The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
This has been an awful week all around. Just bringing up what has been happening in DC has caused me to have anxiety that I never have had before. Today I got a call from my daughter telling me that her best friends Mom, close to my age, had a massive stroke today and isn't expected to live through the night. My daughter and her best friend have been attached at the hip since kindergarten which meant that my daughter had spent a lot of time in her company and was terribly shocked. All she was getting were small bits of information via text message. But, there just wasn't any good news to be had. She is one of the last people that I ever would have thought would have that happen. Very health conscious and in much better physical condition then I have ever been in. Such a tragic loss to a very nice family and one that, of course, has touched my family as well. 2020 is not starting out with a positive in any direction I look.

My heart goes out to both you and your daughter, regarding the massive heart attack of your daughter's best friend's mother. It was interesting to read that she was in otherwise excellent health, made healthy choices, etc. We just never know what's in the future, so we must all live every day as best we can.

As for recent political news, shut off the TV, radio, computer, etc. Take a mental health break from it for a few days anyway.


Just Horsing Around…
Premium Member
Let me start off by saying that everyone is physically OK.
I got a call from Carolyn about 5:13 Wednesday night. She had just got off the phone with the neighbor behind my parents, and was folks house was on fire and the neighbor and Carolyn, couldn’t get ahold of them.
I left the office in a major panic, of course (one of my coworkers offered to drive me, and I thanked her, but, said I could do it, and another said she’d clock me out and shut down my programs), and I promptly got stuck in a traffic jam. I could even see the smoke over the hills in the distance from the main highway 15 miles away, stuck in traffic. It was white smoke, so I could tell the FD was dousing it. But, I was in a nightmare. About 15 minutes in, and still panicking out of my mind, I finally got a call from my mom. She was hysterical, but, said they were OK. But, she said the whole house had burned to the ground. Just total shock.
When I finally started getting more info from both DDs who rushed to the scene, the whole thing had definitely not burned to the ground. Mom was just beyond upset, and when I first spoke to her she was also across the street with a bunch of the smoke being blown towards them and masking the house...she just assumed it had burned to the ground. I knew the fire was out when I saw no more smoke from the highway, still stuck in beyond damn frustrating. It took me about 1.5 hours to get home while goin’ back and forth on speaker phone with family.
When I finally got there it was dark and it was insane how many emergency vehicles were on scene...6 big trucks, 8 police, 2 EMS, and multiple first responders.
Wayyyyyyyyyyy beyond the importance of anything else, of course, is my folks were safe. They were actually eating dinner when it started, and as pop went out to try to douse it with a garden hose when mom noticed, mom was dialing 911 when lacrosse players practicing in the school yard across the street noticed the smoke, jumped the school fence and ran across the street to help. The garage door was open and the door between the bonus room and garage was unlocked, so the players went in, saw my mother, told her they already called 911, and insisted she get out. Mom told them pop was out back, and they did same with him.
Also, fortunately, sooo many treasures and memories that could have been lost have already been salvaged. There were so many emergency personnel on scene that some went inside to start putting tarps on stuff while the others started on the fire that was mostly up high. Most of the fire was contained to the rear of the house. So yes, that beautiful home, that I’ve posted sooo many wonderful pics from over the years from family celebrations, gatherings, etc., although badly damaged, still stands, and appears to be structurally sound.
All of the family, including all the grandchildren(sans my sis and her family in Louisiana) were there.
Local news crews were even on the scene, and I saw it on one station that night, and then saw my pop interviewed on another. Both newscasts said the damage was estimated at $150,000.
Just such a crazy night. I cannot remember the last time I was this out of sorts, not knowing if my folks made it out. And again, the most important thing, of course, is that they are physically unharmed. Pop has been stoic as usual, and even jokingly asked my mom if she wanted to go back in and finish dinner, as everything would have a nice smokey taste...!!!!! :hilarious:(Sorry, if I don’t laugh, I’ll cry.)
Mom is much better since it is not a total loss, but, you can tell they’re still both hurting very badly emotionally...43+ years in that home, and sooo many memories, but, they had plenty of insurance, and it will be repaired and back like a Phoenix.
The house, of course, cannot be lived in so my folks stayed at my next youngest bros house Wednesday night, and are now in a hotel, payed for by insurance, until more permanent housing can be found while the remediation and months of repairs are being made.
The FD was there until at least 11p that night to check for hot spots.
I still can’t believe that friggin’ night.
Again, prayers for my folks please, hug your loved ones, and thank you all in advance.

Some pics, especially the one of my pops favorite chocolate covered raisins that my youngest bro salvaged for him, because I reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy need to laugh right now...!!!!! :hilarious:








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Sorry I held off on this news for a few days, but, I was just tryin’ to carry on as usual until I had more info to the point I felt it would be proper to post.
I also didn’t want to bring the thread down, but, it all could have been sooo very much worse and wasn’t, so I’m still gonna’ be the same silly ol’ goose I always have been...!!!!! :hilarious:;):)
Plus, I (and all of us) have just been kinda’ numb the last few days...although we’ve been takin’ care of business like the loving family we are...!!!!! :inlove::happy:
So glad to hear Mom and Dad are safe and that a lot was saved!!! I can only imagine how you felt being stuck in traffic and having no other way to get there and fearing the worse.

So it sound’s like Mom and Dad’s house is going to be getting a makeover! Will you be creating a design to add some new and fancy features?


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Let me start off by saying that everyone is physically OK.
I got a call from Carolyn about 5:13 Wednesday night. She had just got off the phone with the neighbor behind my parents, and was folks house was on fire and the neighbor and Carolyn, couldn’t get ahold of them.
I left the office in a major panic, of course (one of my coworkers offered to drive me, and I thanked her, but, said I could do it, and another said she’d clock me out and shut down my programs), and I promptly got stuck in a traffic jam. I could even see the smoke over the hills in the distance from the main highway 15 miles away, stuck in traffic. It was white smoke, so I could tell the FD was dousing it. But, I was in a nightmare. About 15 minutes in, and still panicking out of my mind, I finally got a call from my mom. She was hysterical, but, said they were OK. But, she said the whole house had burned to the ground. Just total shock.
When I finally started getting more info from both DDs who rushed to the scene, the whole thing had definitely not burned to the ground. Mom was just beyond upset, and when I first spoke to her she was also across the street with a bunch of the smoke being blown towards them and masking the house...she just assumed it had burned to the ground. I knew the fire was out when I saw no more smoke from the highway, still stuck in beyond damn frustrating. It took me about 1.5 hours to get home while goin’ back and forth on speaker phone with family.
When I finally got there it was dark and it was insane how many emergency vehicles were on scene...6 big trucks, 8 police, 2 EMS, and multiple first responders.
Wayyyyyyyyyyy beyond the importance of anything else, of course, is my folks were safe. They were actually eating dinner when it started, and as pop went out to try to douse it with a garden hose when mom noticed, mom was dialing 911 when lacrosse players practicing in the school yard across the street noticed the smoke, jumped the school fence and ran across the street to help. The garage door was open and the door between the bonus room and garage was unlocked, so the players went in, saw my mother, told her they already called 911, and insisted she get out. Mom told them pop was out back, and they did same with him.
Also, fortunately, sooo many treasures and memories that could have been lost have already been salvaged. There were so many emergency personnel on scene that some went inside to start putting tarps on stuff while the others started on the fire that was mostly up high. Most of the fire was contained to the rear of the house. So yes, that beautiful home, that I’ve posted sooo many wonderful pics from over the years from family celebrations, gatherings, etc., although badly damaged, still stands, and appears to be structurally sound.
All of the family, including all the grandchildren(sans my sis and her family in Louisiana) were there.
Local news crews were even on the scene, and I saw it on one station that night, and then saw my pop interviewed on another. Both newscasts said the damage was estimated at $150,000.
Just such a crazy night. I cannot remember the last time I was this out of sorts, not knowing if my folks made it out. And again, the most important thing, of course, is that they are physically unharmed. Pop has been stoic as usual, and even jokingly asked my mom if she wanted to go back in and finish dinner, as everything would have a nice smokey taste...!!!!! :hilarious:(Sorry, if I don’t laugh, I’ll cry.)
Mom is much better since it is not a total loss, but, you can tell they’re still both hurting very badly emotionally...43+ years in that home, and sooo many memories, but, they had plenty of insurance, and it will be repaired and back like a Phoenix.
The house, of course, cannot be lived in so my folks stayed at my next youngest bros house Wednesday night, and are now in a hotel, payed for by insurance, until more permanent housing can be found while the remediation and months of repairs are being made.
The FD was there until at least 11p that night to check for hot spots.
I still can’t believe that friggin’ night.
Again, prayers for my folks please, hug your loved ones, and thank you all in advance.

Some pics, especially the one of my pops favorite chocolate covered raisins that my youngest bro salvaged for him, because I reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy need to laugh right now...!!!!! :hilarious:








View attachment 445890

Sorry I held off on this news for a few days, but, I was just tryin’ to carry on as usual until I had more info to the point I felt it would be proper to post.
I also didn’t want to bring the thread down, but, it all could have been sooo very much worse and wasn’t, so I’m still gonna’ be the same silly ol’ goose I always have been...!!!!! :hilarious:;):)
Plus, I (and all of us) have just been kinda’ numb the last few days...although we’ve been takin’ care of business like the loving family we are...!!!!! :inlove::happy:
How incredibly scary, devastating and heartbreaking. I share your sentiment that the most important thing is your folks escaped without harm. I’m sorry you were stuck in your car while trying to reach your family that is torture by the second.

At least you and firm members will be able to assist your folks when they start to restore.

Thoughts and Prayers for your folks, you and the entire family as you assist your folks through this. Be well.


Well-Known Member
Here's an idea: how about staying off-site? You and T could have a beautiful room at the Waldorf Astoria in Bonnet Creek, or the Ritz Carlton (further away). You could either rent a car, or just use Uber, etc.

Or, you could just get a room at one of the hotels up on Hotel Boulevard (near Disney Springs). The rates up there are really cheap.
I like this idea too. Can’t you just have T for 3 days and then he can stay with the grandparents when you leave? Now we have stayed in the Cars suite. There are 2 full baths and a pull out couch and murphy bed. You and T could share one of those beds.

There’s rooms available on site.. not huge selection, but YC, WL, and CR all have availability.
If T was staying with me then we would just do one of those. I can’t do that, because this isn’t my trip.

My parents take all of the grandkids on an annual vacation. This is a big thing for them. They enjoy spending that time with the kids, and want the kids to have the time and memories with them. They’re getting older, so who knows how long they’ll be able to keep it up.

They took us to Disney every year growing up, but have not been there since 2002 or 2003. They haven’t had a desire to go back, until this year. My mom wanted one last trip and to experience it with the grandkids.

I do not want to take away from that by taking him away to a different resort for 3 nights. It’s not right, imo. I wouldn’t want to hurt my parents feelings in that way.
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Well-Known Member
This has been an awful week all around. Just bringing up what has been happening in DC has caused me to have anxiety to a degree that I never have had before. Today I got a call from my daughter telling me that her best friends Mom, close to my age, had a massive stroke today and isn't expected to live through the night. My daughter and her best friend have been attached at the hip since kindergarten which meant that my daughter had spent a lot of time in her company and was terribly shocked. All she was getting were small bits of information via text message. But, there just wasn't any good news to be had. She is one of the last people that I ever would have thought would have that happen. Very health conscious and in much better physical condition then I have ever been in. Such a tragic loss to a very nice family and one that, of course, has touched my family as well. 2020 is not starting out with a positive in any direction I look.
I have quoted myself for the somewhat embarrassing question I have to ask. After 71 years of existence I have encountered a situation that is minor yet, leaves me unable to decide what the right thing to do is.

A little background, my daughters best friend spent many, many hours at our house over the 12 to 14 years they were growing up. I always thought of her as my third daughter and she always called me Dad II. This past Christmas time she still addressed my card as "Dad II" But that was a happy occasion. I need to send her a sympathy card and I need to sign it. Considering the loss of her Mother it seem inappropriate for me to sign it "Dad II". She has never called me by my first name or even Mr. (Name) since she was about 8 years old. I don't know what to do short of signing with an "X". It seems insensitive one way and cold the other. Suggestions please!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
If your Dad likes nice breakfast meals we went to the Rivera this morning at their signature restaurant Toppolino. Awesome from service, decor, characters but the food itself was over the top quality from beginning to end of meal. The costumes were Artist themed and so dang elaborate.

I had the steak and it is by far the beat I’ve ever had on property EVER. true signature level.

Artist Silverware
Yes 6C6D4465-31D4-4868-B064-8AA095190EA4.jpeg401D7093-FFA6-43E6-A70D-44DD13354760.jpeg
For @MinnieM123. You’d love her


Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
If your Dad likes nice breakfast meals we went to the Rivera this morning at their signature restaurant Toppolino. Awesome from service, decor, characters but the food itself was over the top quality from beginning to end of meal. The costumes were Artist themed and so dang elaborate.

I had the steak and it is by far the beat I’ve ever had on property EVER. true signature level.

Artist Silverware
Yes View attachment 446010View attachment 446011
View attachment 446012View attachment 446013
For @MinnieM123. You’d love her

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looks like a new version of the California Grill?
Looks nice!
Was the food nice?

hows the prices? comparable?


Premium Member
I have quoted myself for the somewhat embarrassing question I have to ask. After 71 years of existence I have encountered a situation that is minor yet, leaves me unable to decide what the right thing to do is.

A little background, my daughters best friend spent many, many hours at our house over the 12 to 14 years they were growing up. I always thought of her as my third daughter and she always called me Dad II. This past Christmas time she still addressed my card as "Dad II" But that was a happy occasion. I need to send her a sympathy card and I need to sign it. Considering the loss of her Mother it seem inappropriate for me to sign it "Dad II". She has never called me by my first name or even Mr. (Name) since she was about 8 years old. I don't know what to do short of signing with an "X". It seems insensitive one way and cold the other. Suggestions please!

You know what? I'd sign it as Dad II. That's how she has chosen to address you, since she was a kid. I'm thinking it will be more sentimental to her, if you signed it that way. (But, do what your instinct tells you, of course.)

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