Thankyou to the US goverment- "I am going to Disney World"


I am hoping with the extra tax money the goverment is giving to us to put back in the economy, I will put money down for a vacation in 2009 :sohappy:.


Well-Known Member
An article in my paper today states that one of the Congressmen hopes that "people will use this rebate to buy a big screen plasma TV, or book a trip to Disneyland." We won't be getting much of a rebate - our income is too high, thanks to tha fact that the company where we work would rather pay overtime than hire more people to do the work that needs to be done. So I just pay for my trips myself.....
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New Member
I'm with Slappy. The government should pay down its debt, or even better, lower the tax rates. That will also stimulate the economy, and eventually yield more taxable income to pay down the debt. Giving away money so we can buy a Wii (made in Japan) is not the way to do this.

As an aside: I always have a hard time getting my mind around how many people carry a huge credit card debt. My ex-wife asked me why I'm so crazy about paying off my Visa bill each month... "Why don't you have a balance like a 'normal' person."
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New Member
I am going to hop into my little bubble and love fact that my boyfriend and I each file seperatly with each claiming one of our two children so it's $1800 coming back for braces and school clothes so I can keep saving for my WDW trip!!
Dont care if it was mine to begin with or who thinks it should go to pay some other debt. :shrug:
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I am going to hop into my little bubble and love fact that my boyfriend and I each file seperatly with each claiming one of our two children so it's $1800 coming back for braces and school clothes so I can keep saving for my WDW trip!!
Dont care if it was mine to begin with or who thinks it should go to pay some other debt. :shrug:

Well, that settles it: yer an amurcan.

Little pink houses! For you AND me! :rolleyes:
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New Member
I thinkin that DW and our 7 little tax stimulas incentives, AKA Kids, will be investing the $$ in a few more DVC points! Get to use it now and continue to use it till 2054....:sohappy:
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Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Agreed. Give it to me!! LOL. But I can't get drawn into a political discussion. I once said 'communisim works on paper' and almost got lynched.:lookaroun

And if you find a country where you can live on paper, have at it!:ROFLOL:

For years, my Detroit Tigers looked good on paper...didn't help, because they played on grass, where they looked terrible. Now they look good on both!
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Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
As an aside: I always have a hard time getting my mind around how many people carry a huge credit card debt. My ex-wife asked me why I'm so crazy about paying off my Visa bill each month... "Why don't you have a balance like a 'normal' person."

And now we know why she's an EX-wife. :lol:

Luckily, I married a woman who is as allergic to credit card debt as I am.
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Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I have a question I hope someone can answer. In reading the news about the rebate it is clear about the $600 and $1200 amounts with the $300 per child. But can anyone explain the piece about the $300 for the people who earn $3000 or more but pay no tax. Does this mean if you did your taxes and made more than $3000 and got a total refund of your taxes based on your return that you are not eligible for the $600 rebate? Maybe I'm looking into the wording too much but I'm wondering if my daughter who earned $24,000 and has one child will only get a $300 rebate since in doing her taxes she got a total refund. I'm also wondering if she is only due the $300 would she be entitled another $300 for her child. Wording is ambituous to say the least. Does anyone know the answer?

I don't think the answer to this has been made clear. I believe, however, that what it means is that up to $300 of the amount is a true rebate for some people -- that is, it will be paid whether it offsets taxes or not. I don't know if the child $300 amount will be a true rebate or not. Much playing still to come as the Senate debates this stuff, so stay tuned.
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Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
It does work on paper... as does the limited socialism practiced in most of Western Europe and Canada in reality :)

As with all things, it appears to me that some parts work and some don't.

For example, I am for universal health care in theory. I don't like to think that there are people in the US who will get worse health care for real illnesses than I would get, because I have money and insurance, and they don't.

On the other hand, I've experienced UK national health care through an unfortunate twist of fate, and I would much prefer a US hospital to the one I visited in London, despite that one being one of the top facilities in the UK.

So it's a good thing that everybody in the UK can get health care, but the standard of care, while perhaps higher than what the uninsured may get in the US, is noticeably lower than I am used to.
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Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
As with all things, it appears to me that some parts work and some don't.

For example, I am for universal health care in theory. I don't like to think that there are people in the US who will get worse health care for real illnesses than I would get, because I have money and insurance, and they don't.

On the other hand, I've experienced UK national health care through an unfortunate twist of fate, and I would much prefer a US hospital to the one I visited in London, despite that one being one of the top facilities in the UK.

So it's a good thing that everybody in the UK can get health care, but the standard of care, while perhaps higher than what the uninsured may get in the US, is noticeably lower than I am used to.

It also depends where in the US your healthcare comes from. Compared to FL, where I last lived in the US, NHS is IMO quite an improvement. But to each his own.
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Active Member
As for tax cuts for the rich, I should be all for them, because I benefit to a significant extent. But while I'd always like to pay less taxes than I do now, I can honestly say that I don't need a tax cut to live comfortably. Many lower-income people are in a much more difficult situation. Give mine to somebody else, please, or better yet, get spending in line before any more tax cuts.

As a first time tax payer, I just want to say thank you for saying this. It makes me feel better.
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Active Member
for everyone using this money (if & when approved) be careful. all it is, is a early rebate of your money you would get back at the end of the year. so if you expect to get that big check at the end of the year to pay for xmas gifts it wont be there. happened to me a few years ago when we got the 600 back during the summer....just a heads up incase someone did not know that
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Active Member
for everyone using this money (if & when approved) be careful. all it is, is a early rebate of your money you would get back at the end of the year. so if you expect to get that big check at the end of the year to pay for xmas gifts it wont be there. happened to me a few years ago when we got the 600 back during the summer....just a heads up incase someone did not know that

No it's not. This is different than 2001ish when there was an "advance rebate". This has specifically declared non-taxable by the US gov(states have not specified but its doubtful that they will)
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New Member
for everyone using this money (if & when approved) be careful. all it is, is a early rebate of your money you would get back at the end of the year. so if you expect to get that big check at the end of the year to pay for xmas gifts it wont be there. happened to me a few years ago when we got the 600 back during the summer....just a heads up incase someone did not know that
What big check at the end of the year that pays for Christmas?:shrug:
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