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Just about two years ago in August, if I remember correctly. There was some speculation that it might have contributed to the nodule malfunction that caused me to need a Pacemaker last September. I don't even remember what my heart rate was at the time I think the number was to high to remember. The doctors said that it probably didn't appear to bother it right away, but weakened it until it started to fail. I was 70 years old at the time. That old pump had been pumping for a long time. So the damn thing tried to get me twice. Even though that particular comment from them was merely theory, again, I can't say it often enough, Sepsis is a very bad thing.
Yes sepsis is a very bad thing. My mom passed away because of that almost 9 years ago (9 years in February) now because of sepsis. I'm glad that you were able to fight through it.