The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I've loved Letterman since the beginning. He started in Indianapolis, as a weather man. He was so funny, dad liked him too. We would stay up just to catch his forecast. It was always crazy. I admit I haven't watched as much recently. And I missed his show last night. Somehow, I thought he was going to stay on air until Dec. Maybe I can catch it in a special.

Our weatherman Bod Breck is the best. I've grown up with him as my weatherman and find the other weathermen boring. Bob is so crazy and his forecasts are always entertaining. Plus his forecasts are always the most accurate.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Our weatherman Bod Breck is the best. I've grown up with him as my weatherman and find the other weathermen boring. Bob is so crazy and his forecasts are always entertaining. Plus his forecasts are always the most accurate.
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but these guys are only a part of the equation. they have a huge team behind giving them the info of the systems, radars..etc..


Well-Known Member
Good morning! Feeling much better! THNX for all the good wishes! Busy 4 day weekend for us. I already did an hour of aerobics and packed the boys lunches. I'm going to have lunch with my mom and dh then it's busy, busy, busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may only be on here while I have my morning coffee or tea! Have a wonderful weekend and than you to all of our veterans!
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Well-Known Member
but these guys are only a part of the equation. they have a huge team behind giving them the info of the systems, radars..etc..

He does have a good team behind him and he has pointed them out many times. He also points out when he disagrees the National Weather Center's forecasts and he is usually right. I think he does a great job. But my real point was that he actually makes the weather entertaining.

For years in the New Orleans area the most trusted weatherman was Nash Roberts. Even after he retired if there was a hurricane he would come out of retirement with his map marker board, markers, and magnets. I don't know how he did it but he always accurately predicted the paths hurricanes would take even when everyone else got it wrong.
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Well-Known Member
The kids can bring their phones to school. It is up to the teacher on if the kids can use them in class. My rule is that they can't use them unless they ask. They mostly use it as a calculator, or timer. They know to not use it without permission or I will take it away for the whole day, if I have to take it away a second time they have to serve as detention time to get it back, a third time the parent has to come in and pick it up for them. The kids can use their phones for whatever during lunch and the free time during homeroom if they are passing their classes.
WOW a parent has to pick it up after the first time here!


Premium Member
Hi everybody! I'm back from the Land of the Mouse! Missed you guys!

Eventually, I'll go back and read all the posts since last Saturday. But for now, here's a few comments about my trip; I'll log back on later this morning to catch up.

I had no ADRs, no Fastpass Plus, no Magic Band (I used the plastic ticket instead), and no EMH at AM or PM. (I was at the Swan, so I could have used EMH, but just chose not to.)

Somehow, I still managed to have a great time! I think it's important to point that out; guests like myself prefer to just wing it, while others plan. Either method is fine, depending upon your own particular preferences.

Here's some STAND-BY wait times I had over the past 5 days (please note these are all at random days & times across the parks), and again I really didn't need any Fastpass Plus:

Big Thunder (posted: 30, actual 25)
Kilimanjaro Safaris (posted: 30, actual 30)
Expedition Everest (posted 20, actual 15) Single Rider (when open) 2 minutes
Test Track (posted: 30, actual 20)
Space Mountain (was either 101, or was under renovations--not sure)
Splash (posted 70--I didn't bother; not worth it to me)
Haunted Mansion (posted 30, actual 30)
Small World (posted 30, actual 25)
Soarin (posted 30, actual 30)
7 Dwarfs Mine Train (posted: 50, actual 55*) *The only reason I agreed to wait long for this one was because I've never been on 7 Dwarfs Mine Train since it opened. I thought it was a fun ride, but would never wait that long again; in terms of my other favorite coasters, it was probably my least favorite.


Well-Known Member
we're almost in june.. how the hell you guys are still with snow? D:

Speaking of Weather things.

The climate of this year is seriously skewed.. badly.
We usually get tons of ducks, birds..etc.. in february.
We JUST RECENTLY started to see the bird migration row.
While flowers have been in bloom since Feb... most seasonal trees just exploded in these last 2 weeks. from nothing to completely filled with flowers.

Which is anormal!. This should have happened in february!.
We don't have snow now, silly. :joyfull: We missed twelve school days this winter because of snow and some of them have to be made up.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Good morning! Feeling much better! THNX for all the good wishes! Busy 4 day weekend for us. I already did an hour of aerobics and packed the boys lunches. I'm going to have lunch with my mom and dh then it's busy, busy, busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may only be on here while I have my morning coffee or tea! Have a wonderful weekend and than you to all of our veterans!

So glad you are feeling better for the 4 day weekend! Woot!

But, you had to know that was coming :joyfull:....Did your Doc clear you to do aerobics? Wouldn't want you to reslosh that brain of yours. Be well! :happy:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
:eek: Can you say chaperone needed!

This dude had to have been really overserved, possibly why the manager went after him. His thought process was right before to ride a bike vs getting behind the wheel of a car but easily that drunk a car could have hit him.

Wonder how Disney handles cutting people off? Or if they avoid doing so?


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
WOW a parent has to pick it up after the first time here!

We actually had to create School Board Policy for the staff section. While the vast majority of our students were not an issue students started grumbling that many of the staff members would check their cells or use their cells in some manners during classroom time. We had one that was a real-estate broker. And she would step out reportedly here and there to keep up with all that.

We also have had to put in filters to block facebook etc. which didn't go over well on the staff server. That didn't go over well. It became problematic during classroom time often when students were at PE, music and art. That time is to be for planning, grading tests, setting up for activities. Online shopping always becomes an issue especially during holiday season.

We also had a staff member go online where IMO to places that just creep me out. Yep a goner. At times I can justify paid administrative leave until administration can formally handle situations.

I guess my overall point is we've had more problems with tech with the big people than the little people. Most of the staff could not operate a computer when my DS started primary school so this all is a newer thing on the plate for administrators. :banghead:


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody! I'm back from the Land of the Mouse! Missed you guys!

Eventually, I'll go back and read all the posts since last Saturday. But for now, here's a few comments about my trip; I'll log back on later this morning to catch up.

I had no ADRs, no Fastpass Plus, no Magic Band (I used the plastic ticket instead), and no EMH at AM or PM. (I was at the Swan, so I could have used EMH, but just chose not to.)

Somehow, I still managed to have a great time! I think it's important to point that out; guests like myself prefer to just wing it, while others plan. Either method is fine, depending upon your own particular preferences.

Here's some STAND-BY wait times I had over the past 5 days (please note these are all at random days & times across the parks), and again I really didn't need any Fastpass Plus:

Big Thunder (posted: 30, actual 25)
Kilimanjaro Safaris (posted: 30, actual 30)
Expedition Everest (posted 20, actual 15) Single Rider (when open) 2 minutes
Test Track (posted: 30, actual 20)
Space Mountain (was either 101, or was under renovations--not sure)
Splash (posted 70--I didn't bother; not worth it to me)
Haunted Mansion (posted 30, actual 30)
Small World (posted 30, actual 25)
Soarin (posted 30, actual 30)
7 Dwarfs Mine Train (posted: 50, actual 55*) *The only reason I agreed to wait long for this one was because I've never been on 7 Dwarfs Mine Train since it opened. I thought it was a fun ride, but would never wait that long again; in terms of my other favorite coasters, it was probably my least favorite.
Welcome back. :geek:

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