"Thank you, Len Testa" or "Hey, that's my kid!"


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Original Poster
So, I finally picked up a copy of the 2007 edition of the Unofficial Guide today. I have to say, I was one seriously proud papa when I turned to page 481 and found the following paragraph:

In 2005 we had the good fortune to experience Snow White with Ben, an autistic tyke who, with his family, has seen the attraction more than eleven hundred times. His parents -- far better people than us -- stay sane by thinking of ways to redesign the attraction each time through.

I was so pleased that when I bought the book, I had to turn to that page again and show it to the cashier who rang it up and say, "That's my kid!"

Ben has had a rough year, spending more than five weeks in the hospital with acute pancreatitis. In retrospect, we know he had to have been in gut-wrenching pain for at least five months before landing in the hospital but was unable to tell us. After he got out, it took at least a month for him to really recover and get his strength back.

We knew he was fully recovered when he said one day, "Take a tram! Take a monorail! Go see Snow White!!"

To Len Testa and everyone else from the Guide who had lunch with us that day last year, thank you so much for a memorable afternoon. Ben still has the t-shirt you gave him, and we think you folks every time we are in the park. (Especially when we are on the TTA and hear the "Paging Mr. Morrow..." announcement.)


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that Ben had a rough time, but glad to hear that he has bounced back.

That's great that the Len and the UG paid special attention to a special little boy.


Active Member
So, I finally picked up a copy of the 2007 edition of the Unofficial Guide today. I have to say, I was one seriously proud papa when I turned to page 481 and found the following paragraph:
In 2005 we had the good fortune to experience Snow White with Ben, an autistic tyke who, with his family, has seen the attraction more than eleven hundred times. His parents -- far better people than us -- stay sane by thinking of ways to redesign the attraction each time through.
I was so pleased that when I bought the book, I had to turn to that page again and show it to the cashier who rang it up and say, "That's my kid!"

Ben has had a rough year, spending more than five weeks in the hospital with acute pancreatitis. In retrospect, we know he had to have been in gut-wrenching pain for at least five months before landing in the hospital but was unable to tell us. After he got out, it took at least a month for him to really recover and get his strength back.

We knew he was fully recovered when he said one day, "Take a tram! Take a monorail! Go see Snow White!!"

To Len Testa and everyone else from the Guide who had lunch with us that day last year, thank you so much for a memorable afternoon. Ben still has the t-shirt you gave him, and we think you folks every time we are in the park. (Especially when we are on the TTA and hear the "Paging Mr. Morrow..." announcement.)

My son is 4 with ASD. I think this is the most frustrating thing when our kids are nonverbal or can't express that things are giving them pain. Thank goodness his situation has improved.


New Member
I am so glad to hear that Ben is better and is ready to get on the ride again:wave:

That is so very cool to hear about you being featured in the book:D


Well-Known Member
You're the dad of the Snow White kid?!

I have heard of him and love to tell people about him when I explain the magic of Disney and how it can help kids with autism and other things and how it just warms my heart.



Well-Known Member
A terrific story, certainly qualifies for another memorable Disney moments, which I love to read and collect.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You're the dad of the Snow White kid?!

Yeah, that's me. :eek:

Back a few years ago, when we were in the park 2-3 times a week, pretty much all of the cast members in Fantasyland knew us on sight. Nowadays Ben has really slowed down, and the cast members have changed over so many times that none of them recognize us anymore. He was sick for such a long time anyway, but even beyond that he is not nearly so obsessive about SWSA as he used to be. That's a nice improvement, in that when we go to the parks he is more interested in doing other things (although still mostly in Fantasyland). But he still loves Snow White, and still carries the photo book with him at all times and pulls it out and looks at it. I swear he'd marry that girl if he could.


I am so sorry to hear about Ben's rough year. But I am glad he is doing better now. Congrats on making the book! :king:


Well-Known Member
How cool! :sohappy: I'm so sorry that Ben's been feeling so badly. I'm glad he's doing better now. ((HUGS)) to all of you.

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