Ugh! It's snowing like gang-busters here, and Son #2 has ZERO snow experience, so I won't let him drive the GF home. (Keep in mind, he only has his learner's permit, so I have to be in the car anyway.)
So, the big old dummy kicks up a fuss, acts like a total a$$, and decides to call for a cab, rather than acquiesce to me driving. In the meantime GF has to be home soon in order to catch her ride back to school.
And I'm the bad guy here?
Oh yeah, I paid for his full driving instruction classes (almost a $1000) for 10 or so hours of in-class training, 10 hours of e-learning, and 13 in-car driving lessons, plus use of their car for the road test. So far, he has only completed the in-class component. He has one year to complete the whole program. That year is up in February.