Premium Member
If you aren't planning on doing anything else, not having a car available is up to you. The numbers even the big ones still amount to one night sleeping on a "who know who slept there before" bed. Car rentals allow so much more freedom of movement which is important to me. Besides you listed the car rentals that are the big boys, there are many smaller organizations that are dependable and much less expensive. You always pay more for a recognizable name.
I probably shouldn't have gotten involved in this discussion seeing as I won't stay onsite at gunpoint. If I want to throw money away, I will just roll it up in a wad and throw it in the trash. I think onsite is a ripoff, but that is my opinion and I am aware that many feel just the opposite. That is their choice. I know how much money I have saved over the years by staying offsite, eating offsite and exploring offsite. Onsite I was a prisoner and forced to pay whatever they wanted. I love the parks and have never complained about the ticket price because I know of no other venue where you get that many hours of entertainment and fun for one very reasonable price. But that much money for the use of a bed which is primarily the only use I have for that room, is beyond my comprehension. But it is nice to still have options and with every new "charge" that Disney decides to shake down from its guests gets closer to helping the locals make a living and not having to two finger point out where the restrooms are located.
Cars are o.k., but I'm too chicken to drive down there at this point. It was bad enough years ago, but the roads are way too congested. I just prefer to either get a taxi or use the Disney transportation. My goal at WDW is not to have to drive any car.