The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
We did laundry only one time at WDW on our first family trip in '01 when we stayed at POR. After that, we just made sure we packed enough extra clothes to never hafta' do it again. :)

Yah, I refuse to do any work at all on vacation. I always bring extra clothes with me, just in case. However, as @seahawk7 pointed out, it appears as though there are some very nice people who utilize the laundry room on vacation, and it sounds like she had fun meeting them!


Premium Member
@StarWarsGirl95 , I read (up in the WDW Parks General Discussion threads) that you liked Crush n Gusher at TL. I've always wanted to ride on that, but was too chicken to try it by myself. I'm just curious--have you ever seen less than 2 people in a raft? I'm trying to figure out if they let solo riders go on that. Have you seen any solo rafts? I think from pictures I've seen, it only looks like 2-person rafts. I really wanted to go on that a few days ago when I was at TL, but opted for Keelhaul Falls tube ride instead.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I figured either you or @betty rose (or both ;)) might be posting that. :)

I do not have any recollection of Jack Paar being very small nor do I remember there being reruns or specials of him.

I'm envious of those who are in the 24 events. Specially at Disneyland.

Yeah I was too. Did CA open both parks again this year or just Disneyland? Disneyland had a better theme.

“Being Up All Night Makes Me Dopey" cute and Hong Kong's 'paint the night', both were great for merchandising.

My aunt/godmother did the same thing many years back with my grandparents on my moms side. We listened to most of it shortly after she made it, one day at the farm when we were visiting. They have all 3 since past. The subject of that tape came up recently. As far as we know, there were no copies. Hope it can be located...

Yeah, I've been trying to get someone to fess up to has my Mom's Mothers Bible. It has all the birthdates, marriages, children from my Gran's generation forward in it. I don't want to keep it I just want to Xerox it.

I'm watching Wishes tonight and the night parade
I went see Tomorrowland today and I thought I'd give y'all my review of it. Don't worry I won't give any spoilers. When I first heard about the movie I was really excited about it and had high expectations. However, when the trailers came out for it my expectations plummeted. The Japanese trailer gave me some hope for the film but I honestly went into the theatre today with very low expectations. I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the film. I actually thought Tomorrowland was fantastic and I will be purchasing it when it comes out on Blue-ray.

The film was far from perfect and I can think of several ways it could have been better. I was very disappointed that mentions of Walt (as seen in the Japanese trailer) were cut from the film but I honestly wasn't surprised. Overall, I found the film very entertaining and I am highly recommending it. I also really enjoyed and appreciated the message of the film. We need to get back to the optimism of the past and start dreaming about great big beautiful tomorrows again rather than resigning ourselves to a dystopian future. The attitude that we can't make the world a better place will be a self-fulfilling prophesy. It's time to dream big again. I find the theme of the film ironic given the current state of Disney, but I'm gonna give Disney lot of credit for actually making the film.

Given the horrible marketing the film has received I don't expect it to do well but I really hope to be proven wrong. It's a big thumbs up for me.

Well that is good to hear, you're the first good review I've heard. Even the critic I respect the most because he does't critique the producers/directors filming he goes for enjoy-ability. Even he hated it, gave it a D-

I don't think I could handle until that long, and I don't think our kids could either!

Me, I'd like our District to go to year round school. I like 6 weeks off for summer and that multiple 2 week blocks off during each semester. Makes travel with families easier too, cheaper and often less crowded during the mini breaks.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My Mom told me that when she was giving birth to me Late Night with David Letterman was on and the doctor kept looking away to watch it. My Mom had to tell the doctor "stop watching Letterman long enough for me to have my baby and you can watch after!" :hilarious:

Ha! Women in labor tend to be direct. I was very direct to my DH in what I needed him to tell doctor or nurse. Me, didn't want to do it myself, they had the good drugs.


they're hugging, dancing and nose kissing!

I just love some of your posts. This one just made me swallow my coffee wrong while I was laughing so hard.

Thanks for the best belly laugh I've had in a long time! :eek::jawdrop::joyfull:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
All caught up! Have a great day! Hope your weather is expected to be as nice as I'm expecting for the next week! Summer is going to be here by Monday!

We're expecting low 80's M-F :) and then early spring weather should drift down from the North for the weekend.:cautious:

Mission Space, I only go on the green side. The reason is that one year I rode both of them multiple times, and I came home with a bad case of vertigo--kept me out of work for a few days and I was prescribed some medicine to help me regain my balance, etc.)

I won't ride Mission at all. Once and out. I rode it before they tweaked it and will never get out of my head how awful I felt for 2 days.

I saw this for the first time, just the other day. It was the usual sort of very hot afternoon, and I decided to sit on a bench on the porch, in front of City Hall. All of a sudden I saw a band march out from under the Main Street USA train station, and some military people and police all gather around the flag pole. It was a lovely ceremony, and I was glad I got to see that. It's one of those really nice touches that WDW adds to the guest experience, and sets WDW apart from all other theme parks, IMO. :)

I've only caught the flag ceremony a few times, goosebumps. Love it!

I also love the concept of the Wilderness Lodge Flag Family where one family (not always a traditional family) is chosen to raise the 5 flags on top of the roof. Pretty cool. Love that resort. :inlove:

Dang, you are so lucky!! :p That's one thing I really miss about working in the private sector: free toys and food. :hungry:

Working now in a hospital, the regulations are so strict; we cannot accept ANYTHING that is "given" to us from ANY vendors at all. :(

School Board is like your hospital. Very careful. Even if one of our contractors or vendors take us out to dinner at a conference the meal can never exceed $75 per person.

Apparently, they don't say much about it here either. Sometimes when I'm waiting for the morning bus, I see the kids walking up to the local high school. I'm far from a prude, but heck, I'm shocked at some of the clothes these kids wear to school??!! :jawdrop: I'm surprised some of them don't get sent back home to change into something else a little more appropriate.

Both of our districts, elementary and high school have guidelines they stick by. Elementary, parents must either take their kids home or bring in clothing to change, time is unexcused absence. High School where often there isn't supervision in the morning or they dress in layers they pull off :cautious: there are two options. Parents bring appropriate clothing or they are sent to the PE Matron. She gives them a big 'ole t-shirt and baggy sweat pants marked property of PE Department for parents that can't get back to the school.

We have some unique guidelines. Pants all require a belt to be worn, pants must worn as designed waistline. Pants or shorts can't be cut lower than hips. Shorts must be as long as where your finger tips fall. No Yoga Pants, No Leggins, No Pajama/flannel pants. Shorts or sweat pants cannot be rolled down at waist.

Shirts including no sleeved shirts must have full shoulder, No under garments can be showing. V in shirts cannot be lower than arm pit area, no plunging. (male teachers requested this one) Cami's can be worn to fill in V's in sweaters and shirts.

Hair and clothing etc cannot be a distraction from education. It is a catch all for all new things that spring up.
Overalls with one strap or both straps down off shoulder became a thing that was scooped up with the catch all.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
@StarWarsGirl95 , I read (up in the WDW Parks General Discussion threads) that you liked Crush n Gusher at TL. I've always wanted to ride on that, but was too chicken to try it by myself. I'm just curious--have you ever seen less than 2 people in a raft? I'm trying to figure out if they let solo riders go on that. Have you seen any solo rafts? I think from pictures I've seen, it only looks like 2-person rafts. I really wanted to go on that a few days ago when I was at TL, but opted for Keelhaul Falls tube ride instead.
I think you can ride a double tube by yourself. From the attraction info page at

Choose from 3 “fruit chutes” and assemble your team: up to 3 riders on the Pineapple Plunger and Coconut Crusher and up to 2 riders on the Banana Blaster. Pack in more riders for more momentum and a more exhilarating experience, or “go bananas” and crush it solo.


Well-Known Member
Finally home from the wedding. It was at a beautiful church way out in the country. It was also the first wedding I'd been to where there wasn't a flower girl/ringbearer, instead they had one person sprinkle large gold glitter on the aislerunner before the bride came down. I would not want to be the one to sweep afterwards. It was everywhere.

The reception was at the Warsaw Wyndham Gardens ballroom and we had the choice of flat iron steak or chicken cordon bleu. The cake was iced with white roses with gold piped rings.

I usually don't cry at weddings but the groom/mother dance (my nephew/sister-in-law) was to I Believe I Can Fly and when she started crying so did I and then my mother-in-law sitting beside me started crying. Pass the tissues. At the first chorus of that song I could hear everyone on the groom's side of the family was singing. It was amazing! During the bride/father dance they played a lovely song in Spanish with Spanish guitar. Her parents moved here from Mexico many years ago.

It seemed like such a long ride home (even though it was shorter) and we got home just in time for the Coca-Cola 600. :) Now I need to catch up here.
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
@StarWarsGirl95 Lands End is having a real good Spring Summer sale. Much of new merchandise is 50% off :D
Thanks for the heads up. We double checked my bathing suits and all of them are good. I bought a new one back in November just in case one or both of them didn't hold up through the Hilton Head and Disney trips. They don't even have the one I bought anymore, so that's good. There was a cover up that I liked, but I don't feel like paying $8 in shipping. I don't need it that badly. I need to go shopping for some nicer summer-y clothes anyway (stuff that I can wear to religious meetings and such), so I'll probably go by Lands End sometime this week.

Thanks for the heads up, though. :)

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