The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
If that happens, just go on your phone and get another FP for something else or cancel the FP. It releases it back into the system and someone else can grab it.

It's definitely easier to go around a park (any park, not just WDW) with two people. Two people in a park is the best number because you have a buddy to go do stuff with. Once you start adding more people, it just kind of drags everything down because someone wants to do this, someone else is hungry, someone else has to go to the bathroom, we have to stand here and wait for everybody...six people is my top number for doing an amusement park. If we get beyond that number, I want to split up. I prefer to just have two people, usually me and B. Of course, I usually have to remind myself we're at a theme park, not boot camp. 😂
Oh I always released the FP back. That's how I got in trouble at AK. We had FoP FPs, which are really hard to get. That was the day E got heat exhaustion half an hour after we got to the park. My husband wanted to just go back to the resort so she could rest, A wanted to get out of AK and never set foot in it again, but E burst into tears because she didn't want anyone leaving because of her and she refused to leave. A refused to stay. My husband didn't really care and wanted to be done with it, so he took A back to the resort and it was just E and I....of course this was after 4 hours of sitting in Pizzafari for her to cool down and rehydrate. I tried to figure out how to cancel the boys' FPs since they were leaving the park, but I could only figure out how to CHANGE them, not how to release them completely. I didn't want to take ANY FP for them that someone else could use. I asked a CM and she accidently canceled E's and mine, rather than the boys'. So then we had to get a guest relations CM to fix it. So I do release it so someone else can have it...IF it's before our window opens. The problem is when it's time for our FP window and my husband says "I don't care if I do that one...I'll do it if you guys want to, but I don't need to." and then my daughter the people pleaser will say "Whatever you want." And A will inevitably say "I want to go back to the resort." And it's too late to release the fp because the window has already started.

That's what happened with Slinky dog. I don't do coasters, but I got FPs for the three of them, and I thought E might love it, so I got one for me, too so she could use my band to go again. But then DH said he didn't care, A didn't want to do anything, and E didn't want to be a burden to anyone so said she was fine sitting out. We had waited all afternoon in the arcade until it was time for our SDD FP. Then ended up not using it. I'd be fine skipping HS altogether...there's not a single must-do there for me. E and my husband like ToT, and DH likes RnR, but that's really the only reason for us to go there. But we were with my brother's family and I wanted them to get to experience everything. That ended up being my BIL's favorite park, so I'm glad we went, but they hadn't been able to get SDD FPs for the same time as us, so my group ended up just skipping it.


Premium Member
Carl has been a little pistol this week. He turned 5 months this week and in one of those you can’t tell me no modes. He must have been plotter trying for a while but apparently my son had him upstairs in his loft while watching football yesterday and there is a bedroom in the front and back of the loft area where TV is. Carl to a running start from front bedroom and to their back bedroom. My sons. Ed is over 3 feet tall. Carl takes a flying leap to get on his bed. End result did quite make it and splats into solid wood footboard.

went under bed in front bedroom to sleep off his concussion

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Well-Known Member
My appetite is always up when I'm in WDW because of all the walking. Doesn't matter if it's hot or cold (I've been in WDW when it's been in the 40s).

DHS definitely has the worst QS food. I think the food over at Galaxy's Edge is supposed to be good, but I haven't tried it yet because of my picky brother. Same with Woody's Lunchbox.
GE wasn't open yet on our last trip, so I have no idea what the food is like. I forced my family to go to Woody's lunchbox so I could get the loaded tots. I was the only one who ordered food there. They just got drinks. I'd like to try the grilled cheese, but I wasn't hungry enough. But that's definitely the best food I've had at HS from QS.


Premium Member
GE wasn't open yet on our last trip, so I have no idea what the food is like. I forced my family to go to Woody's lunchbox so I could get the loaded tots. I was the only one who ordered food there. They just got drinks. I'd like to try the grilled cheese, but I wasn't hungry enough. But that's definitely the best food I've had at HS from QS.
I've walked to the Fountain at the Swalphin, walked to EPCOT, ABC usually had a half way decent salad. DHS is my least favorite park for food


Well-Known Member
Good call! Much less chance of something being an issue when traveling by train and you're a car ride away if need be. A rather long ride but for a first alone trip I think that's better. PS I don't think anything will go wrong
No, I don't anticipate anything going's more just because this girl hasn't traveled at all. It was a huge deal when the group of 4 friends just went shopping in arnhem. That's like a 40 minute train ride away, but only one of them was used to taking the train and knew how to read the train schedules. E has ridden the train, but there's only one train route that goes through here, so you can't really get on the wrong train unless you are going the wrong way. So it's the lack of experience with traveling. You don't go on an international flight overseas for your first ever trip, and without an experienced traveler. So going to DLP would be a lot less overwhelming, not only just the size of the parks, but the length of the trip, the travel, etc. Plus, all European Union passports are kind of equal over here, whereas if you are going to the US, it's a lot more hectic with a EU passport. Traveling from country to country within Europe is easy....just like going state to state in the US. But international travel is more rigorous. Better to start off smaller and build up to the longer more difficult trip.


Well-Known Member
Almost all of Mom and Pops stuff is outta’ the rental house.
Their beautiful front yard suffered during the rebuild, so we did a bit of work out there also...!!! :)

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Emmy bein’ chased by her dad with the leaf blower...!!!!!

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And, we’re almost back to normal...!!!!!!! :joyfull::inlove::happy:

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I'm so happy for them! I'm sure it's nice to be back home....real home, not temp home. And familiarity. May they have a lot of years to enjoy the house and the family in it!


Premium Member
No, I don't anticipate anything going's more just because this girl hasn't traveled at all. It was a huge deal when the group of 4 friends just went shopping in arnhem. That's like a 40 minute train ride away, but only one of them was used to taking the train and knew how to read the train schedules. E has ridden the train, but there's only one train route that goes through here, so you can't really get on the wrong train unless you are going the wrong way. So it's the lack of experience with traveling. You don't go on an international flight overseas for your first ever trip, and without an experienced traveler. So going to DLP would be a lot less overwhelming, not only just the size of the parks, but the length of the trip, the travel, etc. Plus, all European Union passports are kind of equal over here, whereas if you are going to the US, it's a lot more hectic with a EU passport. Traveling from country to country within Europe is easy....just like going state to state in the US. But international travel is more rigorous. Better to start off smaller and build up to the longer more difficult trip.
I don't see any issues either. I'm sure they'll be fine. I love a good train trip. By 18 I had gone into NYC, down to Baltimore, Philly and DC by train and sometimes solo. I even flew out to Ma and some other interesting places by myself.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
GE wasn't open yet on our last trip, so I have no idea what the food is like. I forced my family to go to Woody's lunchbox so I could get the loaded tots. I was the only one who ordered food there. They just got drinks. I'd like to try the grilled cheese, but I wasn't hungry enough. But that's definitely the best food I've had at HS from QS.
It always looks really, really good when I walk by. One of these days I might talk B around to getting fried chicken there but it's a stretch. He'll eat at Pandora though, go figure. Which is good because the food is my only use for Pandora.


Well-Known Member
It's beautiful here!!! It snowed! First snow for more than a year, I think! It hasn't accumulated much, but it is still snowing...we'll see what it looks like tomorrow.

It’s funny, I woulda’ thought it snowed a lot more often in the Netherlands. I guess much more in other areas of the Netherlands than where y’all happen to live...?!
Anyway, hopin’ to see some pics of accumulation as I continue to “ketchup”...!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Oh I don't have to do nearly as much planning to travel around Europe as I have to do for a Disney trip. For just regular travel anywhere, I don't necessarily worry about exactly where we'll eat when. We will look up options online and find a few places that look good and see which ones have open tables. And there's no fast pass or anything like that. We did a trip through Germany in 2018 where we didn't plan anything beyond the first 3 days. My husband had booked hotel rooms and we planned those first three days, then just went where we felt like going and booked the next night's hotel room from wherever we were. So the first night, we stayed in Cologne, then the next day went to Phantasialand, and that night drove South to...I don't remember....Maybe Frankfurt, or maybe that was the 3rd night. I just don't remember. Then we had nothing planned and the kids really wanted to see Neuschwanstein Castle, so DH looked to see if he could find a hotel room in that area, found a nice one, so we drove South to Bavaria. Then decided to go to Legoland, then back to Frankfurt and then phantasialand again. We just went wherever we felt like going. As long as we had a hotel booked for the next night, and something to do the next day, I was ok. I don't have to have everything planned out to a T, but I need to know where I'm sleeping, and I need to have an idea of what's available to eat. I need to know I'm not going to be looking in vain for a decent meal and that we're not going to be sleeping in our car. And I need to know there's stuff to see and do, that we aren't going to be bored to tears. But pretty much everywhere in Europe has something in the vicinity that's neat to see, or has some historical significance....there are castles everywhere! But Disney, at least for my family, requires more detailed planning.
We rented apartments in the cities. All except Venice. There we reserved a hotel just off St. Marks Square. So meals in the cities were always in the winging it category. If we didn't feel like going to a restaurant we went to a local grocery and bought a few things and made a meal for ourselves. The only thing I was stressed about were the apartments. I kept wondering if the ones we set up was a dump or a decent place to stay. Turned out OK. I would never even think about renting an apartment in the states for 3 or 4 days, but we did that in Europe.


Well-Known Member
Another thing (for me) is that it's always hot at WDW, so my appetite shrinks when I'm down there. Sometimes a "meal" might be just a salad, or some fruit and frozen yogurt. Other times, I'll eat the regular QS meals. You're right about HS -- at least to me, they have the least desirable food options. There was one exception I made there, and that was to eat a full dinner at the bar, in the Tune In Lounge. The food was very good.
The Cafeteria in HS used to be awful, but they changed their menu awhile back and added an Asian Salad which was very good. Now bear in mind that I haven't been in there for at least 6 years so things might be different now. The last time I went it was under protest because my previous experience was awful so I stayed away for a long time. That time I was kind of forced to try it again and was quite happy with it. Others mileage may differ. The one that was over by Indiana Jones was OK too, but keep in mind that I do not go there for the food. That to me is just a refueling stop. As long as I leave the place feeling full and not projectile vomiting, I'm good with it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I remember your sketches, and I remember kind of what it looked like before from your pictures. Was the fireplace in the older version painted? I don't remember that.

I like lots of natural light, so the openness is really appealing to me, as well as the doors to the yard. I wish I could have French doors to a nice al fresco dining looks like you'll be able to have BBQs outside all year round pretty much!!

The fireplace was actually a white brick that wasn’t painted before. It has now been painted white.
All the natural light is great, and there’s a new window between the bookshelves next to the fireplace that wasn’t there before, ‘cause that corner of the living room was a bit dark sometimes.
And yes, Pop will get back to smokin’ meat year ‘round again, and has talked extensively about it for the last coupla’ days...!!!!! :hilarious:
It’s just been such a crazy-stressful year for so many of us all the way around, and the fire and rebuild just made it that much crazier for our family, but, they spent their first night back in “Family Central” last night, and you can see how relieved and at peace they are to be back in their real home again...!!!!! :happy:


Well-Known Member
The place looks really nice! I hope your parents enjoy being back home.

Thank you...!!! :)
They’re definitely happy bein’ back “Home”...!!!!! :happy:

Although, there are definitely things they’re also aware of that still need to be fixed/done right, but, we’re tryin’ to keep our mouths shut to Mom and Pop mostly, as not to stress them out anymore. I can walk through the house and just roll my eyes at so much stuff. If any of you ever have a situation like this NEVER EVER let PAUL DAVIS handle it... they are the snakiest, smarmiest, loser of a company that has ever slithered the face of the earth. The one clown quit the company shortly after the rebuild started, and the next loser was just as bad, if not worse. The a-hole couldn’t even handle a simple conversation with me and went to his pickup and drove off. What a turd.
Legal action is still not off the table.

Sorry for the veer, but, ultimately, we’re just all happy that Mom and Pop are back where they’ve been most comfortable for the last, almost, 45 years...!!!!! :happy:


Well-Known Member
It always looks really, really good when I walk by. One of these days I might talk B around to getting fried chicken there but it's a stretch. He'll eat at Pandora though, go figure. Which is good because the food is my only use for Pandora.
I really liked Satuli Canteen, but E didn't really. She liked the meat, so she ate quite a bit of the meat from my was too much for me anyway. We ate there our 2nd AK day, which A refused to set foot in AK and my husband decided to stay with him. So they didn't eat at Satuli....A wouldn't have eaten anything there anyway.

I liked Navi River, but it's not a must do, and FoP made me dizzy, though E LOVED it. I'd do it again for her if she didn't want to go alone. I didn't hate it. But if I were by myself, I'd feel no need to do it again. They had some yummy snacks in Pandora. But really, AK as a whole I can happily skip. It's my least favorite park. The only thing I really look forward to there is the Safari and Kali River. Nemo was fun, but we've seen it so we don't need to see it again. I fell asleep during FotLK the first time, and the 2nd time E got heat exhaustion in the line....haven't had a good experience there. ITtBAB traumatized A and we didn't like it much. There's just nothing much for us there. I'd rather go to Epcot and wander around the world showcase. If we DO go to AK, there's only a handful of things I enjoy and nothing that's a must do.


Well-Known Member
It’s funny, I woulda’ thought it snowed a lot more often in the Netherlands. I guess much more in other areas of the Netherlands than where y’all happen to live...?!
Anyway, hopin’ to see some pics of accumulation as I continue to “ketchup”...!!! :)
Nope. It rarely snows in the Netherlands. Less now than 50 years ago. And what we got Saturday was gone by yesterday afternoon. There were some patches in the morning, but it melted fast.

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