Terror Alert Implications on WDW


Well-Known Member
Go, or the terrorists will win.

Also, the chances of you getting killed via a terrorist strike is still VERY low. You're more likely to be killed on I-95 going to Disney or from contracting some sort of bad food poisoning from a resturant on the trip, then dying, than being killed via a terrorist strike.


Naturally Grumpy
Originally posted by phlydude
You take more of a chance driving on I-95 or the Schuylkill xpwy than you do going to WDW in July. Don't worry about it and have fun. If anything is going to be hit in July, it would be Boston with the convention.

I am going to Boston to see in-laws over July 4 and to WDW in Aug. I am not fearing either of these trips.

Like everyone else is saying, the minute that we let threats of terroristic actions control how we live, that is the minute that the terrorists have won.

Yes, driving to Disney from NJ or Michigan or Texas has a lot more risk. My greatest concern is driving to and from work every day. Just put things in perspective...and turn off the news sometimes. Disaster of the day, be it terrorists or food or drugs or whatever.

Just think Disney :animwink:


New Member
GO! Don't let those coward terrorists win! They already won in Madrid, don't let them win from an attack that might not even happen! Besides, anyone with an Islamic name, from the Middle East, and buying a one day ticket around July 4th is going to at least raise some eyebrows. I was at WDW the last time the threat "skyrocketed", and nothing happened!!! The "increased likleyhood" might make going even more appealing, because a bunch of people are going to chose not to go, making the parks less busy. In the words of the Eagles: GET OVER IT!!! Just relax and go, Disney and the HSA will take care of you.

P.S. I hope I didn't offend anyone!


New Member
You're scared to go to DISNEY WORLD? Think of our troops over in Iraq, fighting for YOU to be safe. Think of how brave they are, over there just asking to get messed with, but to they are fighting for their country.
Be proud to be an American. Be proud that we actually have a wonderful place like Disney World to go and forget about things like terrorist attacks. Those idiots now realize America is not a country to be messed with (not to mention Disney fans!! :lol: ) We caught Saddam and we'll catch whoever else decides they want to mess with us.
Remember our awesome soldiers out there fighting for you to be happy and safe in your country. Show them you appreciate and trust what they're doing by going and feeling safe at Disney World.
Think about it....If a terrorist wanted to do any kind of damage, he'd have to bring a bomb the size of a truck into WDW. I think security would catch him way before anything happened.
Hijack a plane and fly it into wdw? Not likely. It wouldn't really do any damage and airports wouldn't allow it.
Bring a plane from their country and fly it over here? With our army troops to intercept it? I would laugh at anyone who even tried to break the family and the bond that is AMERICA!!!!!!! Go to Disney World, have a great time and say hello to Mickey for me!


Active Member
i would go and have a good time. we went the december after 9/11 and we were a little nervous but had a great time. we got married may 2002 our guests wree still nervous but we had a great trip!


New Member
Originally posted by theimage44
Well thanks guys...I mean its a tough decision for me to make whether I should go or not. The fact of the matter is it shouldn't be that tough. The people who replied with the fact that there is a good chance something can happen (i.e. Merlin, looong post guy) let me ask you this: Would you alter or even cancel your trip given my circumstances? I leave July 6th, I'm driving not flying, I am staying for 3 weeks (my family is nuts). Please respond.
I would definately go, especially since you are driving. In fact, I live in Honeybrook, PA and my parents live in Tampa, FL. Can I tag along? :)

Kermit the Frog

New Member
Originally posted by theimage44
(i.e. Merlin, looong post guy)
Kermit! My user name is Kermit! :)

Originally posted by theimage44
let me ask you this: Would you alter or even cancel your trip given my circumstances? I leave July 6th, I'm driving not flying, I am staying for 3 weeks (my family is nuts). Please respond.
Yes, I would still go despite the high security risk. That could be because I'm nuts, or it could be that I'm confident with our security and just I can't get enough of the Disney parks. After all, I'm just a frog. What do I know? ;)

I would be going this summer, but I just cannot afford it at this point in time. Hopefully my next visit will be either this fall or next spring. Terrorists or not I still want to get down to WDW.

As for your family being nervous, that can be a difficult area to work with. For starters try not to let them watch the news and keep hearing about the terrorist warnings. That'll only make things worse. Also, if they haven't already, don't let any of them read my previous post or other posts in this thread. Try to have them think happy thoughts whenever possible. Another trick that might work is by having them watch spy/terrorist movies where the good guys always win in the end. Movies like Die Hard 2, Navy SEALS, True Lies, World is not Enough, The Peacemaker, and Under Siege 1 and 2 come to mind. Those are just examples, and you should use your own judgement as to which ones you want to show them. Of course the occasional Disney movie wouldn't hurt either. ;) If none of the above work and your family is still extremely nervous, then you're just best off postponing your trip for another time. Don't force the trip if you think they'll be near a state of panic the whole time. It's just not worth it.

I did not mean to scare you (or any other member here) or make you more nervous by my previous post. I was simply trying to inform people how a terrorist cell is most likely to attack WDW. After doing years of research those were just my beliefs on how and why they would do an attack. Of course I could be way off in my predictions. Hopefully we'll never know if I am correct or not. Do take note that there still are other terrorist attack possibilities to WDW that are much scarrier than what I posted before, but I will not discuss those theories here. I do not have the intent of posting stuff that'll make people stay up all night. This is WDWMagic. This fabulous website is close to the equivalent of being on a virtual vacation in the Disney parks.

Originally posted by SIR90210
Besides, anyone with an Islamic name, from the Middle East, and buying a one day ticket around July 4th is going to at least raise some eyebrows.
Do not underestimate the intelligence of these people! Who ever said that they had to have a ticket to carry out an attack? Who ever said that they had to buy the ticket(s) either in person and/or the day(s) immediately before an attack? These people have a well known history of planning attacks years in advance and using lots of methods of concealing their identities until it was all over. They know that the U.S. and other governments are closely watching them, and now they're going to be extra careful. Sooner or later they will make a mistake, and that mistake will result in either their capture or death. Hopefully option number one, but most likely number two. Either result is a win-win situation for us.

Originally posted by PhotoDave219
....You people read too many spy novels :rolleyes:
Heck yeah! Some are better than others though. Here are two of my favorites:

The Enemy Within by Larry Bond. This was written in the mid 1990's but could easily fit in with today's settings. The book does include a small terrorist attack in Disneyland.

The Sum of All Fears by Tom Clancy. Read the book then go see the movie. Both have their good and bad parts. Be warned though, many parts of this book are extremely technical and detailed. You can actually skip a few chapters and not miss a thing from the plot or action.

I'll conclude this lengthy post by again stating that I do not intend to scare or frighten anybody. If some of you do feel that way then I do apologize. It isn't proper to talk about realistic things like that on a family website such as this one. Remember this excellent quote:

"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."
- George Orwell


Account Suspended
Originally posted by theimage44
Well thanks guys...I mean its a tough decision for me to make whether I should go or not. The fact of the matter is it shouldn't be that tough. The people who replied with the fact that there is a good chance something can happen (i.e. Merlin, looong post guy) let me ask you this: Would you alter or even cancel your trip given my circumstances? I leave July 6th, I'm driving not flying, I am staying for 3 weeks (my family is nuts). Please respond.

Just some quick points of clarification...

I wasn't saying there is a "good chance something can happen", though I understand it may have seemed like that's what I was saying. I was, however, disputing the claims of some of the other posts that claimed, 1. That your safety is somehow guaranteed at Disney because their security is so top notch (Simply not so, believe me!!), and 2. That WDW would be an unlikely target because terrorists would more likely attack something like the Republican National Convention or the WWII Memorial (This, to me, shows ignorance of what the terrorists are trying to accomplish and a frightening reliance on headlines for information).

Having said that, and understanding the potential risks, my answer to your question is no. I would not alter or cancel my plans. Like others on this thread, I went to Florida soon after 9/11 (actually about 3 weeks later) and it was one of the best trips ever. For one thing, there was practically no one in the parks so we were walking onto everything. However, UNLIKE others on this thread, I'm not going to insist that you go and not worrry about your safety. That is not my place (nor is it anyone else's) to tell you to do something that could put you in harm's way. That is YOUR choice and your's alone. What I can do is simply tell you what I would do and that is, I would go.

Hope that helps!

PS: After looking at this post, hopefully MY nickname isn't "loooong post guy" now! (LOL)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Kermit the Frog

Heck yeah! Some are better than others though. Here are two of my favorites:

The Enemy Within by Larry Bond. This was written in the mid 1990's but could easily fit in with today's settings. The book does include a small terrorist attack in Disneyland.

The Sum of All Fears by Tom Clancy. Read the book then go see the movie. Both have their good and bad parts. Be warned though, many parts of this book are extremely technical and detailed. You can actually skip a few chapters and not miss a thing from the plot or action.

Or Tom Clancy's 'Debt of Honor'(1998?) which ends with a disgruntled airline pilot flying his 747 into the Capitol building.


New Member
Originally posted by artvandelay
Or Tom Clancy's 'Debt of Honor'(1998?) which ends with a disgruntled airline pilot flying his 747 into the capital building.
Off the subject, but isn't it scary how much Clancy knows about govt, military...
i would still go. terrorism is a major fear but i have 2 reasons why i would still go. my first reason is that these terrorist are trying to scare us and ruin our lives by threatening. so go on with you lifes and show the stupid terrorist that we americans(and other people from other countries ) are not afraid. My second reason is about religion and dont want to affend anybody but i firmly belive in god and think that he will take us when its our time. no earlier, no sooner. I think that everything in our life is planned and it will all work out. so think about these things hopefully they will help you with you decisions.


Well-Known Member
I never believe the terror alert system. Terrorist will strike anytime anywhere no matter how well perpare you are. AND THIS HAS BEEN BUGGING ME FOREVER.


Kermit the Frog

New Member
Originally posted by artvandelay
Or Tom Clancy's 'Debt of Honor'(1998?) which ends with a disgruntled airline pilot flying his 747 into the Capitol building.
Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that one. If I remember correctly, that incident is also what takes place in the beginning of Executive Orders. The incident shows how an air attack could still happen here in the U.S., but the example used in the book is actually an act of war. In Debt of Honor the U.S. and Japan are basically at war with each other, but it's mainly an economic war with only a few military skirmishes. The final attack in that book is by a high ranking current officer (or former, it's been a while since I read that book) who sets off on a final kamikazi style mission against the U.S. It's the same thing as a person making a final kill just after a war is officially over (see the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812). The war is officially over even though both sides are still fighting, so it's not really terrorism, but it's also not a full scale war.

Originally posted by Kwit35
Off the subject, but isn't it scary how much Clancy knows about govt, military...
No. He's a fan of the military and he loves writing techno thrillers involving the military and politics. He's not revealing any top secret information or technology in his books. Much of the information he presents can easily found online or in official military books/manuals that are available to the general public.


New Member
My wife and I went to WDW in Sept of 2002. WE were in MK when it was the 1yr anniversary of 9-11. They had a big moment of silence, and had the President Bush speech also at I believe high noon pumped all throughout the park. I have all that on my camcorder also. It'll be nice to look at later, and have a moment to remember and re-live the moment in our lives. Other than the extra security of the checking of our bags, we really didnt feel nervous or scared that day at all. It really felt like a normal day after that half hour or so with the speech.
We thought it was great Disney did that on the year anniversary. It was nice to see everyone very much respecting each other after that throughout the parks.

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