@Cesar R M and
How is the accuracy of Google Translate regarding translating English to Espanol?
Unfortunately on my laptop I cannot place a " / " over a letter....or the sideways "s" symbol over the letter "n"
Yet, I come here to post this question because I emailed a Spanish speaking parent.
I'll change the name of her daughter for my question here.....here I will change my student's name to Maria
I'll change my name for my question.....here I'll call myself Mr. Jones ...aka Sr. Jones
Here it is....
Email title: " leccion de clarinete del Sr. Jones"
Email Message: Por favor, considere permitirle a Maria que me de una leccion de clarinete. Pidale a Maria que lea este correo electronica y responda aqui."
Then I placed below some directions to "Maria" in english to translate THIS english part of the email to her mom. "Maria" and mom may select a school day and time for a clarinet lesson and I will send them a ZOOM invitation.
How did Google Translate do with the translation? (again...keeping in mind that it provided sideways slash marks & swirly things yet I am not able to show those marks here)