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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I mean, I love baseball., and I love watching him play baseball.. but this was so out of the blue!!
What he doesn’t know, is there’s really no way that we can juggle travel baseball.. the games are just too long.. at least with soccer we can drive an hour away, play a game, and be back home in the same amount of time as one baseball game. I miss a lot of his games now...can’t even think about how much I could make fall ball work in my schedule. I doubt there’s still tryouts for fall ball at this point, I’m searching now.
Mostly though, I’m just in shock.. he literally just had a Zoom soccer practice on Wednesday & Thursday.. and had a lot of fun. He was outside juggling for 30 minutes today asking me to record him... and then called a friend on FB messenger, and they trained together.. his idea!

We’ll see what he says in the morning. Not sure if this is bedtime-corona-quarantine-madness talking, or if he really has been weighing this in his mind. I’m blindsided for sure. I just hope he’s happy if he declines...that he doesn’t regret it.. he can’t change his mind later on. That’s his decision, though. Wow. I’m seriously in shock.

Pixie Dust. Been there too many times and repeat. He is growing up.

He is at that age now. They start to articulate better all sorts of things beyond sports.

At Ts age My DD approaches me while I was on the computer working on school board stuff. Apparently worked up the nerve to tell me and burst into
Tears, she wanted to cut off her beautiful, waist long blonde shiny hair (swimming) that she had loved. I was as stunned as you were. She had loved all the styles she could have with length and French braids. After hugs through tears I asked her if she was willing to wait 2 weeks as it wasn’t something that could easily go back to. I told her certainly she could cut it off but I’d like her to think it through. (She had, who knew). We went to shoulder length. I told her to try. We could cut more the next time if she wished. She kept that length through college.

Ts age was only the beginning of the bomb shells my kids dropped on me. From which high schools they’d pick to attend and what colleges and sports they’d drop for academic reasons in college. Changing Universities year 3 for my son and my DD changing from Eduction to Applied Mathematics when she realized with tutoring she really didn’t like high school students and didn’t want to spend her life with the whining about math being useless.

It is just the beginning of life choices. Feel free to not answer and I respect that. Does T have a male role model, mentor in his life that he can roll things off on that he is in regular contact without you that he spends regular time with? He is at that age that guys tend to discuss things with men. Certain things my son rolled off Dad long before me. A guy of his choosing and one he can confide in privately might be an asset at his age as he is maturing. There are things my kids alway came to me for. My son on the other hand needed a fellow guy to spend time with. I was good with that.


Well-Known Member
I am so confused by A's school!! Apparently, they have decided to divide all classes in half, special ed across the board. Not just A's school, but all of them...but this includes a class of 4 kids...they are splitting it in half. Why? So at A's school, they go M, T, and T from 8:30 to 3:05 and W and F from 8:30 to 12:30. So W and F are half days. So they've decided to divide the classes and half will go M, W, F, and the other half will go T and T, so they basically get the same amount of instruction. I figured they'd have A go 3 times a week because he doesn't need transportation and it would be easier for him to go 3 times a week than it would be for some other kids, but they put him in the T and T group. And then his teacher is setting up a computer for him at the school so he will be at the school, but doing his work on the computer like he's doing at home while the rest of the class has regular instruction. What's the point of having him physically go to school at all if he's doing the work with the virtual learning method in the classroom? He could just do that at home! He's super fast with his work and sometimes would have his work done by 10:00 am for all his classes. One day, they had a video call with the teacher at the beginning of the day and the teacher jokingly asked him if he already had the work done. So I get that he's doing well with the computer and he can work ahead if he wants to, but then why have him go to school to do that? I thought the point was to get back to regular routine. And I guess they put the kids who are struggling into the group that comes 3 times a week, because then they have 3 times during the week that they see the teacher and have the structure, etc....but if they are going to let A work on the computer (and apparently he's the only one), wouldn't it be better to let him do that from home and give that structured spot to someone else who needs it? This is just so bizarre!


Well-Known Member
How does that happen??? Was there a malfunction with the car?
That can happen quite easily. It doesn't even take a lot of distraction to come up on an intersection and not realize it until it is to late to stop. I did that once as a teenager. I came off a back road that I had never been on and arrived at the intersection of a main road before I knew it. I couldn't stop in time so I just held my breath and kept motoring. I was fortunate that there was another street directly in front of me so no ditching was involved however I was very, very, very close to being hit by a semi from my left and a car from my right. It was like a Jack Kochman Hell Drivers synchronized show. I might add that I was driving a VW Beetle at the time. Had I even touched the brake that semi would have been on my lap. I've never forgotten how long it took me to stop shaking after that happened and have been fortunate not to have it happen again for over 50 years. My Avatar to the left of this was no more then a half a second away from not being possible. Sometimes crap and human error happens but we miraculously escape it.


Premium Member
That can happen quite easily. It doesn't even take a lot of distraction to come up on an intersection and not realize it until it is to late to stop. I did that once as a teenager. I came off a back road that I had never been on and arrived at the intersection of a main road before I knew it. I couldn't stop in time so I just held my breath and kept motoring. I was fortunate that there was another street directly in front of me so no ditching was involved however I was very, very, very close to being hit by a semi from my left and a car from my right. It was like a Jack Kochman Hell Drivers synchronized show. I might add that I was driving a VW Beetle at the time. Had I even touched the brake that semi would have been on my lap. I've never forgotten how long it took me to stop shaking after that happened and have been fortunate not to have it happen again for over 50 years. My Avatar to the left of this was no more then a half a second away from not being possible. Sometimes crap and human error happens but we miraculously escape it.

I think we've all had our "Mr. Magoo" driving moments, and survived! :p



Premium Member
Hey, @MinnieM123, what about y’all this weekend...?!!! :)

There was nothing much going on around here. Usually, I like to watch a small, local Memorial Day parade, and then a ceremony near a war memorial. (The parade is sort of lame with just a few cars, no floats, and a school band that plays off-key, sometimes. :p And my dog, Jack, likes to bark at them as they pass by. :joyfull: He looks forward to the parade every year. )

But this year, it was cancelled, as were any types of public gatherings in my area.

I had ordered new racks for my Weber, but they're available today at the store -- so much for a holiday barbecue. :rolleyes:

So instead, we had meals in the kitchen like always; but neither one of us was into more creative meals this weekend. Oh, I did get to hike up a local (short) mountain nearby, as I do from time to time. It was interesting see all the new growth there in the spring. I also saw a few wild turkeys while I was up there (but kept my distance -- they can be wacko toward people and animals sometimes . . . :cautious: )


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
That can happen quite easily. It doesn't even take a lot of distraction to come up on an intersection and not realize it until it is to late to stop. I did that once as a teenager. I came off a back road that I had never been on and arrived at the intersection of a main road before I knew it. I couldn't stop in time so I just held my breath and kept motoring. I was fortunate that there was another street directly in front of me so no ditching was involved however I was very, very, very close to being hit by a semi from my left and a car from my right. It was like a Jack Kochman Hell Drivers synchronized show. I might add that I was driving a VW Beetle at the time. Had I even touched the brake that semi would have been on my lap. I've never forgotten how long it took me to stop shaking after that happened and have been fortunate not to have it happen again for over 50 years. My Avatar to the left of this was no more then a half a second away from not being possible. Sometimes crap and human error happens but we miraculously escape it.
My "adoptive" grandmother has done that before. She turned left over a median. Should have turned right. Ended up just like that car.

She's apparently done a lot of stupid stuff with the car.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
He is at that age now. They start to articulate better all sorts of things beyond sports.
Yeah. Come to think of it @21stamps I was about a year older than T when I decided I was done using my full name. My mom and B always called me Missy at home, but I decided I wanted everyone to start calling me that. Whelp, here we are all these years later. It turns out I knew exactly what I wanted back then. I don't even use my legal name professionally now. I don't mind if people who've known me since before I was 10 or so call me by it (though I've warned them that if they're trying to get my attention in a crowd they need to switch to using Missy; some people who've known me for that long have even switched over) but anyone else who tries it will get corrected. My mom thought it was a phase. Ha.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Come to think of it @21stamps I was about a year older than T when I decided I was done using my full name. My mom and B always called me Missy at home, but I decided I wanted everyone to start calling me that. Whelp, here we are all these years later. It turns out I knew exactly what I wanted back then. I don't even use my legal name professionally now. I don't mind if people who've known me since before I was 10 or so call me by it (though I've warned them that if they're trying to get my attention in a crowd they need to switch to using Missy; some people who've known me for that long have even switched over) but anyone else who tries it will get corrected. My mom thought it was a phase. Ha.

ha! That’s awesome!

Here’s my plan- I didn’t say a word about it this morning, and I’m at work now. I have been frantically looking for Fall Ball b-ball teams, but it looks like it’s too late to try out. I may email a couple of travel teams that his friends are on, ask if they have any open spots and if so doing in-person tryouts, maybe T attending one of their practices and be judged that way. I’m hoping maybe at least a couple parents didn’t allow their kids to return to sports right now?

Later tonight, I’ll ask him if he’s thought about it any more.. and if he wants to quit travel soccer even if he can’t play Fall Ball., also make sure he understands that just because he’s a pitcher on his school team, he may not be a pitcher on a travel team. I want to make sure that he’s making an informed decision, and doesn’t just assume that he’s going to get picked up by a travel baseball team, and in his favorite position even if he does.
I just don’t know if this is real, or if it’s corona-depression talking. It’s a huge decision, one that he can’t go back on in a month or 2 or 3... he can’t change his mind when fall soccer starts.

If he understands all of this, and still wants to quit, that’s fine by me.. He’s a very good baseball player, but he needs to stay realistic in his expectations of making a switch from travel soccer to travel baseball.. especially this time of year, and especially during a pandemic. Not being negative, or saying he can’t do it, just want to make sure his eyes are wide open and this isn’t a side effect of quarantine.

We’ll see what he decides.
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Premium Member
Well, he was excellent today, and gone tonight lol.

He had been working as a corporate DJ, making good money, and assumed that work either would not return at all, or at least not in full force.

His former boss today said he would put him on payroll to the end of the year no matter what. So, I sure as heck can’t blame him for that!

Back to the application stack...
Good luck with your search. If we were closer I'd send James over to help you out. You wouldn't even have to pay him I'd pay you to keep him busy


Premium Member
Last day of (graded) school work!!!!!
The rest is just fun activities and assignments, including another drive-by parade at school.

In a few days, I will have a 5th grader.
Where did the time go????
Wait a few years @Mr Ferret 88, @Gabe1, @StarWarsGirl, @donaldtoo @MouseDreaming a few others and myself have all been together here since James broke his arm in the 2nd day of 4th grade followed closely by Sandy. He'll officially be a senior in 2 weeks:eek:

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