I understand that. My dad didn't have a choice and my dad does have a history of heart issues and blood pressure.
In terms of my dad though, you would pull the plug if you were in his shoes also in the later part of the 2010s. The fact is the company he worked for had record profits and record stock market prices at the time, but the company wanted to make more profit. How they did it is wanting to cutting employees pensions by $30,000 each. He had the choice of Losing $30,000 or more of retirement money, or not losing the money by retiring. My dad did have a 401k plan besides the pension plan, but that is not the point considering he was very close to the age he wanted to retire. He also didn't trust the company cutting even more money from that pension and they did cut even more from other employees after the original $30,000 cut.
The fact is my dad retired at the right time for 2 reasons starting with making the right choice with not losing money from pension and the 2nd being his job was very stressful since he was a foreman for a division of an electric company. Even before being a foreman, he worked with electricity and that meant any mistakes would cause you to lose your life.
What makes the foreman stressful is a combination of things including putting the workers he's responsible for in positions that they wouldn't die on the job. It sounded like the company made more positions stressful by not hiring more people and expected people to work a ton of overtime. Extra stress for someone with a history of heart issues is not a good idea such as my dad.
Some of the stuff my dad does for retirement is not what you call fun and games either. Dad had to do a temporary fix on a plumping pipe that broke off and will be doing a permanent fix later on. The pipe broke off due to the plumbing being 95 years old. He wants to do changes to the the bathroom without hiring people.