SW - Depending on the movie. Original trilogy definitely 10-20 times. Force Awakens - twice in theaters and a bunch of times since. Last Jedi - once in theaters and twice since maybe? Rise of Skywalker - Once, in theaters. Solo - once in theaters, once at home. Rogue One - once in theaters, haven't watched again. Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith - maybe 3-4 times? Phantom Menace - Once. That was plenty.
Star Trek - Again, depends on the film. Whales I've probably seen about three or four times. The rest of the Original Cast films once or twice. Insurrection was B's favorite for a longggg time, so I have seen that many, many times. First Contact - a lot. Generations and Nemesis - once each. 2009 Star Trek - probably 10-15 times. Into Darkness - same. Beyond - 2-3?