The birthday, we're posers, I wanna go home trip report: July 1-16, 2011

I'm back and ready to start another trip report if only so that I can remember it while making my scrapbooking pages. Now, just a foreword, this may get a little wordy as there are lots of things that I want to remember. This shouldn't be a problem, as you can just scroll through all the words, or block the report all together! :lookaroun:lol:

So, here goes! This is another road trip from Minnesota from July 1- July 16, 2011. We had been tentatively planning this for awhile, but I wasn't sure that it would actually happen until pretty close to the time we were leaving.

Before I go further, here's who is on the trip.

Me: turning 38 while there, certified Disney lover

Sam: DH 37, had his first trip at the age of 18 with his two sisters and mom, was the only one on the trip that had any fun, and (I believe) is now an even bigger Disney lover that me- he may debate that, but he has a friend at work who is another DVC owner, and they spend all day talking about Disney and sending texts to each other while on vacation.

Lexy: DD 16, not a certified Disney lover! She was actually really excited about this trip until three months ago when she got a boyfriend. Now she wants nothing to do with this trip at all!!! She has been whining that she DOES NOT want to go. She wants to stay home with her Nana and Papa. Not happening!

Lainey: DD 10, my teenager in training. She is getting those eyerolls and sighs down pat from her older sister.

Roddy: DS 9, our easy going one. He will do anything and have a smile on his face while doing it. He is the reason I'm not totally insane now! :ROFLOL:

Bella: DD 7, our thrill seeker. She is here for the rides and little else. She is the one known to complain when she's not feeling things are going her way.

Oh, boy, I have a feeling this is going to be a fun one! So let's get started!!

Thursday June 30th. Sam worked a full day and I was scheduled to work at the dance studio that the girls dance at. I work there a few days a month to help with my dance bill. I was working to 9 pm, which Sam was not happy about at all! He wanted everything packed and ready to go, which it was not. Now Sam is a doer, I'm the resident procrastinator. I always think that I have plenty of time to get things done. We were originally going to leave on Saturday, but then Sam said we should leave on Friday night so that we could get there earlier and go to the parks on Sunday too. We wanted to see the Fourth fireworks on Sunday at Magic Kingdom then go to Epcot on the actual Fourth. We decided to get a room at a cheap hotel we found a deal on at allears for $69 a night on Sunday night. I wasn't sure if they would let me fit all my kids in there for that price, so I said I only had two kids. Flame away! :drevil: So I was under the impression that we were leaving on Friday night. Plenty of time for me to get stuff done.

I got home from working at the studio to find Sam in a complete panic. He does not like things hanging over his head. We decided to hit Cub Foods up to get some things to bring in the car with us to eat. We were at the check out when Sam wanted me to grab something else. I knew that time was of the essence to Sam so I was really hurrying. I guess on my way back, you could hear my flip flops crazily coming. Sam said that the check out person was looking like what is that? There was a stock boy ahead of me that I was coming up behind closely. He kept looking back over his shoulder with a scared expression on his face. I think he thought I was going to run him over. Sam was laughing so hard in the car on the way home. He said that I was giving "stocking" a new meaning. He thought the guy figured I was stalking him. I think that lightened things up for Sam a little, or at least I thought so. It was now getting late so Sam went to bed to get ready for our day of leaving.

Friday July 1, 2011. Leaving day. Again, I thought I had plenty of time to get ready. So I woke up and went on the computer for a bit. I was not scrapbooking, but I was doing things related to it. Sam was furious that I was scrapbooking while he was trying to get things ready to leave. I thought that we were taking naps and such, so I figured I would just skip my nap. Nope, suddenly Sam decided that we were leaving ASAP. Why was I not giving the memo on this? He wanted to leave by like 1 pm. Yeah, that was going to happen. I still had to run to Target to pick up some things, and I really wanted Roddy to get a hair cut. The Justin Beiber look alike thing that he was trying to get started was just not working for me! So after some grumbling, we managed to get out of the house and packed up around 3 or so.
Are we one big happy family or what?


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So the car is now packed, and we are starting off to run our errands. We have two banks to go to, Target, and then I was trying to casually mention that I hadn't gotten Roddy's haircut done yet. This started the first of many, "You're killing me." comments that I heard ad nauseum throughout the trip and beyond. I think he keeps saying it because he knows it annoys me so.

Well, that banks were easy, then we hit up Great Clips thinking it would be just as quick. Wrong!! I guess since it was the Friday before the Fourth everyone and his brother were there trying to get a hair cut. Yep, you guessed it, I was killing Sam! :rolleyes::lol: We waited it out, and while it wasn't what I had explained to her, it would have to do. Now just Target to do. After Target, we hit the gas station so that Sam could get a Monster or something to start the drive. Check out the time now. Not his time he wanted to leave at all!



Oh, well, at least some people are happy to be getting on the road.



We knew it was going to be- how did one friend put it?- melt your face off hot, but the weather was not much better as we were leaving Minnesota. Here's what it said at the gas station.


Sam was worried that at this time we were going to run into traffice getting into Wisconsin, but we really did not. We were on our way! Oops, I guess that big soda at Wendy's before Target did not help me. Sam was not thrilled that we already had to stop in Menonomie. You guessed it, "You're killing me!"



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Ahh, I felt much better after our stop! I was ready to keep driving into the night. Sam was still driving at this point. He does not care for my driving, but he usually lets me take over once it gets too late. I am the resident night owl.

The kids were keeping themselves busy. Lexy had roped Bella into doing her hair and rubbing her back. Roddy was deep into a movie.



Before you know it, it's time for another rest stop, and my turn driving.


Last year, we went through downtown Chicago so we hit a lot of tolls. After a scary visit through Gary, Indiana on the way back, we decided to try a new way this time. We ended up seeing a lot more of Illinois and it was pretty boring rural views, but there were much less tolls and the driving seemed less stressful.

This was were things did get a bit more stressful though at the tip of Illinois. It seemed like this state was neverending much in the way that we thought Georgia was neverending last year. Sam was worried about needing gas. The new GPS we got would tell you the nearest gas station. It said that there was one a few miles off the next exit, so Sam took it. It was not even close to the exit. We turned the way it said and we were deep into "Wrong Turn" country. Sam thought this was a good time to complain about the fact that we were not flying. We would already be there if it wasn't for this stupid drive etc. I reminded him that flying would have cost us at least double what driving was costing. Eventually I told him to just turn around and find another exit with a gas station nearer. You can imagine how that conversation was going. He did end up turning around after a bit and we did find another exit with a gas station. Problem solved. I'm sure I was killing him again, though. :lookaroun

Saturday July 2, 2011. With both of us driving in the night, we made really good time. We ended up in Kentucky early Saturday morning. It was about 5:20 am. I thought that rest stop was the neatest place ever. It had kind of a Graceland feel to me. It looked very old and Southern.



We kept on the road, and before long we were on the same track that we had been on last year.


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Sam drove us through the mountains because I hate all the turns. I do love these signs everywhere though, although I wanted to see a truck using one of them but didn't.


We still weren't sure if we were going to drive straight through or stop at a cheap motel in Georgia yet. Originally the GPS estimated out time in Florida to be 5 pm, but it kept getting later and later with stops to rest rooms and such. We were also entering a cranky zone. Sam was having a bit of a breakdown about the whole driving thing and I wasn't sure how it would play out. I ended up driving a lot more on this trip. I know that Sam saw that as a bad thing, but I just see it as being part of a team. If one member breaks down, the next one just picks up the slack. When he felt that he couldn't do anymore, we stopped to eat at a Denny's and take a break. I told him that I would drive the rest of the way.

I started back on the road, but Sam took over at the next rest stop. He had his wind back, and we decided to just keep driving. We ended up in the Orlando area around 9:30 pm.

The plan was that we would stop at the Holiday Inn-used to be the Sunspree, we had stayed there years ago- to see if we could add another night to our room. Well, we got there and they said that they were completely booked. Well, there were plenty of hotels in the area, we figured. We did not count on so many of them being booked. I kept going in and coming back out again. I was starting to think that it was a very real possibility that we would be sleeping in the Suburban which did not make anyone happy. Lexy started with the, "I want to go home. Let's just turn around." Like that was at all a viable option.

Just as things were looking the worst, we pulled in the the Doubletree by DTD. Patrick was working behind the desk, and he was simply wonderful! I had never met someone so well suited for his job before. He managed to find me the last king room available. Since he was so nice, I mentioned that I had four kids and would that be a problem. He said that he didn't care, but he was worried about our comfort. I told him that at this point, I was not at all picky! He went up personally to check on the room because it was originally held for someone else. I was holding my breath that it would be available. The kids and Sam were in the car holding their breath that I would find something. But as Bella told them, "She's been gone a long time. It doesn't take that long to tell her they don't have any rooms." So the room was available, we got water and warm cookies, Yummy!, and we were off to our room.

We got up there and were beat. So we paid way too much for Pizza Hut in our room. It was the most we'd ever spent for pizza, but beggars can't be choosers! Sam and Lexy were happy with the coffee selection in the room, although Lexy did not want to pose for a picture.


The littles sure were happy. Patrick had sent up a ______ for Lexy to sleep on, so the three of them shared the pull out. Woohoo! We're out of the Suburban!!


Ok, off to upload photos of our first day in the parks!


New Member
Welcome to boring Illinois. We don't like to go the way of Chicago either. We usually will go south to I80 and then over to Indiana. Doesn't seem to long and boring. I'm hoping the GPS you have isn't a Magellan. We are looking for one. Can't wait to finish reading. We have just decided to drive next year instead of flying.


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Jenn!? Is that you?! :lol: It's been so long! I'm excited you're back with another report... Loving the road trip commentary.

Would you believe I was there for two days of your trip? I'll be looking for myself in your pictures!


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Jenn!? Is that you?! :lol: It's been so long! I'm excited you're back with another report... Loving the road trip commentary.

Would you believe I was there for two days of your trip? I'll be looking for myself in your pictures!

What?!?! You didn't tell me! I wonder if you are in any of those many crowd shots I have! :lol:


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What?!?! You didn't tell me! I wonder if you are in any of those many crowd shots I have! :lol:

Yes, well, I had no clue you were going to be there... That's two trips now!

I just saw the link to your blog... Impressive stuff, my friend! It might just be the inspiration I need to start making more pages. To say it's been awhile would be an understatement. :lookaroun :lol:


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Ahh, thanks, Holly! Can't wait to see more pages from you! You must have a ton to do with the wedding and all!!

Sunday July 3, 2011. We woke up, and I hit the shower. That shower felt so good after all that time in the car! I was too tired to shower before bed last night! :eek: Roddy was still cozy in that pull out.


We got things ready to check out. This wasn't our hotel, but it was the view from the hotel.


While everyone was getting ready, Lexy got hooked on the Casey Anthony trial. It was all that was ever on when we were down there this time. It was strange because we remember the case from our October 2008 trip, when it was all over the news too. Lexy was mesmerized. She kept asking questions about what happened. Then, she didn't want to leave. She wanted to keep watching the courtroom footage that they kept running. Bella was not having any of this. When she wants somthing, she'll just keep repeating it over and over louder and louder until you give in. She kept saying, "Magic Kingdom. Magic Kingdom." Can you guess where she wanted to go?

We finally made it out to load up our bags. I always take a picture of our room door and such.



We were on the top floor. It was pretty nice. Ah, but it's time to leave. Magic Kingdom and all that.




We drove back to the Sunspree where they allowed me to pre-check in, but our room wasn't ready. Big surprise. So we headed to where else?- Magic Kingdom.


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The view from our bug encrusted window! Bella was so excited. Sam was a little worried about parking there since we hadn't checked into Old Key West yet, but I told him that AP holders get free parking, so we were all good.


Sam was worried that our APs wouldn't work since they had been sitting all year and were a little stuck to each other when we pulled them out, but they were fine, and we were in the gate in no time! Woohoo!!

The kids wanted to hit Space Mountain right away. It was no contest. So we headed that way. With a quick stop to cool down first.


The wait time said 50 minutes, but I don't think it was that long. We were happy to wait in the air for awhile though.



Sam and Lexy start their poser mission. On the tram to the MK, Sam told Lexy about his idea to do weird faces and poses in the pictures so that it wasn't just the same old thing. This didn't last our whole trip, but they were fresh at this point and ready to go.



Ok, when did they do this? I know why they did it, but come on. It's so annoying. What difference does it make if I take a picture with my own camera. Either way, I'm still not paying their prices everytime I ride.



This is my favorite guy. Roddy says he could be my private butler. I love these green drinks called melontinis that have Midori in them. So yummy. This guy always reminds me of my beloved melontinis.



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We had grabbed fast passes prior to riding so that we could come back later for this one too. They were pretty happy about that.


Now, Sam had told me before we came about how bad the Magic Kingdom water was. We always freeze water bottles and take them with us, so I had never noticed. He couldn't believe that I had never tasted the water. So he made me go to the drinking fountain and try it for myself. Yeah, not so good. Sam made sure he got that on video, now who's killing who?

It was hot, maybe not melt your face off hot yet, but still hot. So we got some frozen lemonade. I'm not a big fan of that, it's too sour for me, but I got something else to drink.



It felt good to sit and relax for a minute. Now, you may not know it, but I am a huge character lover!! I was telling the kids about all the characters I wanted to see. They were like, no way. They actually told me to pick- get ready for it- my top ten!!! Top ten!!! No way! I told them that I could whittle it down to my top 100, and they were not amused. So this was an almost character free trip. I made do, and there were a few that I put my foot down for. But it did almost kill me to walk by character after character. More on that later. For now, I saw White Rabbit, and that was a foot putter downer! We had to see him. It was still early in the trip, so they agreed.



We wandered around a little. Sam wanted to do Peter Pan for some reason, but what do you think the wait for that was by now? Yeah, too long!

We ended up in Frontierland where we decided to wait for Splash, since it's partially air conditioned, and get fastpasses for Big Thunder. The return time for that was only like 45 minutes away. So we figured it would work out perfectly. Well, for everyone except me. I do have a thing about getting my hair wet, but I sucked it up and we got in line.


Bella was hot. She just kept repeating that in line. It was so awesome. I told her we were all hot, and we would be to the air part soon.



Here are my good kids for the moment. They definitely knew better than to rock the boat at that moment.


Sam gave me a hard time for this one. He loves to put my photos down. He calls his art, but mine, no way. More on that later. He said that this was the most unoriginal photo on Splash.



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Jenn!! You started!! I thought you said it would be a while!! This isn't a while!

I love it. Can't wait to see all the posers! :lol:


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At least we're in the good part of the wait now, and it didn't take that long at all.


Much happier now, and ready to get wet!



We got out of Splash and it was time to head over to Big Thunder. I won't ride this one without a fastpass, unless it's really late at night.



Oh, great, more of those funny faces.


Now our video camera, an old one, broke on our last trip with a tape in it. We can't get it out. So Sam was so disappointed with no video from that trip. He really wanted that video. So he got one of those little handhelds that was waterproof so he could take it in the pool with him. He loved that little thing, but it was so easy for him to move his hand with it that it gets pretty choppy at times.




Now tell me if this was the face of someone who wants to go home?


Although she would adamantly tell you that she did want to go home!


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Well, that there was the wildest ride in the wilderness!


We were getting a little hungry now. We had the dining plan, but that didn't start until tomorrow, so I was a little sad about having to hand over a ton of money for eating, but what could we do? We decided to head to Cosmic Rays. I was imagining listening to my Sonny, but that wasn't to be. It was a complete zoo. We were totally in the back corner and lucky to get that.


Everybody loved a Cosmic Ray burger, well some of us liked it better before they had those huge whole grain buns, but c'est la vie.


Lexy went all vamp on us with her fries.


And our little weirdlo, Bella, was eating chicken nuggets and pickles dunked in ketchup. She called them her sandwiches. Yuck!!


Fortified from our meal, we felt that we could conquer the evil emporer. I'm not a huge fan, mainly because I cannot work the laser properly, but I'm always game to try.


Roddy insisted on riding with me. Odd, he never WANTS to ride with me. Usually he wants the boys club, but this time he definitely wanted me.


Seems he had a little proposal for me. He said that he would be willing to take ANY picture that I wanted him to if he could buy anything he wanted. He wanted to spend his money on anything even stuffed animals-usually a no no at our house since we have so many. I said sure, it's your money. He was thrilled. Seems he had his eye on a Lotso that they sold in the gift shop. Crazy kid.


Sam usually likes them to wait to spend their money. I mean we had lots more days to be there, but he really wanted that Lotso. I think he was sorry later, but you learn your lesson the hard way usually.



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After all that hard work defeating Zurg, it was time for some relaxing.



Roddy had to take Lotso out of his bag for the ride.


Still happy though.


We had enough of Tomorrowland.


It's good to be back!



The kids wanted Pirates next.


We'd get here later.


There were a bunch of characters wandering around Frontierland at this time. I didn't realize it when I took this picture of Lexy with the Indian, but I had a visitor behind me mocking me. That is why Lexy was laughing. It was Liverlips making gestures.



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As we were walking away from the Indian, this tiny little male CM ran towards us screaming. Lexy was totally freaked out. Apparantly this was the start of the hoedown. I had never seen a CM so excited to do his job before. It was fun to watch, and you got to give them credit. I was hot watching them, think how hot they must have been! Bella got pulled out to dance by the sweetest girl ever!







It was really getting pretty hot by this point. I think my face MAY have been starting to melt. We got some waters and made the kids drink them while we chilled, or tried to.


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We thought Haunted Mansion would hit the spot next.


here's my Where's Waldo moment, or maybe you should say Where's Jenn? I don't know how it always happened, but we would all be together heading into a line, when somehow we would end up getting cut off and split off. Roddy and I managed to get ourselved behind another family. Sam thought this was pretty funny.


We managed to get back together again, but then Lexy pricked her finger.


Sam longingly looked here. He always wants to do the boat and the kids never do.


We thought it would be fun to take the long way for the first time to see the new queue.



Love this guy with his bubbles.



We headed into a shop next. I found this wine goblets that I really must have!


Lexy the lush.



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Big shocker, Peter Pan still had a long wait time. We headed for Philharmagic instead.


Now, I took a picture of the kids in their glasses. I knew it wouldn't be fabulous. I was using a bad lens and I had to hold really still. I really just wanted something that I could use in my scrapbooking that was half way decent. So I took this one.


There was a woman behind me that very sweetly offered to take a family picture. I thought for a second because I knew it wouldn't turn out, but then I figured what the heck. I told her that she would have to hold it very still. I'm not sure she spoke very good english. Anyway, I showed her what to do and got with the family. I only post this because I thought it was funny. She took the picture, looked at it and said, "beautiful." I didn't look at it right away because I didn't want to be rude, but I had to laugh when I did look at it. Here it is.


Really I shouldn't laugh because she was so sweet, but it is funny.

We had to head into Sir Mickey's now. Lainey really wanted new sunglasses and the 10 pairs we had in the car just weren't right. She always wanted those Aviator looking ones. She tried on two, and decided on the red.




We had to ride the classic next.



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