Trip Report That's OK- We Make Our Own Magic - COMPLETED

I've gone back and forth with myself over the last few months if I'd do a trip report at all since this wasn't the trip I envisioned, but I keep coming back to all of the photos I took and how it would be nice to share some of them. So, I guess I'm doing this. Still, I'm going to put this out there right now...there were a number of things that bothered me during our trip. Nothing was ruined or anything like that, but I am going to share both the good and the bad and it won't be sugar coated or pixie dusted. Still, it's been about 2.5 months since the trip, so some of my negativity has mellowed a bit too, so that'll help.

It's been a couple of years since I posted a trip report on here, so I'm a bit rusty with all of this. I didn't do one for our 2016 trip since it involved another Disney forum group and then we had a longer than average break from vacations because we went through a move. Yup, all that vacation money went into fun things like paint, carpet, etc.

First off...we moved out of our old house in late June, lived in a hotel (family of 4 plus a dog) for about a week and a half, and then moved into our new home in early July. About a month before the closing on our old house, my husband suggested we go to Disney for Christmas. We're not rookies and know this is not the ideal time for crowds and pricing, but it's what worked with everything else. Of course, this also meant I was dealing with 180 dining booking right as all of this moving stuff was hitting peak stress levels. Oh, and since my hubby didn't want me putting any $ into vacation stuff until we were in our new home, I didn't have the +10 luxury when booking dining. Nothing like being up at 4:45am CT for 8 days in a row as you're about a week out from a closing. We are also Houston area and live in part of town that was badly flooded by Hurricane Harvey, so there were a handful of days where I had to sit there wondering if we'd be dealing with more home things for our $ vs. vacation. We were very lucky and did not flood, but a week later, my family went through Hurricane Irma, so that was also super nerve wracking as well. Thankfully, everyone came out of that OK too, and it was pretty much smooth sailing until trip time.

So here are the details...
WHO: Me (Sandy), my husband David, my girls Samantha and Kendall...and for a portion of the trip, my brother, SIL, their kids and my parents.


Yup, this is all of us just before being seated at 'Ohana.

WHEN: December 15th-24th (16th-23rd at WDW)
WHERE: The Swan...We knew we'd be between peak and holiday pricing for our trip, but after staying at POR in 2016, we decided we only want to stay Epcot area or monorail loop for future trips. I didn't feel like scaling back on our dining plans (a decision I'd regret), so I chose the Swan over a Disney resort. Even with all of the fees, the Swan's overall price per night was on par with the mods, but we got the great location, beds, and bigger rooms for the price.
WHAT: I bought 6 day single park tickets. While I do enjoy the flexibility with hoppers, I feel like we waste so much time hopping to justify the cost. So, we skipped them. We're also not DDP people, so it was OOP for us. My parents and brother are now APs, but decided TiW wasn't worth it to them after having it for a year, so we rely on passholder discounts and Disney Visa discounts for food.
HOW:'s a cost saver, but I've been asked that we fly for any future trips. I think everyone is kind of over the road trip.

So, if you've ever seen my past reports, you know I like a surprise. It's gotten to the point that the kids asked to be surprised. I knew they wouldn't be completely blindsided because I asked them for a bunch of feedback. So, this became more of know it's coming, but you won't know when. At least planning things around the holidays makes it easier to have trip goodies delivered to your home without tipping them off.

I was excited for this one because I was finally going to get to do the surprise pick up at school. The kids go to different schools now, so it was a bit more challenging, but I was ready. It also helps that we celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah and with Hanukkah starting a few days before our trip, I had a few days where I could work in trip goodies into their gifts without making them suspicious. Honestly, the biggest challenge was packing. I had to take some time off from work, add things to suitcases that are in the closets in increments that wouldn't raise any eyebrows and then pull it all together in the few hours of school on the last day before Christmas break. Easy..right? Oh, and the last Hanukkah gift before the trip was Disney gift cards, and as far as the kids knew, we'd be heading to go shopping after school let out for break so they could spend them. I just never said where we'd be spending them. LOL :hilarious:

Samantha was the first to get picked up, but they were having a holiday party and I had to get the car ready. So, David went into the party while I prepped the vehicle. It looked better in my mind that it came out, but it still worked. I had light up mouse ears on the head rests, light necklaces draped around them, Disney plush, and obviously all of the luggage in the back.



Unfortunately, I completely screwed up the filming of the surprise reveal for Samantha. That being said, it was great! We totally got her and she was so giddy. I did get Kendall's surprise, but she's not as much fun because she claims she had it all figured out.

I did still have one surprise still up my sleeve that would totally get her- more on that a bit later.

We hit really bad traffic getting out of our town since all of the schools were letting out for the holidays, but once we were out, it was a pretty easy drive. Unfortunately, with the later start, there was no way we were going to make our goal of getting to Tallahassee. We couldn't leave any earlier because Kendall had exams, so we'd have to settle for spending the night in Pensacola. We woke up bright and early the next day and started heading towards Orlando. I absolutely hate the drive through the FL panhandle, but it is what it is. We also hit really bad traffic on I-75 due to an accident right before the FL Turnpike, but we made it to WDW by just after 3pm.


This one's a bit better...



So, that's it for now. I normally speed through my TRs, but I have so much going on with work, house stuff, kid stuff, etc. that this might actually take me a while...especially once I get into the bulk of the pictures. All of this so far was done on my phone, which is just ok, but I finally got a new camera and lens. So, I took A LOT of pictures. Are they all amazing? No, but they're much better. :)

I also accidentally picked Large sizing for the photos on this first post. I promise to pick a more normal size for subsequent posts.

Coming up...More of Dec 16th- check in drama and excitement, a room with a view, parking, and dinner/fireworks plans.


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Enjoying the photos - the one of Samantha wearing the Christmas lights is great!

Thanks! I'm really fond of that one as well. It's so rare to get her when she's not doing something goofy :D

On my last trip we stayed in All Star Music and while housekeeping visited our room every day, but never took the trash which I thought was very odd. We had one in diapers at the time and it got gross fast and I ended up having to make frequent trips to the outside trash can. Sorry for your lack of service I’m sure it took away from the ease of being on vacation.

Oh yeah...diapers would be sooooooo much worse! We had something similar happen at WL. Samantha had just turned 2. still in diapers, and mousekeeping missed us one day. Thankfully, we were away from our room so much that it didn't build up, but when they cleaned our room the next day, they used so much of their cleaning products that you could smell our room from down the hall. :hilarious:


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So, before I jump into the next day, I forgot to mention that during our TOT ride, Kendall wanted me to hold BB8 at my feet. We knew this wasn't going to go well. Somewhere mid-ride in the drops, he came floating up like some of the TOT vids with the balls. A screaming Kendall caught him mid air and held onto him for the rest of the ride. I think that added to her trauma. Moving on...

December 18th - Animal Kingdom

So, this would be our first time seeing Pandora since it opened. It took a lot of work, but I had FoP FPs, so rope drop and EMH weren't quite as important for us. A little back story on that...on my 60 day mark, I was skunked for FoP FPs and had to settle for NRJ. My dad, on the other hand, had the website flip about 15 minutes early for him and he easily got FPs. On one hand, I was happy for him, but considering how tough it is to get these things, it bites that some people luck out and get in early. So, I had to have a plan B. I had a feeling morning EMH would be our best backup plan if I couldn't get FPs (hence why I picked this thankfully EMH never changed) and I had ADRs that added up to 10 at Tusker later that day, so I wasn't about to go rescheduling things. After 30 days of checking (multiple times per day), I got FoP FPs and all was good. Not the ideal timing, but we'd do our best to make it work. Still, I wanted to get there early to ride NRJ and get in a bunch of stuff while crowds were low during EMH (and while everyone was in the line for FoP).

We got up early and got out early (around 7am), but decided to drive to AK. I've seen horror stories with buses for AK of late and a few with driving, but decided we had better odds with just driving to the parks. I have no idea how long we would have waited for a bus to AK from the Swan, but I know my parents and brother waited close to 50 min for an AK bus from YC a little later on in the day (they had a TS breakfast at YC). I know that's not the average, but having waited like that before, it kind of diminishes the value of that perk as well.

So,we drove into the park and I was all ready to show we were staying at the Swan to show I was OK to be parking without a fee, but there was nobody in the booths. They were completely unmanned. So, we all just drove in. Of course they also directed us to a spot that was pretty far from the entrance. This ticked David off to no end. When we went during an evening in 2016, they had us park super close to the entrance. The only plus of our spot...we were right at the exit lane and would have an easy way out. So, I took a pic of our area in the lot and started to head in.


Of course David and I couldn't see eye to eye on this. I wanted to follow the path and avoid traffic and he wanted to walk through the middle of it because it was quicker. Drives me CRAZY!

I take a quick pic of the tree, but everyone is getting into place for the park to open for EMH.


(yeah, it's pretty foggy out there)

I stopped taking pics until we were past the chaos. I've heard people talk about rude guests before, but this was my first time having to get really vocal about it. We didn't pick the best line, but we were in a line and it was moving. As we got towards the front, some girls who appeared to be late teens tried to cut in along side us and then tried to cut between me and the girls when I was about 5 people from the front. This is NOT a merge! I was really more bothered that these idiots tried to get in between me and the kids, so I blocked her out and very loudly informed her (and those around me) that she's not cutting the line and to not even dare trying to come between me and my kids. Others nearby must have heard because everything really tightened up around us and they were forced into an area much farther back. But once we were in and things started to separate into FoP vs. NRJ, all was much better. I also was very happy we had FoP FPs because it was before 8am and the standby line was already stretched down past Tusker House.

I started taking pics as we made our way to NRJ, but we were moving so fast and it was so foggy that only a few came out. I was OK with this since I knew we'd be back later, but I'll share some of the blurry ones too.







Same thing once we got into the attraction. David was really set on doing it and then getting the heck out of there to do what he deemed to be better things.





I had a tough time taking pics in there...maybe because I was still so wired from getting in there. Still, I got a few decent ones.





(both girls thought this AA was beyond creepy)




And we're out...


The attraction is very pretty, but I couldn't see waiting any more than 15-20 min for it and I could never see using a FP on it.


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Dec 18th Continued...

And we're headed out of Pandora...






And just like that, we are out of Pandora...


...and starting to head towards Everest.


(look at how empty it is!!!)

I lagged behind for a moment to take a pic of the Tree of Life. It's funny, I took the second pic because I felt there was too much foliage in the first, but the first pic wound up being one of my most favorite pics from this trip. I'm still debating about cropping out the left side for better framing, but this is the untouched pic...and its cousin. LOL



And back to walking towards Everest.



I took this one just to show how the fog is so thick that you can't see EE. I didn't mean to get the edge of David's face. LOL


Getting closer...




(I was instructed to hurry up at this point and quit taking so many pics)

It said 10, but standby was really more like 5. Definitely one of the perks of everyone waiting for FoP.


So, we rode and had a blast. This was also David and Sam's first time riding during the day. When we went in 2016, we rode at night and it felt like a totally different ride for them (he thought he was falling out because the dark had him so disoriented LOL). As we were checking out our pictures...



...Kendall remembered that she left her lanyard with her pins in the pouch on Everest. She didn't want to wear them while riding. Not that any of them are rare or anything, but she had a bunch from the previous night where she traded with my mom (my mom is soooo into trading) so K went into panic mode...even more so than her glasses incident on RnRC. We decided to ride again since the line was still short and we told a CM at the front. She told us to tell the CMs at the end when we got off. So, we did that, and sure enough...they had K's lanyard/pins. What I wasn't expecting was the response. Yes, it was our fault for forgetting them, but I thanked the CM in that relieved parent sort of way. Not quite a profuse level of thanking, but an OMG! Thank you so much! She was so worried she lost them. Thanks again! The CM's response...he sort of sneered at me and make a grunt. I don't expect a flowery reply, but there are normal human ways to accept someone's thanks...and that's not how you do it. Disappointing.

I brush it off because Kendall is happy and we decide to move on towards Dinoland.



(Look! You can FINALLY see EE!!!)


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Dec 18th continued...

And we're getting closer to Dinoland...


We have arrived!


The kids really wanted to ride Primeval Whirl, but David did not. I really didn't want to either, but neither of them have ridden this before...and I wasn't feeling good about them going on their first time alone, so I went with them.




There were only a few parties ahead of us in the line, so we made our way up to the front really quickly. As we got onto the platform to approach and board our vehicle, Kendall's legs flew out from under her and she landed really hard on her back followed by her head smacking the metal platform. I remember hearing the gasps and shrieks of the few guests behind us in line who saw it all happen, so I really don't think it was just me being an overreacting mom. It was really damp that morning and I guess the surface was slick, but there were no CM verbal warnings or signs about a slippery surface. Kendall was now bawling hysterically and having a hard time moving around to get up. I was really nervous because she couldn't even sit up at first. Her one foot was also in the path of the moving ride vehicles since she slid forward a bit on landing. I tried dragging her back a bit, but thankfully a CM was able to stop the cars. I was trying to talk to her to determine if she was just stunned or really injured. I was eventually able to get her up, confirmed she was Ok, and got her buckled into a ride vehicle. She insisted on riding and swore she was OK...maybe not the best move, but sometimes moving on as planned is the best way to snap her out of things. What bugged me, aside from the failure to note that the surface was slippery, was the deadpan sort of reaction from the CMs. I'm sure some was that I was in mom mode, but there was never any "are you OK?" or anything like that in this. I've fallen before, the kids have fallen before, and we've seen people fall...and there always seems to be an "are you OK" response. One of them casually informed us after we strapped into the ride that first aid services are at the front of the park if we needed it, but the tone was still oddly monotone. Yeah, I'm probably being hypersensitive, but it just sounded more to me like how you might direct someone to a nearby bathroom...i.e. not any real concern over this. I know some people are probably thinking "they stopped the vehicle and offered info on medical services, so what more can they do?" but I just guess I'm just accustomed to a more compassionate response when someone falls and initially appears to be hurt. I remember one of the kids slipping in the supermarket and employees all rushed in to make sure all was OK. It's just sad to me when a supermarket can have a more humanistic response than Disney. All in all, I know the best part is that she was for letting me rant a bit. Moving on...

In any event, we rode it...still not my probably was not the best idea for K's back after that fall...but I gave her some ibuprofen, and we moved on. Still bothered about it though.

We met up with David and decided to head over the Dinosaur...still rushing to get in things during EMH.





They decided to direct the line out through the front rather than bunching it up in switch backs, so we got to see some areas we normally just breeze by.












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Dec 18th Continued...

Still in the line for Dinosaur...


Almost ride time...


And we're out. I honestly don't remember any of us having much to say about the ride. We were just in go-go-go mode knowing that crowds would be building as we moved into regular park hours.


Love this shirt in the Dinosaur gift shop...


Kids posed for me on our way out.




That's it for now. Coming up...more of our AK day. Thanks for following along :)


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Ha! We were probably shoulder to shoulder at rope drop heading to pandora that morning! Only difference is You went left and i went right to join the FoP hoard.
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Looks VERY familiar! I've been meaning to pop into your TR. Things have just been insane of late, but hopefully this weekend while we're waiting between softball games. I'm going to have to try seeing if any of us are in the background of any of your pics. Hopefully, your wait wasn't too bad. I recall hearing a CM saying the wait was 3 hours at that point, but I also never know if that's the inflated wait or the real wait.


Well-Known Member
Looks VERY familiar! I've been meaning to pop into your TR. Things have just been insane of late, but hopefully this weekend while we're waiting between softball games. I'm going to have to try seeing if any of us are in the background of any of your pics. Hopefully, your wait wasn't too bad. I recall hearing a CM saying the wait was 3 hours at that point, but I also never know if that's the inflated wait or the real wait.
I keep looking for myself in your pics!


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AK in the fog looks very cool.

I agree - first pic of ToL is better (but both are great).

It definitely adds to the overall ambiance of the park.

Thanks! Yeah, I really like both, so maybe I'll do something creative to incorporate both into some kind of print.

I keep looking for myself in your pics!

I have to get farther into your report to see if we have any other overlap.

Pandora with that fog makes it look even more mystical, great pictures.

Thanks! Definitely looked cool in the fog...but I also have full sun and evening pics coming up as well. :)


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Happy Friday!!! I'm exhausted, but hopefully some trip reporting will help perk me up. We've finally got new carpeting going in today, so we were up late (after open house at school and softball practice) cramming everything in our carpeted rooms into safe spots. I guess at least carpeting the old house last year, packing for moving and packing storage units was a good primer for this., on with the report!

December 18th- Continued...

When I last posted, we had just gotten off of Dinosaur. Afterwards we shopped a little. I tell ya, this is a pretty neat display idea for a room for toys like this. Not sure I want everything hanging from the ceiling, but it would keep things off the floor and still make it visible and decorative.



While we were in there, we also saw two CMs. One was more mature and one was probably in her 20s. I'm guessing she was new because she had that deer in headlights look, but the older CM was so sweet. Not that the younger one couldn't be, but he just impressed me as that good work role model to train someone. He reminded me of some of the men and women who owned the stores in my mom's parents' home town...where everyone knew you and had this kind approach to all who entered their shops.

We decided to leave Dinoland and head back to Everest.



(not sure how I feel about him in green)

LOOK! No fog!



The park was now fully open and standby times had gone up to about an hour, so we decided to keep moving.

I took pics of some details around a bathroom while these two started plotting something.




We also saw the siamangs in passing.



While Houston has a world class zoo and has had some influence from people involved with AK, AK's habitat for these guys makes it crystal clear that our zoo should be doing more for our local ones. I mean, it has a phenomenal primate area, but these guys clearly thrive with this kind of space and height elements.

We came upon Kali, and the kids asked to ride. It was going into the upper 70s/low 80s that day, so I didn't really feel like it was warm enough to justify a soaking. They also saw the people in ponchos and flip flops and decided it was also a no for them. This would also be when I remembered that I left the ponchos at home. All of that rushed packing and I forgot the ponchos. So, now I also had to start hoping for great weather every day. LOL


We moved on to the Jungle Trek.








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Dec 18th Cont...

I was really excited to see all of the bats out. I was afraid with a December trip that it would be too cold. I know we didn't see them in Dec 2010...but that trip was also ridiculously cold (for Florida).




We moved on to the area with the tigers, but the glass was still heavily fogged over. I got a peak at a cub, but it was so hard to see anything that I never took any pictures.



So, we just kept walking through and checking things out.






We really enjoyed the section with all of the birds. Of course, there are always the handful of people who get bombed with bird poop...and then get all bothered. Not that I would be happy either, but you kind of assume that risk when you go into any kind of aviary setting. The kids had a lot of fun trying to identify the birds and the CM in that section was really great. She obviously had spent a lot of time in there and knew a lot about the various birds and their personalities.




I kind of feel like this is my spirit bird...if there is such a thing. Sure, it's probably a male, but when I throw my hair up into a messy top knot (all the time!)...this is me! Sure, the bird wears it better, but I couldn't help take a bunch of pics of him.


Of course the focus here chose the foliage...but he's got a friend. It's like they're flocking to me because of the hair!



More birds...






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Dec 18th Continued...

Still hanging among the birds...



Award Winner- Best Tail Feathers!


Making our way out...




Funny how we all just love this fountain. I couldn't resist flicking some water on the kids. Of course, they act like the Wicked Witch of the West!


I wish I could remember what they're staring at. LOL


David and the kids aren't as into shows (which makes me really sad, because I wanted to see Nemo and up until this day...I had Kendall on my side), so we were running out of things to do. We decided to head towards Pandora to explore. It would also be close to our lunch ADR ( CRAZY EXCITED!!!), so that was another pro.


(this is the reaction to show suggestions)

And we're walking...





We tried to take the walkway that goes by the side of the Tusker and in front of FotLK, but it was roped off. We at least spotted Timon before having to go around and go in the main way to Pandora.


So, we make our way into Pandora. I can't recall if it was at this time or just after lunch, but we checked the standby for FoP and it was over 5 hours. OUCH! My coworker who went back in June waited 3.5 hours and gave me the "it's totally worth it" talk, but I just can't bring myself to wait that long for anything like this.


It was also kind of funny...they were rerouting the FoP line around this time, so we had to wait for them to shift the line before crowds could flow again. It was like waiting on a train, but it was a train of people. LOL

And we're walking again...







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Dec 18 Continued...

Still walking in Pandora...




I will admit that I am not an Avatar fan. I recall sitting in my parents' living room after they got a 3D tv and they insisted I watch it in 3D so I could be amazed. It was only my second time seeing the film and to be perfectly honest, once was enough...3D or not. That being said, I could see ahead of all of this how it could fit in AK and I think it's all very pretty. In the long run, after the newness dies off, it will also be a great help in crowd distribution.




So, we head in to take a look around the shop. My mom really wanted to buy the kids Banshees, but I wanted them to explore before making any decisions on that.







(they really do love each other...I swear!)


They eventually got bored in the store, so we headed out to take some more pics. They did, however, decide that they wanted Banshees. So, grandma wins! I have nothing against them, but as soon as I saw them during the Pandora previews, I knew the kids would want them and they'd be dust catchers after the trip. I kill. Still, lots of fond memories attached to it, so not a total waste either.




I hate to become that cliche (ok, not complete hate)...snapping a pic of the person creating a scene, but there's a guy sitting over there who has no shoes on. Shortly before this, he had no shirt on either, had his shorts pushed up, and was just sunning himself. I was trying to ignore all of it, but the kids saw him and asked and then were like "whoa mom, there are Disney people over there talking to him." CMs had to come over and I'm gather they were telling him to get dressed. I didn't see any food there either, which is supposed to be a requirement, but maybe he'd eaten before his sunbath? This was a first for me in a Disney park.


We had an 11:30 at Tiffins. It was still only about 11:10, but we decided to head that way...





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Dec 18th continued...

And we're still on our way out of Pandora on our way to Tiffins...





They saw others climbing up here, so naturally, they copied them. I don't remember if they should or shouldn't, but I figured...I'll take the pic since you're already up there...and now get down. Can't take us anywhere!




And we have arrived...



That's it for now. Coming up...lunch at Tiffins and more time in AK.


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Whew! Busy busy day! But time to relax and post some more of the trip. When I last posted, we'd just arrived at Tiffins...

Dec 18th Continued...

We got there, but since it was the first seating and we were early, nobody was outside and the doors hadn't opened just yet.


So, Sam modeled her orange soda mustache for us. She wears it well!


A line started to form, so I decided to go up there. Now, Tiffins doesn't disappear as fast as Tusker when making ADRs, but I knew from looking around, there wasn't anything available. Several of the people in the line with me did not have ADRs and while some just walked off after seeing the menu, there was one ahead of me that stuck around just to be turned away when they started checking people in. It was making me flash back to Disneyland 2015 where regulars were shocked that they needed reservations over Christmas. Still, this person seemed to take it in stride, so that was good.


So, I checked in and was given a buzzer. Again, it was the first seating, so I wasn't expecting much of a wait. Still, when our buzzer went off, we had some odd stuff go on when we first went in. Some guy and his family also showed up and while they had a buzzer, it wasn't going off. He was asking to be seated at first (at least that's how it sounded to me and the CMs), but when they asked his reservation time and asked if his buzzer had gone off, he changed it to them just wanting to look around. This confused the various people holding menus to seat people, so it took them a moment to get everything straight for us to be seated. We were asked if we were some other family...and we weren't who they thought we were, so it was all just a bit off at first.


It was at least a quick fix and we were seated exactly where I wanted to be. I love this room (technically the Safari Gallery)! I love the art! And there weren't many people seated in here during our meal (only one other family tucked away in a booth away from us), so it made for a really peaceful dining experience. I'm not overly sensitive to a loud dining room, to the point that more quiet settings make me a bit uneasy, but this was so warm and comfortable.




Our server told us that they challenge people to determine which of the photos are from Africa vs. AK's safari. We never could figure it out...although, we were more focused on food. Can you blame us?


I also loved the menus. The allergy one was a lighter colored leather than the main menus, but either way, a really nice touch.


We had the ROL package, so everyone...well, almost everyone...ordered whatever they wanted. This was Samantha's last trip as a child and for things like this, we pay for her as a child...meaning she's stuck with the kids' menu. We saw a number of nice things on there, but she was being a pain in the butt again. So, I ordered for her and we opted to share to help keep the peace.

I never got any pics of David's appetizer and entree, but he started with the bread service and got the venison. While the bread service isn't like Sanaa's, he really enjoyed it. He also said the venison was great...and Samantha agreed...even when he joked about eating Bambi. I couldn't get good pics of K's food since she was pretty far from me, but she started with the octopus and had the swordfish for her entree. She really liked the octopus, but LOVED the swordfish. Sam had salad and grilled chicken...neither of which did much for her. I will give her this...the chicken was meh. I didn't even bother with a picture. I really should have known better and ordered her something other than chicken. She tends to prefer beef and pork, but seemed to protest harder over the other kids' menu options. I had the charcuterie and the Wagyu...both of which Samantha loved...right down to the veggies served with the beef. I thought they were great too!






The desserts were also probably some of the best we've ever had at WDW. Kendall was very limited because of her allergies, but she had the guava mousse and loved it. David had the ganache, which he said was great, but extremely rich. Samantha had a brownie that was filled with something like Nutella and served with a side of what I recall was house made ice cream. I had the passion fruit tapioca creme. It never seems to get much love in reviews, but I thought this was incredible. And I guess I must have been in more of a citrus mood that day because I loved the grapefruit that was in it.




Our server was also wonderful. He was so attentive, answered lots of questions, shared a lot of information on the food and the restaurant, and was great even during the minor hiccup with our meal. The kitchen put in our entrees ahead of their normal pacing. He came out to warn us during our appetizers and apologized profusely. He'd apologize again as we were preparing to leave. The timing really was only a couple of minutes off from what I'd think would be the norm, so it really wasn't a huge deal. Still, it's nice to see that there are still some spots at Disney where they really care about this...and as I get towards the end of this TR, you'll see why I'm saying this.

Oh, and we got our ROL passes before heading out. Still wasn't sure if we were going to make it since that FoP FP I got put us dangerously close to ROL time, but we were going to try. I was really trying to stay relaxed in this trip, so too much rushing wasn't part of my agenda. Our 2016 trip was fairly short on park time (3 day hoppers) and we were operating like well oiled machines through all of the point that I was informed it didn't feel like much of a vacation...even though we got away and did every single one of our faves at least once. So, we were just really trying not to inject much in the way of stress into this trip (I say try, since I am stress prone).


I took more pics on the way out...just amazing details!




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Dec 18th Continued-

Still heading out of Tiffins...






Obviously, we would recommend Tiffins, but I also hope they're able to maintain this level of quality and service.

We headed out, but had some time to burn before our next FP. So, we did a little shopping...and what did I find...TONS of rose gold ears. I had spent months hearing people go nuts trying to track these things down and now I've got a whole display of them in front of me. We'd been seeing them on people everywhere, so I had a gut feeling we'd come across some at some point.



Kendall tried them on, but decided to put them back. For us, ears are cute, but not comfortable enough to justify the cost. I bought their holiday ears for the surprise at a deep discount, so I didn't mind so much for those. I also learned the hard way this trip during a few "Mom, can you hold my ears?" moments, that they get caught in my hair and it's a painful mess trying to get them out.


A few more pics and we're on our way out.




So, we kept moving and went to our FP for Everest. The FP line was so long that they had a CM stationed at the end with a sign showing the end of the FP line. It moved fairly quickly, but David and the kids were super grumpy about it. I reminded them that it was still much better than standby and that a line that looks long isn't necessarily a long wait.





(she must have stopped to tie her shoes as least 10x per day)





It was then time to move onto our next FP...



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Dec 18th continued...

Can you tell where we're heading?


25403179768_22fd5be06b_c.jpg's safari time! And thankfully we have a FP, because the standby was looking ugly.







We saw a lot of animals, but nothing out of the ordinary happened either, so I'm pretty much just going to spam you with animal pictures. Hey, it's what happens on safari!



(actually, I think this is the first time he hasn't been in hiding when we've gone through)






(I have a knack for taking pics of animal posteriors!)




(posterior #3 of this case you're counting...and hopefully I haven't already lost count)



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Original Poster
Dec 18th cont-

Still spamming you with safari pics...






(another butt!)





And we're done! The kids also noticed the train as we were exiting, and that led to questions about why we never take it. Well, the timing is just never right.



That's it for now. Coming up...Gorilla Time, Killing Time, Tusker (yeah...we're gonna eat again), and the rest of the night. Thanks for following :)

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