Well-Known Member
That is not the only profession that if a mistake on the job is life/death.Also there was a study done that the average life expectancy of an anesthesiologist is 68. That is one of the most stressful jobs out there. A mistake they make on the job is life/death.
The field my dad worked in 46 years was very dangerous also. When I was growing up, people said my dad should've been a carpenter due to how safe it is compare to working with electricity.
My dad worked at a utility company in the electrical field.
He worked in many positions in the Electrical field before being a foreman. I believe he worked in 5 or 6 different positions in the electrical field. Foreman was the least dangerous of those positions, but he had to make sure everything was done correctly along with putting his co-workers in assignments that they can handle.
My dad explained to my younger brother and I when we kids that he couldn't get something wrong on the job, unlike a person can at school because a mistake on the job meant death. What I mean by is death by electricity. My mom knew how dangerous my dad's line of work is before she married him. All of us were prepared if he died on the job in terms of handling it.
What I mentioned is not scared tactics at all. My dad had to deal with stuff like power lines and other stuff with electricity. My dad witnessed co-workers that died on the job. My dad on the job saw at least once saw a kid or a teen dead caused by a live wire when he arrived on the scene. The kid or teen looked like a fried hotdog.