Premium Member
How far are you from Wegman's? They always have good avocadosOurs is AWFUL. The aisles are narrow so there's constantly a traffic jam. I absolutely loathe the lighting in there. The parking lot layout is confusing, and it's on an incline, so when you're putting groceries in your cart, your shopping cart tries to run away from you. The prices are usually higher than the Safeway nearby; they don't run nearly as many sales. And the checkouts...lord, the checkouts. You're lucky if they open a regular checkout line; usually it's self checkout, and those self checkouts are the absolute worst. Seriously, I went in there today, and there was one checkout lane available. The self chexkouts were free, but there was one person using it and five people in line for the regular checkout. No one was using that thing. They eventually opened another self checkout.
I only go in there for their produce department. If they didn't have markedly better avocados than Safeway, I would never set foot in the place.