Next it was on to see Muppet Vision 3D
have to check under the mat!
yup, there's the key!
I love this fountain!
We had to show Connor's Perry face to Phineas and Ferb! They really made a big deal!
I felt it was time to spruce up my look too...
Why yes, I am a princess - thanks for noticing!
Connor was not as excited with my new look as I was. He said, "Mom you look ridiculous." I said "Connor you look like a platypus, I can't take your opinion seriously." He had to agree & the tiara was mine!
So next we did some wandering around, soaking it all in (taking pictures!)
I love ToT but I didn't get to ride this trip

The boys just aren't ready
Next it was back to Toy Story Mania to use our fastpasses
We made it to Sci-Fi right on time for our ADR
I love holidays, so naturally we celebrate everything at my house! Chinese New Year, Lincoln's Birthday (which for some reason always involves a hot dog party with sherbet punch)

But anyway, we were not going to let a silly thing like my brother not being with us stop us from celebrating his birthday! This is why we choose Sci-Fi, it's one of his favorites. We even sang happy birthday to him!
Then it was time to head home...
One more pic of the hat at night
This was probably the only night we were back at a reasonable hour, so I decided to do some laundry while we took a swim. I wish doing laundry at home was as much fun!
Once I was sure the boys were sound asleep, which really doesn't take long in Disney, it was all clear for "the Tooth Fairy" to show up. Here's what we had discussed earlier that day... Tinker Bell is in charge of teeth in WDW, so it was she who would be leaving the loot under the pillow. Ah, another point I forgot to mention - Connor does not let the Tooth Fairy take his teeth. She is only allowed a chip from each, but then they go in a lunchbox - a traveling tooth museum of sorts. So there was a little concern that lines were crossed & Tink would make off with his chopper! Luckily I was able to assure him that would not happen. In the morning he was thrilled to find his tooth still in his possession along with a "credit card & tooth coffin"!