Day Two of our Geriatric Adventure...
The second day was a whole lot less tiring and with the exception of one little incident a lot less stressful. Day two was focused on Epcot. We had FP's for SSE, Soarin and Mission: Space. None of them needed a FP, but we had them so what the heck. I got my last look at the familiar old show at SSE and realized that it was time for something new. There's just so many times that one can watch an Egyptian pound on papyrus to make paper, see Michelangelo paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, watch Gutenberg trying to proof read the bible or watch whomever it was sitting in that garage creating the Apple Computer. I still could look at the scene of the Big Blue Marble in Space at the top for hours on end. It was nice to see it one last time before it gets changed though. My sister hadn't seen the "new" Soarin yet so she really enjoyed that. By good luck we got the center seating so the minor distortion stayed to a minimum. Should have seen her jump when the Elephant tossed that huge pile of dirt at us. That was worth the whole trip. The most amazing thing I saw was Living with the land with lines like existed when it was new. The only one in that part of Epcot that should have had a FP. Amazing.
Since the Food and Wine Festival was in full swing, we managed to eat our way around World Showcase missing only the one thing I wanted to see American Adventure which was down for an unknown amount of time. So two major attractions that I personally wanted to see. Pirates (day one) and AA (day two) were dead in the water. We spent a lot of time slowly following around the lagoon and then my sister decided that she wanted to go to Disney Springs to see if she could find souvenirs for her son's family. So we left Epcot and headed to DS with the intent of returning to Epcot later.
This is where something went south on us. We parked in the garage and made our way to the World of Disney in our quest. I was using the scooter and she was on foot. I circled around the store just looking to see what overpriced things were available and met up with her saying that she had been all over the store and couldn't find anything. I thought I had seen something in one of the corners that she told me her granddaughter was wanting. So, I said to her, I'm going back to look for something I thought I saw. She only heard me say, I'm going back and assumed I was going back to the car. The car, btw, was an easy mile away from WoD. I went to where I had seen the item and brought it back where I thought she would be waiting for me only to not find her. I circled around the place a couple of time looking for her with no luck. I had no idea where she was and didn't dare leave our meeting location in case she had just gone to a nearby store. With the exception of a few more circles around I stayed put for over an hour and a half. All the while calling her cell phone, texting her, etc. I finally spoke with a CM and asked if anything had been reported like something happening to a person in or around the store. They hadn't heard of anything, but took her description and let the other CM know to be on the lookout. BTW, don't ever call me to describe anyone in a criminal case. I couldn't even remember the color shirt she was wearing and I was with her all day. About two minutes after I did that she showed up. This is what had happened. She thought I said I was going back to the car, so after a few minutes of looking around headed out for the mile long trek back to the car. Upon returning to the car she found it locked up like we left it and I was no where around. So she walked all the way back and by the power of Murphy's Law must have shown up at the same time that I had made another loop around the store to see if I could find her. So she figured that she would go back to the car and I would be there. She did that one more time missing me again and headed back. I know what your thinking, why didn't she answer her phone or try and call me. Simple her phone was locked in my car and I had the key. So that was up to three complete trips before the final one so in case you are not good at math, before we got back she had logged 8 miles back and forth and still with no souvenirs to show for it. Needless to say, she was hurting and had to tape up her toes and heal to survive the remainder of our trip. So no evening in Epcot.
That ended the second day with a very good meal at the Angus Steak House and back to the hotel. Next day Universal.