It's funny you mention a "good manager" making sure it's done correctly. When I was working at Wal-Mart, I was placed first in the Pharmacy department. I was an overnight stocker, and I was the only stocker in the pharmacy department. My job was to restock all the over-the-counter meds. The pharmacy department manager was HORRIBLE. I had been warned that she could be difficult. She wasn't even there at night. She worked during the day and the store assisstant managers were above her in the heirarchy of the store, so I answered to them. But anyway, the computer modules we used to learn our jobs talked about the importance of rotating the stock, especially with food or meds. Well, this gal was getting angry because I wasn't getting everything done at night...there was just too much for one person to do if you were rotating the stock as you were supposed to. Every night, I was pulling all the expired meds out of the spaces and stocking the new stuff in back of the old, and every night, I'd find the expired stuff back on the shelves! And then she'd leave me a note telling me not to take the time to rotate the stock, just to put the new stuff in front. And there were also certain things that, by law, weren't supposed to be on the shelves because they contained ingredients that were restricted. Like, Sudafed. People were only allowed to buy 3 packages at a time because they were used to make illegal substances. So the Sudafed was supposed to be behind the counter. Every night, I'd put the Sudafed behind the counter with a note, and every night, it would be back on the shelves where anyone could grab as much as they wanted. I ended up being moved from Pharmacy after I ended up in tears because I had taken 2 days off to go see my mom in the hospital. I came back and she started griping at me that she had had to do MY job for 2 whole days for no reason, because my mom had cancer and she was going to die and there was nothing I could do to stop it, so I shouldn't be wasting my time going to see her instead of doing my job. I heard not long after I moved over here that she had lost her job as a department manager and was now a cashier instead.