In other news, today, the internet stopped working on my laptop. For any geeky peeps here, I figured out that it was a problem with the computer, not the router. First, I couldn't get either the ethernet or the wireless adapter to work, so I had to run a system restore after determining that the driver for the ethernet was working, but not the wireless router. The system restore got the ethernet working, but not the wireless. I looked, and yes, there was a problem with the driver software.
So I downloaded the driver software, uninstalled it, and then reinstalled it. Then, when I looked at the devices, the driver software was missing. So I must've repeated the process about 5 times, restarting it every time. This took about three hours, by which time I was completely frustrated. Oh, and it still didn't work. I had plans for the evening, so I left it. I came home, and it still didn't work. So I pulled out my battery to look for the serial number on my laptop so I could contact HP support. I accidentally unplugged the computer when pulling the battery out. I wrote down the serial number, plugged the computer back in, put the battery back, and restarted it. Wouldn't ya know that after I turned it back on, then the wireless router started working and has worked ever since?
Computer has a mind of its own.
Also, I know why my IT-major friend says that she hates computers.
Also, I lost three hours of studying time today
Also, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be in a really bad mood until this semester is over
The only good thing was that I discovered a driver update for my speakers, and now they are much louder.