Trip Report "The Best Disney Trip EVER"

Hello, hello everyone!! A warm welcome to everyone reading--I'm so glad you're here!!

WHEN: Tuesday, November 5th - Tuesday, November 12th

WHERE: I think you know us well enough by now!!

WHO: I'm sure you know most of us(don't worry--I'm not going to confuse you all like I did in June;)). In case you don't though, there's me, my nephew J, & my sister E. Besides us usual 3 Musketeers, E's husband/J's dad/my BIL joined us for the fun!! To keep confusion to a minimum for this TR I will refer to him as JSR.

You could also call us "The Red Family". When E asked J what color MB he wanted he said that he wanted red & that we should all get that color so we could be "The Red Family". I know you can't see E's but trust me, her's was red also.

Looking forward to reliving "The Best Disney Trip EVER" with you all!!

Tuesday, November 5th

The plan was to leave E & JSR's at 7:00. I went to work for 5:30 to get a few last minute things done--also so that I could say to my boss that I was only off for 7 days, not 8. He teases me that "vacations are 7 days not 8". After doing some work & him teasing me a bit I was off on my merry way!! I got to their house only to find out that JSR was still packing!!:jawdrop: E was not thrilled in the least. He must have been close to being done though b/c we were only delayed a few minutes.

Then came the next delay. It was Election Day and E & JSR wanted to due their civic duty. I sat in the car with J & we talked Disney while we waited.

And, in typical Pittsburgh fashion, it was raining.

Rush hour traffic + heavy rain = a slow commute to the airport. I don't know what it is with this town but it seems like no one can drive in the rain around here. Trust me, we get more than our fair share of it so you think people would be used to it.

As we were waiting to check our luggage in the woman behind us noticed our luggage tags & said that she was going to Disney also and was staying at Caribbean Beach. She asked if this was our first time going which prompted JSR to throw in a few digs about us & the frequency of our trips. I think he's just jealous ;)

The Southwest agent was slower than molasses but after 10 minutes or so it was our turn.

JSR made fun of me all week b/c of this. I had two suitcases. The small one weighed 20 lbs & this one was 36.5. He kept saying, "How did you manage to bring 56 lbs. of clothes?" As it turned out, due to his last minute packing there were quite a few things that he forgot so I told him at least I didn't have that problem. He also told me not to tell E about what he had forgot b/c he didn't want to hear her say "I told you so".

E went to park the car while the J's & I proceeded to security. But wait, I couldn't go just yet. For whatever reason the Southwest agent left one of the suitcases behind. After unsuccessfully trying to get his attention for about 5 minutes I finally interrupted him & asked him to please put it on the belt. I was getting nervous that it would somehow get forgotten. He looked at me with a surprised look on his face & said he didn't notice it there. Really??

On the "monorail" we go!!


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As a mother, I 100 percent agree with you that J’s parents should have backed up your telling him no. When my sister watches my daughter for me, she gets to set the rules and I back her up. Some thing with the nanny when we had one - occasionally I’d come home to have lunch with them but always told my daughter that if the nanny said no for something then my answer would be the same.
I probably would have bought it but I knew it was early on in the trip & I would get talked into more jelly beans & cars throughout the week!!🤣 In all fairness they didn't know that he asked me & what my answer was until they were getting ready to purchase it. I definitely see your point though.
Maybe some one could answer this. I was wondering why you need to wear a hard hat to lay gingerbread shingles? If you get beaned on the head does it hurt?!
edit, I asked this before I saw someone else already had the same thought!
🤣I guess stranger things have happened!!
We were in AK on the 7th!!
Oh bummer!! Chances of seeing us might have been slim to none though. We weren't even there 4 hours!!
I do not think it is the material you are handling but the tools that may be used and where they are being used that could be a concern
Class E hard hat, green patch safety shoes (reinforced toe and sole of boot)and safety glasses are mandatory in our plant no matter what you are constructing.
For example I notice an elevated work platform (cherry picker or genie boom) with two workers raised up above others.
If they were holding a tool or sharp object and dropped it you would want all workers protected.
Also the hard hats help if you bump your head into something

Just my 2 cents

That does make a lot of sense. Looking at the pictures the hard hats may seem kind of silly but they definitely have them for a reason. I'm sure the CM's don't necessarily want to wear them but a rule is a rule. It's like at my job. When employees whine to me about certain policies I tell them I don't care if they like them but they have to follow them!!
Yup, nothing like mixed signals to the kid, going on there! ;)

Gotta admit though, that is the most precious photo of him hugging "Fago"! :joyfull:
I thought the same thing about that picture!! Trust me, Fago didn't leave his side the rest of the trip!! Still trying to figure out that name though!!
I know, I know. I am 7 pages late.

But I have a good excuse. :angelic:

Perhaps you will accept these as my peace offering?
Yes, you have a excellent excuse but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't (im)patiently waiting for you to join in!!

A peace offering isn't necessary but is much appreciated & thank you!!

-That does look pretty neat all lit up. I really wish I could have seen it. Seeing your pictures actually makes them look silly not lit up!!
-That is my favorite tree in all of Disney. I am bummed that it wasn't up...
-We did end up seeing the finished product a few days later!!

Super glad you're(finally) here!!:happy:


Well-Known Member
I will let it go after this post

Looking back through your pics of the ginger bread house construction it is confusing why some have hard hats and some don’t
Some have high vis vests and some don’t
If it was my site I would shut it down and sort out the PPE ( personal protective equipment) requirements and make it consistent



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I seriously can not say enough how much I enjoyed AK's Christmas decorations!! They were so unique!!

Time for one of our favorites!!


J was so excited b/c we were directed to walk across the floor to our section. He thought it was so neat that we were walking in the spot where the show is performed!!




For as many times as I have seen this show I never noticed this guy in the corner during the fire part.

As we were exiting guess who got in trouble for touching the float!!:hilarious:

Some more fun decorations!!


Well-Known Member
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I will let it go after this post

Looking back through your pics of the ginger bread house construction it is confusing why some have hard hats and some don’t
Some have high vis vests and some don’t
If it was my site I would shut it down and sort out the PPE ( personal protective equipment) requirements and make it consistent

It's all good Max!!

What you're saying makes perfect sense. That's a good point, I wonder why there isn't consistency?? Inquiring minds want to know....


Well-Known Member
I do not think it is the material you are handling but the tools that may be used and where they are being used that could be a concern
Class E hard hat, green patch safety shoes (reinforced toe and sole of boot)and safety glasses are mandatory in our plant no matter what you are constructing.
For example I notice an elevated work platform (cherry picker or genie boom) with two workers raised up above others.
If they were holding a tool or sharp object and dropped it you would want all workers protected.
Also the hard hats help if you bump your head into something

Just my 2 cents

Ahh, thank you very much for that info. Didn't think about the tools, etc.


Well-Known Member
You had to have been drenched. That was a pretty heavy rain!!
Soaked! And the rain felt like pellets against our skin! But we giggled the whole way through the ride at how ridiculous it was :hilarious:

This photo made me laugh. "First things first! Gotta reapply the kid's bright red lipstick!" :oops:

Let the show begin!!

Sad we missed it :(

@Tuvalu... at Animal Kingdom??? It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!


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Thanks for all the cool pics Riverside. We've yet to go around the holidays and I'm itching to try it. Festival of the lion King is one of my must do. Lol I would have tried to touch the float also 😂.
I'm glad you're enjoying them. Glad to hear that they're somewhat good considering I only use my iPhone! The holiday decorations are really nice(HS & AK are now tied for my favorites!!) My BIL is like a big kid so I'm really not surprised that he did that!! It was funny!!
All caught up! Loving the report as always. It is almost 60 days until I take MY nephew J and the pictures of your J's haircut is giving me ideas LOL
Thank you!! Darn--we'll just miss you:cry: but I hope you & your nephew have a great time!!
Soaked! And the rain felt like pellets against our skin! But we giggled the whole way through the ride at how ridiculous it was :hilarious:
I can only imagine. I rode Big Thunder once in the rain. That was painful!!
This photo made me laugh. "First things first! Gotta reapply the kid's bright red lipstick!" :oops:
🤣I didn't notice that until you said it. That's pretty funny!!
Sad we missed it :(
Oh, darn. I was going to mention in the TR about the possibility of us meeting but for some reason I was thinking it was supposed to be Thursday. I just looked at my messages & saw that it was Wednesday. I'll be sure to fit it in though! Still bummed that it didn't work out!!
@Tuvalu... at Animal Kingdom??? It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!
:hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: @Tuvalu I know you're not a big AK fan but it's tolerable for you in the cooler months, correct?


Well-Known Member
I hate to iron! Downy wrinkle spray is the best. I always take it with me Lol

The horse lead thing I can totally relate to, my Bro in law had a horse that hated to load on a trailer especially a two stall one. I was holding his lead hanging through the front sweet talking to him while he loaded from behind- he got spooked and freaked and I didn’t let go, got pulled halfway in before I let go. I was more afraid he was going to break his leg than worrying about myself. If B hadn’t grabbed me I most likely would have fell in and got trampled. :-/ Thankfully we both survived with just bruises and scrapes.
I had a Bailey too!

The food at Homecomin’ looks so good, I have try it next time.
I'll have to remember that for next time!! Do they make it in travel size? 🤔 E & JSR are funeral directors so they're all about ironing b/c they're used to looking prim & proper for work. Glad I don't have that problem!!:hilarious:

I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt. It's amazing that the simplest things spook these big animals. I understand what you mean though about worrying about him breaking a leg b/c we all know where that leads. Another Bailey--cool!!

I've only ate there twice but highly recommend it!!
Yes! They do, Walmart has it in the travel size section and it meets the airline liquid rule. I hate, hate to iron it is my lifesaver.
I'm with you. I DESPISE ironing. So much so that I would rather throw my clothes back in the dryer with a damp washcloth to get the wrinkles out. It takes some serious wrinklage for me to get the iron out!

The Downy wrinkle release is amazing. I have a large bottle and I get the little travel bottle and just refill the travel one when it gets low. You literally just spray it, hang it, and forget about it. It works so quickly too! The only downside is that I personally think the scent is strong.


Well-Known Member
. My shirt was pretty bad but I kept telling myself that at least I tried!!
Looks good to me! I am not an iron person at all! I had to iron my halloween costume for work and had to ask the DH where our ironing board was in a house we've lived in for 8 months! :banghead: Not much could convince me to iron at Disney!

We met E at The Enchanted Rose. I was really excited to check it out!!
Thanks for the review! I'm looking forward to trying this out next year!

mousekeeping put out another lotion & soap the day before!!
YAY! I can start collecting these for my guest bath again! ;) We usually stay at the All-Stars and once they went to refillable bottles, we were sad.
I told him he had to ride Everest first & once he did he could have one.
J will hold you to that promise when he does get old enough for Everest!

I seriously can not say enough how much I enjoyed AK's Christmas decorations!! They were so unique!!

AK is amazing and their holiday decorations are definitely unique! I love the tree with all the animals on it. Sorry you didn't get to see it this time!


Well-Known Member
The Downy wrinkle release is amazing. I have a large bottle and I get the little travel bottle and just refill the travel one when it gets low. You literally just spray it, hang it, and forget about it. It works so quickly too! The only downside is that I personally think the scent is strong.

It should smell more like Downy. It has a a regular Febreeze fabric spray kinda to me. I love the Downy Febreeze Air Effects though!


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The Downy wrinkle release is amazing. I have a large bottle and I get the little travel bottle and just refill the travel one when it gets low. You literally just spray it, hang it, and forget about it. It works so quickly too! The only downside is that I personally think the scent is strong.
I just bought a large bottle of it once we started talking about my lack of ironing skills. It did work quite well but the first time I used it I think I used too much & didn't give the shirt a chance to fully dry. I had a damp shirt for a few hours that morning at work!!
Looks good to me! I am not an iron person at all! I had to iron my halloween costume for work and had to ask the DH where our ironing board was in a house we've lived in for 8 months! :banghead: Not much could convince me to iron at Disney!
:hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: That would be so me!!
Thanks for the review! I'm looking forward to trying this out next year!
I really enjoyed it there. It was very pretty & a nice getaway from the park for a bit.
YAY! I can start collecting these for my guest bath again! ;) We usually stay at the All-Stars and once they went to refillable bottles, we were sad.
I will say though, after that day of refilling the lotion they didn't do it the rest of the time:cautious:
J will hold you to that promise when he does get old enough for Everest!
And I will deliver!!
AK is amazing and their holiday decorations are definitely unique! I love the tree with all the animals on it. Sorry you didn't get to see it this time!
Me too but there's always next year!!🤞
It should smell more like Downy. It has a a regular Febreeze fabric spray kinda to me. I love the Downy Febreeze Air Effects though!
I totally agree!!
You guys always make me jealous talking about useful products that I can’t get over here ☹. I need to start making a list for when I go to Target in 4 weeks time 😉
Oh, Target!! There's one about 3 miles from me. I'm there at least twice a week!
Yes, especially during the holidays. :inlove:
Totally agree!!


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J was a little bummed b/c E forgot to pack his iPod :oops: That meant no picture taking for him!!


Our guide was a wealth of knowledge & continually talked the whole time. The only downfall......she talked so fast you couldn't understand what she was saying!


Animal on the road!!


I think the giraffes are my favorite part!!

E gave in & let J have her phone so he could capture the moment(s)!

J's favorite part!!


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