When it comes to cancer I would guess that in some way everything causes cancer if it is looked at closely enough. Why wasn't I warned that being male and having a prostate gland can cause you to have cancer. I don't know of any outside exposure caused mine, but the government feels that my possible exposure to agent orange may have been the cause.
Let's face it life is life. If we spend the whole time dodging everything the may or may not cause cancer, what a dreadful life it would be. I have that cancer and although it is active, it fortunately is about as active as I am. Nine years now and although it is being monitored every six months it is still not even close to a life threatening thing, but I have to be reminded about it twice a year. The few days leading up to the PSA blood tests is when the dread comes in. Will this be when it kicks into high gear or remains at a snails pace. If I were to become obsessed with the idea that cancer is in my body they would have put me in a padded room by now. Twice a year I have to take it seriously and everytime I read about someone dying of Prostate Cancer a little twinge fires up in me. Right now the side affects of trying to eliminate it is far worse then just living with it.
My opinion is that there are some things that just cannot be wished away. One might lower the possibility by our actions, but in the end we all have to die of something and it is so boring to just die of old age. You get no sympathy for that. Now that I have reached the age of not being possible to die young it all seems so much more real. I can, however, not need to worry about it and can find that all though not really funny, it also isn't something that would offend me. I sometimes think that once you have participated in a war one's outlook and sensitivity to things like that decreases.