Great news about your new driving instructor! He sounds much nicer than your previous one.
Way nicer, and he has a degree in psychology so he's really good at reading me. It's like he can read my mind. "It seems like you are afraid you're going to hit that car when parallel parking. Let me show you what to do." "You seem nervous that there's not enough space between lanes...I'll steer, and you look in the side mirror to see how much room there actually is." "You're really tense, so why don't you take a deep breath and try to relax. You have plenty of time." He's just so encouraging and he sees exactly what's bothering me and helps me correct it. SO. GOOD. I feel like I stand a much better chance at passing. John constantly told me what was going to make me fail. Jonny tells me I can pass because it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be safe. He reminds me that it's ok if not everything is beautifully, if the examinor tells me to take a right, and I miss it, as long as I didn't break any rules, I can say "Oh whoops, I misunderstood. I'll take the next right." and I'll still pass. With John, I missed an exit on a rotonde, so I was just going to go around again, and he told me there was no point, if I was in an exam I would fail. He also gave me a string of instructions and when I completed the first, I asked for confirmation on the second, which he gave me, then when I did that, he said it was too bad, because that wasn't the instruction. I had just asked him "Left here?" and he said "Yes." so I got into the left turn lane and he says "Why are you turning left here? It was supposed to be left at the SECOND stoplight." Well then why did you say yes when I asked if this was where you wanted me to turn left?? And then he gave me a lecture about how the examinor is allowed to give me up to 5 instructions at once and I have to follow them. And now I find out from Jonny that an instructor would never fail me for that as long as I used my turn signal and checked my mirrors and was in the correct lane, long as I executed the left turn safely and correctly, it would have been fine. Yes, they can give me a string of instructions, but I can ask for confirmation and they aren't going to lie to me about whether I got it right or not, because THEY want me to be safe. They'll give the instructions again if I ask. John just aggravated my innate anxiety and gave me a mental block where I now 2nd guess everything I'm doing in case I misunderstood what the instructions were. But Jonny said that's not important....following the instructions isn't as important as keeping it safe. It's so much more logical! It made no sense to me why I would fail on something like turning left instead of going straight....that has nothing to do with whether I can drive or not.
But I also signed up for the test axiety exam, which John wouldn't allow me to sign up for that. This time it was Jonny's idea for me to do that. They come out and ask you about your needs....what's giving you the anxiety, what they can do to help, what environment is helpful for on or radio off, small talk or silence outside of giving instructions? And I get 3 time outs where I can pull over and take a breather and get my nerves under control before going again...I don't know if I'll need those time outs, but it's nice to know I have them.