@MySmallWorldof4 , can I get your input please?
T has another tourney in 2 weeks. It’s only 45 minutes away from me... but our Saturday games are 4 hours apart.. 1st Sunday game we have to be at the field at 7:30am, and if we make the final it’s late afternoon.
Everyone on the team is within a 45 to 75 minute drive, so we decided not to book thru the tournament as a team. However, myself and 2 other families are considering booking a hotel on our own. (Against tourney rules, but given our distance and not really a travel tourney, it shouldn’t be a big deal)
The cheapest room I can find is $220. I drive a Wrangler so let’s say I’ll save $30 in fuel, which brings that down a little bit.
Would you/have you done something like this for your daughter’s dance team? Booked outside of the rules, and at a short mileage distance?
I feel like it’s a waste of money, but I also feel like the morning game makes the hotel a better option. One downside is that the hotel is still 7 miles from the fields, would be a no brainer if it was right there. Besides that, we can’t get in trouble, right? I can’t imagine that it would be a big deal with only 3 families.
I should add that booking thru the tourney is a Friday-Sunday stay, because many teams are coming from farther away. I don’t need to stay over on Friday night.