That movie never happened. It never happened...
I tend to agree with most of the answers that have been posted. One for me that gets me every time is actually in Wreck it Ralph.
The end scene where he's falling and giving the "Villains Oath". My allergies were definitely acting up there...or maybe someone was cutting onions in the theater...I don't know.
You beat me to it! I was just about to write it

Yes! The first time I watched that, I was babysitting my neighbor's kid and I began to tear up and I had to look away so I wouldn't get made fun of! Haha! It's such a good movie.
I'll go with a newer movie, the scene from Frozen after their parent's die and Anna sings to Elsa," we only have eachother, just you and me, what are we going to do?" Sooooo sad!
I agree with all the others too btw. Bambi, lion king, Toy story 2, Hercules, Old yeller, Mary Poppins, tarzan, all of the older and classic ones. Lilo and stitch because of how great an older sister Nani is, and think about, she is only 19 right? All this stress and pressure on her shoulders and she always puts her sister first. :'(
Another one no one mentioned is "Saving Mr. Banks". I just watched it for the first time last week. I must be allergic to that movie because I needed a box of tissues for that entire movie, especially the ending!!!
Winds in the east, mist comin' in, like something is brewin' and bout to begin...