Tony the Tigger
Well-Known Member
Thank you. Went under anesthesia 3 times in a few months. September - double fusion in the neck. Results were immediate: better grip and balance. Not too painful. Wearing braces and not moving was a pain - and at last check, the fusion (bone growing around the hardware) wasn’t taking too well. Next check in April.Speaking of energy draining, didn't you have some type of surgery lately? If so, how's it going? Someplace in my rapidly aging mind I think I remembered you talking about it.
October was decompression (scraping) in the low back. More painful, easier to heal properly. They messed up and tore the dura (the membrane that contains the spinal fluid) and had to stitch that up, so a 1 hour outpatient procedure became over 3 hours, and 2 nights in the hospital. It has somewhat helped, but not fully. They say it could take awhile longer for my crushed nerves to heal, hopefully eliminating the “lighting in my feet” feeling.
Then December, had a cyst removed since we had met our out of pocket max for the year.

After 4 months without exercise, I was able to go back to the gym in late January. Everything seems to be coming back.
The only thing is I passed out a couple of times in November & December. Wore a heart monitor for 2 weeks, seemed mostly fine. BP drops when I stand up. They advised more salt.