Okay, you're not American, so let me explain...
In order to keep our economy going, we have to have shipping from various part of the country to another. That means that truck drivers have to drive from various parts of the country or another, and that means that they need to be able to stop, go to the bathroom, and eat while on their routes. If you close take out places, you make it much harder for the truck drivers who are still working as if it's business as usual to make sure that the rest of us can have enough toilet paper. Sure, they can get preprepared stuff in the grocery store, but who wants to live off of that? Pennsylvania shut down all of their rest stops and carry out places. It was a major problem for truck drivers in a state that you can spend hours driving across.
Not to mention the doctors, nurses, and others coming off twelve hours shifts who might have long commutes home (sometimes over an hour; it's not unusual here in Maryland) and then have to feed their families...who wants to worry about meal prep in that situation.
Sure, the average person sitting at home on their butts could spend the hours of additional time prepping meals, going to the grocery store, and learning how to cook rather than getting take out, but keeping the carry out places open isn't really for them. It's for the essential employees who are still working, sometimes on overtime, who might not be willing or able to do meal prep. Not to mention that by keeping carry out places open with minimal staff, it's one less hit to the economy.