It comes from Jesus, of course!
View attachment 608842
I know you are just kidding around, but over my many years I have asked myself many questions about that concern of eating something with a face. I wonder what those forks think those animals were put on this planet for. They serve no other purpose other then be on the food chain. They can't build houses or cars or get medical degrees or even pass kindergarten! What would be their purpose other then food. Even if we didn't kill them off for food, other animals would do that. (they can't plant vegetables) Even animals classified as vegetarians will as some point become the lunch meat of some random carnivore.
On top of that they have no thought process that would tell them that they need to hold off a bit on the breeding process. Without other members of the food chain finding them tasty we would be up to our neck in herds of animals constantly smashing our flower beds to the consistency of pancakes. Yea, I know, we purposely breed them artificially, but from my experience in life, if we didn't do that they would figure it out on their own. They would just be less inclined to choose a quality mate.
Like so many things in life, not all of it is pretty. Slaughtering animals for food seems barbaric, but none of us would be here if it weren't a basic need by humans. There was a time when Mega-marts did not exist. Our ancestor's needed to hunt and kill animals to survive and the messy part of that was every single humans experience they needed to do to exist. At least now we don't have to actually perform that deed. All we have to do is look through the plastic wrap in the store to see if it looks like it would be filling.
At the same time I can easily accept that some people really are avoiding animal consumption for what they feel is a healthier life style. I'm not sure I agree with that, but I respect that they do and who am I to say they are wrong. I figure that no matter what I do, eat meat or not, I am going to be forced off this mortal coil, no matter which path I choose, so to me it is just what works for me and others can do the same. Just don't expect me to create a meal for you. If you want to visit and you want to eat it is strictly BYOV. I wouldn't know were to begin!