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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Ha! :p I guess that's because you're in a rural area and snakes be more of a normal lccurrence out there. Where I live, in a semi-urban area, it's not common; and they'd probably send in a SWAT team!!

Yeah, I am less than 2 blocks from miles and miles of preserves, we have all sorts of critters around here. One day I was hearing noises on the other side of the bar on our patio. A muskrat had fallen and couldn't get up from the window well. Put a 2x4 down there on an angle, dude climbed out and waddled off to the back of the property.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to figure out how they don't have elevators that would go to the highest deck, down to the bottom. That poor woman had to be carried down 11 flights?

As for your jaunt over to Aruba, that sounded like fun. (I've also been to Aruba and Bonaire in the Dutch Netherlands Antilles. I didn't get to Curacao, but at least you and your daughter got to visit that one as well.) I visited Aruba prior to 2000, so I was able to see the Aruba Natural Bridge; wish it was still intact for your visit. Glad you had such a nice island tour, though. It's an interesting place. (Back when I visited, they also had a number of hotels with casino gambling, too.) Did you also enjoy seeing the colorful buildings on the main streets of Oranjestad? I liked the pink and blue tones--the colors reminded me of houses in Bermuda, actually. :)

The elevators are only big enough to fit maybe eight people standing. I know when I had to use the wheelchair it fit our group and two other people. That's why there are ten elevators near each other, four atrium and six deck. When they deliver the luggage to the rooms they close some elevators for crew only use for a few hours because their carts (and elevators) are small.

We went through the main of everything but as to the buildings, we were probably driven through every residential neighborborhood and they all started looking the same.
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Well-Known Member
but they;'re not all inclusive.. are they?

I mean, they still charge you for a lot of extras.
Depends on who you choose to cruise with. On our ship we only had to pay extra for alcohol and the Thrill Theater. You have the option to pay extra to eat to at the fancy steak restaurant but you can order TWO steak dinners for yourself at your assigned restaurant for FREE. (Not that I did that of course but I could have.) Oh and we paid an extra $5 each to go to the Dr. Suess character breakfast which was so totally worth it.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Depends on who you choose to cruise with. On our ship we only had to pay extra for alcohol and the Thrill Theater. You have the option to pay extra to eat to at the fancy steak restaurant but you can order TWO steak dinners for yourself at your assigned restaurant for FREE. (Not that I did that of course but I could have.) Oh and we paid an extra $5 each to go to the Dr. Suess character breakfast which was so totally worth it.
so,, you hugged a lorax during a breakfast? ;)


Well-Known Member
do you remember the times when people said "we're gonna do it even if we have to TNT our way to hell"?
like when they were building roads in Alaska or doing the old route 66?
They only say now "not cost feasible" or "too hard, too expensive".

Yep. When we lived in San Jose California, from '68-'76, we drove from there back to the San Antonio, Texas area to visit family and friends the last 5 summers we lived there. We flew the previous 3 years, then mom and pop bought the camper.
Anyway, we'd drive east through the mountains from San Jose to catch I-5 south in the San Joaquin Valley to LA.
In LA we'd catch I-10. Back then, between California and Texas, there were still many detours, because they were still blasting to complete the Interstate.

All that being said, with the way things are laid out, that is the best and only place for a major highway on that side of town. Here's a map to illustrate...


The highway in yellow to the far left is the one I drive. Where it crosses Lake Austin at the top left is where that bridge is. All those little arteries and capillaries are high-end neighborhoods, and hills, hills, hills. Also, you can see how Lake Austin winds. The greenish shaded area just southeast of the bridge is the Austin Country Club and golf course. The other shaded area to the right of the highway, and closer to Bee Caves Road, is the Wild Basin Preserve.
Ultimately, the only option that would make sense, in this particular case anyway, would be to somehow widen it. That would take widening the roadbed, modifying bridges, and tons more blasting.
Again, pretty sure I won't live to see it.


Well-Known Member
Our second sea day started off rocking...literally. :eek: In the very early hours of the morning some strong winds had kicked up and were blowing across the ship causing it every so often rock to one side. I hadn't noticed it while sleeping but as we started our day the captain had made a safety reminder announcement to hold onto railings when needed, etc. :cyclops: Extra precaution is always best.

We had slept in until 10 a.m. and chose the Blush Brunch for dining again. :hungry: Our table had a window view and we could see the water was really choppy. This day we decided to try to do things we hadn't so far. (There was so much we couldn't get to it all....and didn't. :( ) We had an hour wait until we could get into the Thrill Theater, which was near the Library Bar, so we wasted time playing Sorry. I must say this time would be the only negative experience we had on our trip, and it wasn't the fault of the cruise line. :cautious:

In our times of visiting the game room we had sat by a table of oriental gentlemen playing cards. They were always very cordial to us although none of them spoke English. It was always a smile, nod and wave to say "Hey, how you doin' today?" :geek: Shortly into our game three teenage boys had come in and sat at a checkers table and were rather obnoxious. (My first thought was Where are your parents?!? :devilish: ) Then they started to talk loud in some sort of Asian language. At first we tried to ignore it but one got louder and the other boys would laugh. Finally one gentleman turned and said something to the boys. It was then I realized the boys weren't speaking Asian and were mocking the men. :mad: Having their bluff called the boys made a hasty retreat but not before playing 52 Pick Up with all the checkers. If I was their mom the only sight they'd be seeing was their room for the remainder of the cruise!

While playing our game the strong motion of the ship was giving me a queasy headache so I made me daughter trade places with me. It was like I had been on a slow rocking chair I couldn't get out of. :depressed: Of course that didn't bother her at all. We saw Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs at the T.T. and realized we could make it to the next performance of Hasbro:The Game Show. :)

Finding our seats in the balcony again (that's all that was left :grumpy: ) we settled in just as the stage hands were getting the crowd pumped up. The format and commercial was the same but the games played were different. Cruise Director Matt chose eight contestants using Pictionary. Eight crew members had made videos drawing their clue and the participants had to decipher what it was to get in.

CarnBreezeHasbro3.jpg The first game they played was Sorry Sliders. (It reminded me of curling without the ice.) The two teams each had a big game piece on wheels and the closer to the center, the higher the score. The adults were using this strategy and the kids were just trying to knock to the others out of the ring. :facepalm: The game was interesting due to the fact that the ship rocking to one side, all the pieces rolled to the left and off the board. o_O

Matt used Trivial Pursuit to pick the next eight contestants. He really threw us for a loop on the final four questions though! Let's see if you get the answer....and no googling! (And talking about Google, if you are found to be using it during the trivia contests you are banned from playing for the day. :jawdrop: ) Okay, Matt's question was.....what holiday did England ban in 1644? :confused:

It was Christmas!

Possibly every holiday was named and was wrong until a little girl (maybe 6 or 7) said the correct answer and got to play. Matt's next few questions stumped us because they all had the same answer as the spoiler. :banghead: He divided the eight winners into two groups, four adults, four kids.

breeze-hasbro-game.jpg The next game was based on Operation. It was like skeeball and the two teams each had 90 seconds (taking turns) to score as many points as possible. The adults were going for speed and not accuracy, the kids had a slow steady rhythm and were sinking 500 after 500. The audience were cheering for those kids and they won! :happy:

133810e.jpeg When it came to the Monopoly ATM, Matt had each contestant strike a model pose before they put their card in. The "spoiler" girl struck a pose then crossed the stage like a catwalk. :cat: She also had picked the cell phone card. Guess who was the winner? Ring, ring ring! So now you know to be the ultimate winner of Hasbro:The Game Show, pick the cell phone card! :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
I had that moment this morning. :) It will be a fleeting moment, by tomorrow afternoon it will be cooler and winter by Monday but I'll take it. :)
79 tomorrow. Not supposed to have highs below 60 until Friday of next week. :cautious:

I went to work this morning only to discover that my choice of jeans and a t-shirt (benefit of your job being peer tutoring: whatever you happen to come in is fine) was making me too warm. Came home and switched to shorts.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Big week for my hometown. Both from my high school, one much older, one much younger but alumni.

Hilary announces she is going to run for president, again.

And more exciting Brian Schlitter pitches for the Chicago Cubs today. :happy:


Well-Known Member
Since the challenges to building a wider highway are too extreme, may I suggest a different mode of transportation for you to get to work in the morning. You can drive the car below, but once you see that the traffic is getting heavy, you can open out the "wings" and just fly over the traffic to work! :D

(Note: Click on the image below for a bigger view.)

View attachment 90080

Quite the conundrum with that one, actually...
By the time I see that traffic is gettin' heavy, my runway window is probably long gone. ;)
What I need is somethin' like this that'll go vertical, quick... :D



Well-Known Member
So fellow itunes itunes will not let me sign in.

It all started when I couldn't save items to my wishlist. So I checked my account and forget my password. I changed it and now the same thing still happens. It also said my password is wrong when I know it's right because I just changed it.

Register on WDWMAGIC. This sidebar will go away, and you'll see fewer ads.

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