a different GA! It was fine and I loved learning about where the stars were and how to tell where to find things in the sky, but the GA made the math part worse than it needed to be. Glad it was a summer class though, because it would have been COLD doing all the night time labs in the winter! Not to mention I didn't have to worry about homework for any other classes at the same time!
I agree, even with my bad professor, I learned a lot in lab. But, the professor made up the test to grade.:(

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