The terrorism threat is real, no matter what you think of our current elected and appointed governmental officials, or where we are in our nation's four-year political cycle. Do we get too many warnings, or not enough? Who knows? In my mind, you can live your life being angry and cynical, or you can live your life assuming that most people are doing the best job they can, and then act accordingly based on the facts at hand.
That said, I prefer to look for hidden mickeys rather than hidden agendas. My wife and I left our kids at home and flew to California two months after 9/11 and enjoyed ourselves at a wedding, Disneyland and DCA. Not that we didn't feel some heightened tension - the back-up at LAX when going home after the crash of a plane in NY ensured that. But we went on with life.
We're going to WDW next month, and while we'll be more aware and watchful, we're also not going to let terror, the threat of attacks, political agendas or just plain ugly hatred deter us from enjoying our time with family and friends. To do otherwise would be to surrender that which our armed forces are fighting for.