TEA Attendance Report Now due June 3rd


Well-Known Member
As a business this decision would make absolutely NO sense, they are firmly #1 right now but actively waiting for USF to over take them before doing anything would be a huge fail financially, WDW for the first time sense Epcot opened really is seeing competition from USF, the idea they would let their profits drain because they aren't willing to do the work necessary to stay ahead of USF just goes against everything we have seen them do to get profits over the last decade lol... Their saving grace will be their greed lol...

Everyone said that the addition of Harry Potter would motivate Disney to step up their game and create something great. We all know how that ended up...

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I can't agree on that, ask any kids under the age of 10 in 'Merika (sorry I had to lol) they all know Mickey, half know Mario... Maybe... Consoles is completely relevant, the more consoles sell the more the characters get in front of that age group, the more they are on consoles the more that age group wants the mobile games, the more they want the mobile games and the more they see the characters on the consoles the more they want to see them in the parks... If you asked the 90's kids who Mario was everyone knew, now today not so much...

I agree with you here, it is all about implementation and right now Universal is showing the hunger for quality Disney showed in the 70-80s... Maybe this new competition will cause them to up their game (we can only hope) because let's face it they haven't really had competition sense Epcot opened lol...
If you want to talk console sales lets talk console sales, the 3DS in particular. The Wii U may not be selling gangbusters, but Nintendo is still kicking butt.
As of December 31st, 2014, Nintendo reports 50.41 million Ninendo 3DS units have been sold worldwide.


Well-Known Member
Dissapointing figures for everyone all round really - especially us the consumers.

Disney still achieving growth with next to no new attractions or effort - it's just pointless. What's worst is some people celebrating Disney are getting growth, as if they aren't aware this means they will see no new attractions planned. It beggers the mind how anyone can be happy with that.

Crushing results for IOA. Didn't expect the growth to flatline that quick from Harry Potter. Am a huge Universal fan, and applaud them for giving Orlando some life again - but that figure is a crushing blow. Suppose in order to achieve growth they are going to have to keep reinvesting yearly, and i have my doubts they will be able to do that.

I think an obvious theory is if Universal is doing well, it bodes well for Disney - as consumers are still likely to head to Disney even when they visit Universal. I know with my own habit - i went to Orlando because of the new attractions over at Universal, but i still went to Disney. The only way to counteract this would be to build another gate.

The fact DHS has reported growth means everyone might as well as give up - just unbelievable.
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Well-Known Member
Like WDW cannibalized Disneyland?

The key is differentiation. A Texas park would allow a revisit to Zorro maybe even a second try at The Lone Ranger. Give Marvel properties their proper due. Texas is exploding and lacks a major park out side of a couple of Six Flags and a SeaWorld that has tons of potential but has been mostly ignored. I'd think it would be local heavy like Disneyland but would perform no worse.
Well when WDW was built DL hadn't become the resort destination that WDW is. Had WDW not been built it may have who knows. WDW just gets way too many people from the Texas region. Especially now with Universal upping their game, it would just be too tempting for people in that region to use that as an excuse to skip WDW. Who knows though if Universal really starts to have an impact on Disney in Central FL they could close a couple of the WDW parks and hotels sell some land and shift their focus elsewhere. I don't see that happening but you never know.

Donald Razorduck

Well-Known Member
I'm confused why you quoted my post, I think you're broadly agreeing with the points I've made in my last few points. Did you mean to quote the people who are trying to rubbish UOR?

Both IoA and USF are now getting pretty close to both DAK and DHS attendances. The rate Universal is expanding, it will be a shock if they haven't overtaken them within 3-4 years.
IoA attendance won't be concerning Universal. IoA has seen huge increases in the last 5 years, and its held those numbers without any more attractions being added (yet).

I know a lot of people from the UK who have gone to Orlando in the last 18 months, or who are going in the next year who are cutting out Disney because there is hardly anything new since they last visited, whilst Universal has opened much they want to see. You can bet they have heard about Diagon Alley, the Tangled Toilets....not so.
See even more proof of Universal is becoming it's own destination and changing the model that will not be fully evident till five more years out. Disney has to see this happening. It's a trickle now but it'll cascade in the future.

Donald Razorduck

Well-Known Member
Well when WDW was built DL hadn't become the resort destination that WDW is. Had WDW not been built it may have who knows. WDW just gets way too many people from the Texas region. Especially now with Universal upping their game, it would just be too tempting for people in that region to use that as an excuse to skip WDW. Who knows though if Universal really starts to have an impact on Disney in Central FL they could close a couple of the WDW parks and hotels sell some land and shift their focus elsewhere. I don't see that happening but you never know.

Yet they were willing to build Disney America in Virginia and only the locals stopped it from what I've ever read. Maybe I'm wrong on that. A park that would struggle with winter but Paris and Tokyo prove that can be overcome.


Well-Known Member
I used to think so, but now I'm not sure.
As long as Hollywood Studios is part of the four-park hopper arrangement, it's going to continue to grow.

The whole park could be closed expect for Midway Mania, some restrooms, and a hot dog cart and it will still outperform Islands.

Disney understands this better than anyone. To them, building expensive attractions at the Studios is a waste of money because there's no need for the Studios to attract guests on its own. They're not wrong.

Yeah. My prediction for next year's TEA report: Hollywood Studios has a 0.5-1.0% growth, still is greater than both Florida Uni parks by at least 1.8M and a bunch of people on here crow about how the 2016 numbers will clearly have Uni parks passing DHS.

Now, I am not saying the TEA numbers are completely accurate. As some have suggested, it's possible their methodology is flawed and they are overestimating DHS' numbers. That may be true. But, if so, it will be true next year and beyond. It's foolish IMHO to expect the TEA numbers for DHS to plummet any time soon.

I expect DHS will continue to have similar numbers of guests in upcoming years simply by being at WDW and the ticket arrangement. What might change/get worse is that people will spend less time there on a visit (hopping away or to the park) and -- perhaps most importantly -- be spending less money in the park on food/merch. I think it's entirely possible that WDW will be spurned to action sooner rather than later for that park because of revenues, which won't be reflected in the TEA numbers.


Well-Known Member
Everyone said that the addition of Harry Potter would motivate Disney to step up their game and create something great. We all know how that ended up...

And WDW still draws in over 40 million compared to USF 10 million guests many of whom still go to WDW... In order for Disney to care they have to be scared, HP didn't scare them because it can't sustain the number of guests over the time needed....

Even if USF passes DHS and DAK in the next 3-4 years they still will be pulling in double what USF does... this is assuming no changes to WDW attendance over the next 3-4 years which as others have said the more people go to USF right now the more people go to WDW...

If you want to talk console sales lets talk console sales, the 3DS in particular. The Wii U may not be selling gangbusters, but Nintendo is still kicking butt.

It's the only mobile gaming option out there outside of smart phones lol... I worked gaming retail as a Supervisor I know what the 3DS does and does not do, 1st it's not a console... 2nd parents don't buy the 3DS high school students/college students or single young adults do... and the 50.4 million world wide is over 4 years... and 18 million of them in Japan... Nintendo is not as big in the US anymore lol... I am sorry you don't want to address the fact that kids know Mickey but not Mario, but Nintendo is not the same draw HP is for kids and not the same draw Star Wars or Marvel will be if done right...


Well-Known Member
Universal had their silver bullet, they fired, and it had no effect(well maybe on Sea World).
That's the daftest statement I have ever heard.
They the park attendance has doubled in 15 years, and added 42% since Potter first opened. No effect? o_O

Crushing results for IOA. Didn't expect the growth to flatline that quick from Harry Potter.

I think their numbers are masked amongst the increase for USF....without knowing exactly the methodology used to count number we can't be sure.
Never before have we had 2 parks interconnected in such a way, I would imagine the methodology used would find it hard to reflect this.


Well-Known Member
I think it's funny how people defend IOA with no increase, when universal had a 17% increase. How does that not trickle over even a little? I'm sorry but Uni needs to step up the creativity to keep me coming back. The majority of their rides are simulators or large screen based attractions ( which when disney was doing screens, the folks on here were in an uproar, but now Uni does it and it doesn't matter cause everyone excuses it so they can say look how much faster Uni is growing ). Spider-Man, transformers, gringotts, and now kong. Even fast and furious at Hollywood looks like more of the same and I'm sure they'll clone that here also.

Donald Razorduck

Well-Known Member
All of Nintendo (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Metroid, Kirby, Animal Crossing, etc) is equal to Potter's draw IMO. Collectively, it's a gigantic deal for Universal. Mario and Pokemon are definitely HUGE in terms of potential merch/food/beverage sales.

Kong and F&F will draw in big crowds because they'll be quality E-ticket additions. You know, the kind WDW used to get (Splash, Space, Big Thunder, ToT, Kilimanjaro).

The IP doesn't matter at this point. Potter brings people in - the remainder of the parks will keep guests there and let them know what Universal has to offer.

Hollywood Studios WILL drop. When LMA, Indy and either Mermaid or B&TB close within the next 1-2 yrs, attendance will start to decline. They can't sustain growth with only 8-10 attractions forever. Even with Universal doing the heavy lifting.

It's huge for my son, only tv theme song he can sing word for word is the Pokemon show one


Well-Known Member
Isn't it sad - that we look at these numbers as a gage as to whether Disney will invest in any new attractions.

Disney has truly become corporate - gone are the days of a visionary and someone who years to give entertainment. Now it's just numbers, small growth, pofits.

These numbers are just soul crushing for any fan of the parks in Orlando. There will be no new investment in Disney in any attraction, past form indicated they only invest when the parks attendance drops (see DCA, Hong Kong, Paris).


Well-Known Member
Both IoA and USF are now getting pretty close to both DAK and DHS attendances. The rate Universal is expanding, it will be a shock if they haven't overtaken them within 3-4 years.
IoA attendance won't be concerning Universal. IoA has seen huge increases in the last 5 years, and its held those numbers without any more attractions being added (yet).

I'll believe it when it happens. Personally, I don't think it would be a "shock" at all if the Uni parks fail to pass DHS/DAK in the near future.

To me, it is very impressive to see Uni maintain and even build on their attendance. But I'm with others who are suspicious that new additions are going to have the dramatic impact that we saw with HP being added. I think we are more likely to see slow, steady growth (like in the 5% or less range) from this point for Uni


Well-Known Member
To summarise - there will be no annoucment of a Star Wars land this year (or any other attraction for that matter).

What's odd, some people are actually happy with this.

Donald Razorduck

Well-Known Member
I think it's funny how people defend IOA with no increase, when universal had a 17% increase. How does that not trickle over even a little? I'm sorry but Uni needs to step up the creativity to keep me coming back. The majority of their rides are simulators or large screen based attractions ( which when disney was doing screens, the folks on here were in an uproar, but now Uni does it and it doesn't matter cause everyone excuses it so they can say look how much faster Uni is growing ). Spider-Man, transformers, gringotts, and now kong. Even fast and furious at Hollywood looks like more of the same and I'm sure they'll clone that here also.
Have we considering them going into Universal to the new Potter and crossing over to IOA on Hog lwarts and not getting counted at the gate via the two park pass and crossing back to leave out the gate they came in. How does Uni reconcile that?

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