TEA Attendance Report Now due June 3rd


Well-Known Member
NO new investments in parks for years and still achieving growth makes Iger happy.




Well-Known Member
And WDW still draws in over 40 million compared to USF 10 million guests many of whom still go to WDW... In order for Disney to care they have to be scared, HP didn't scare them because it can't sustain the number of guests over the time needed....

Even if USF passes DHS and DAK in the next 3-4 years they still will be pulling in double what USF does... this is assuming no changes to WDW attendance over the next 3-4 years which as others have said the more people go to USF right now the more people go to WDW...

What will "scare" Disney is revenues dropping at WDW. While I'm sure the execs like the bragging rights of being able to saw all four of the WDW parks have attendance above the Uni parks, they are far more concerned with how much revenue comes in at WDW. If USF or IOA passes DHS for attendance, but Disney grows revenue despite that, I doubt it will elicit more than a groan among the beancounters.

Now, if DHS sees its revenues dramatically dwindle and it's not replaced elsewhere in WDW, then heads are gonna roll.

The growth at Uni has been great -- for Universal. But it hasn't been bad for WDW (in fact, it has probably helped WDW), so I don't know why people think Disney execs would be upset about Uni's numbers.


Well-Known Member
Have we considering them going into Universal to the new Potter and crossing over to IOA on Hog lwarts and not getting counted at the gate via the two park pass and crossing back to leave out the gate they came in. How does Uni reconcile that?

Idk I get both sides here, it's crazy when you are talking as many people as we are to see 0% growth and it might show that the HP area is not as long lasting as people thought(myself included as I love HP lol...) but I completely see people (myself included) going straight the the newest area and moving over but to believe that would cause no growth seems more to show there is need for growth in the rest of IOA...


Well-Known Member
What will "scare" Disney is revenues dropping at WDW. While I'm sure the execs like the bragging rights of being able to saw all four of the WDW parks have attendance above the Uni parks, they are far more concerned with how much revenue comes in at WDW. If USF or IOA passes DHS for attendance, but Disney grows revenue despite that, I doubt it will elicit more than a groan among the beancounters.

Now, if DHS sees its revenues dramatically dwindle and it's not replaced elsewhere in WDW, then heads are gonna roll.

This is very true!!


Well-Known Member
I can't agree on that, ask any kids under the age of 10 in 'Merika (sorry I had to lol) they all know Mickey, half know Mario... Maybe... Consoles is completely relevant, the more consoles sell the more the characters get in front of that age group, the more they are on consoles the more that age group wants the mobile games, the more they want the mobile games and the more they see the characters on the consoles the more they want to see them in the parks... If you asked the 90's kids who Mario was everyone knew, now today not so much...

When I see these discussions about Nintendo, I realize that a lot of folks are really out of touch with the reality.

Every kid in America knows who Mario is - have you heard about a little thing called a Nintendo DS/3DS/2DS? Handheld dedicated consoles that somehow STILL sell in this smart phone/tablet age. Just the 3DS alone has sold well over 50M units in the past few years.

Nintendo may have messed the pooch with the Wii U (the name and marketing did it in - people still don't know it's a console on it's own, not a Wii add-on), but you also realize that the Wii was the best selling console last generation, and that many of them are still in operation today? I'm friendly with my local Toys R Us folks and one of them mentioned to me the other day how parents come in and don't understand why there isn't new Wii software for their kids because they still play it all the time.

As to home consoles, as the numbers have shown - THAT is a dwindling number for everyone. Both XBOX One and PS4 have come no where near their expectations, as the audience for them is shrinking - the consoles are only for the "hard core" who mostly want to play FPS. There is very little kid or family software. Kids don't ask for an XBOX, they ask for an 3DS. And on that 3DS they not only play new Mario/Zelda/etc. games, they also play the old ones via download. Kids just want fun games, they don't care about photorealistic heads being blown off and blood spattering.

Go to Wal-mart or Target. Take a walk through the kids clothing and bath sections. Tell me what video game franchises you see there on T-shirts, backpacks, curtains and bath towels. Hint: It ain't Halo or Mass Effect. You'll find Batman, Marvel, and Mario. Go to Toys R Us - aside from the video game section, obviously, there is now an entire separate aisle deep in the store with video game toys (not talking amiibo, I mean real "play with me" toys and stuffed animals) - almost all Mario, Zelda, etc. You don't see Harry Potter much any of those places these days - FWIW.

Nintendo has the potential to be a game changer in Orlando, make no mistake - and given that they are with Universal, who will actually do something big with it, as opposed to what Disney would have done (taken ten years to build a meet and greet and a cycle ride), it's very likely going to be the thing that brings UO to overtake the lesser WDW parks in attendance and especially merchandising.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
And WDW still draws in over 40 million compared to USF 10 million guests many of whom still go to WDW... In order for Disney to care they have to be scared, HP didn't scare them because it can't sustain the number of guests over the time needed....

Even if USF passes DHS and DAK in the next 3-4 years they still will be pulling in double what USF does... this is assuming no changes to WDW attendance over the next 3-4 years which as others have said the more people go to USF right now the more people go to WDW...

It's the only mobile gaming option out there outside of smart phones lol... I worked gaming retail as a Supervisor I know what the 3DS does and does not do, parents don't buy the 3DS high school students/college students or single young adults do... and the 50.4 million world wide is over 4 years... and 18 million of them in Japan... Nintendo is not as big in the US anymore lol... I am sorry you don't want to address the fact that kids know Mickey but not Mario, but Nintendo is not the same draw HP is for kids and not the same draw Star Wars or Marvel will be if done right...
Where did I ever say Nintendo would be the same draw as Star Wars or Harry Potter? Marvel could be a great draw, to Universal when the rumored expansion happens. My only point is that Nintendo is nowhere near as irrelevant as you say. Even if sales aren't what they once were people know who Mario is, that's a fact. Why would any theme park operator in their right mind pursue a deal if they weren't relevant? And even if it's not as big in the US, you do realize Orlando is an international destination right?
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Well-Known Member
Yet they were willing to build Disney America in Virginia and only the locals stopped it from what I've ever read. Maybe I'm wrong on that. A park that would struggle with winter but Paris and Tokyo prove that can be overcome.
Well that park had a very specific focus and complimented the existing tourism in that area. If they did something like that in TX I think it would be great, but then you wouldn't need Marvel in it. The reason to use the Marvel brand would be to bring in the big attendance numbers. Drawing large attendance from that region would cannibalize WDW. If it's just a local park it would be ok but once they start bringing in people vacationing from all parts of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, etc. those people would be making decision to not go to WDW and go to Disney TX instead.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
How many years can they go with "Frozen Summer Fun"? The only reason for any increase at DHS was the Frozen add-ons.

Well, they could do more. There's this theater in DHS that doesn't draw much of a crowd, hasn't for years, and its counterpart in Disneyland recently got a do-over that made it a roaring success, so, hmmm....whaddya think? ;)


Well-Known Member
I admire your optimism - but i doubt it will be. In Japan though it may be different. I honestly think the IP was bought for that market, not Orlando.

Like I said, take a walk through the kids clothing/bath aisles at retail - walk through the toy sections at Toys R Us. If kids didn't love Nintendo, there products woudln't be there. And even in the video game section - look at how much is devoted to Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, and the still huge Wii sections (those 90M consoles they sold didn't just vanish). Compare that to XBOX/PS sections.

I realize from a "Game Informer" view point Nintendo is considered antiquated, but that's because that portion of the game industry is just focused on an increasingly narrow segment of older teen to mid-30's adult males. Kids are not the audience for those consoles or games. Nintendo has never left the lives of children, it's just that some folks have grown up and don't realize it.


Premium Member
I'll believe it when it happens. Personally, I don't think it would be a "shock" at all if the Uni parks fail to pass DHS/DAK in the near future.

To me, it is very impressive to see Uni maintain and even build on their attendance. But I'm with others who are suspicious that new additions are going to have the dramatic impact that we saw with HP being added. I think we are more likely to see slow, steady growth (like in the 5% or less range) from this point for Uni

Let's not forget that the studios saw a 14% increase in 2013 which was 2 1/2 years after HP opened in IOA and before Diagon opened.


Well-Known Member
I think it's funny how people defend IOA with no increase, when universal had a 17% increase. How does that not trickle over even a little? I'm sorry but Uni needs to step up the creativity to keep me coming back. The majority of their rides are simulators or large screen based attractions ( which when disney was doing screens, the folks on here were in an uproar, but now Uni does it and it doesn't matter cause everyone excuses it so they can say look how much faster Uni is growing ). Spider-Man, transformers, gringotts, and now kong. Even fast and furious at Hollywood looks like more of the same and I'm sure they'll clone that here also.
Avatarland's E-Ticket is essentially screens based in the vein of Soarin'...


Premium Member
When I see these discussions about Nintendo, I realize that a lot of folks are really out of touch with the reality.

Every kid in America knows who Mario is - have you heard about a little thing called a Nintendo DS/3DS/2DS? Handheld dedicated consoles that somehow STILL sell in this smart phone/tablet age. Just the 3DS alone has sold well over 50M units in the past few years.

Even more important is that I bet the vast majority of adults in America know who Mario is, even if they haven't played the games. Even if Nintendo is trailing Sony and Microsoft, their IP's still have a huge amount recognition.

Coaster Lover

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
For the Harry Potter fans going to Universal, the logical path to explore the Harry Potter universe was always to go to the Universal side first then take the Hogwarts Express to the IOA side. I have to imagine that, with regards to park hopping, only the park that is visited first in day would be counted towards attendance. If not, it would be curious to know how much the Magic Kingdom's numbers increase from guests who spend the majority of the day at the other parks (especially Animal Kingdom) and then hop over to Magic Kingdom because they're open later.

On an unrelated note, I wonder if/when we could ever see Tokyo Disneyland ever surpass Magic Kingdom. I never realized the numbers were as close (relatively speaking) as they are...


Well-Known Member
One thing to take into consideration is that not one person entering IOA via The Hogwarts Express counted in it's total. And considering Diagon Alley was the hot new thing at UOR, I would suspect that a lot if people went to USF first then park hopped via HE to IOA.

Universal knows the exact metric and are quite pleased with the resorts performance. Enough so to green light further resort expansions like large resorts and a state of the art on site water park.

Donald Razorduck

Well-Known Member
Well that park had a very specific focus and complimented the existing tourism in that area. If they did something like that in TX I think it would be great, but then you wouldn't need Marvel in it. The reason to use the Marvel brand would be to bring in the big attendance numbers. Drawing large attendance from that region would cannibalize WDW. If it's just a local park it would be ok but once they start bringing in people vacationing from all parts of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, etc. those people would be making decision to not go to WDW and go to Disney TX instead.
We have gone to both Disneyland and DisneyWorld from Arkansas. Carsland justified the Disneyland trip. Many I know have done similar. Like I said, differentiation is the key.

What about the money left on the table from families that never go to Florida. What if it was cheaper for tens of millions to go Texas that would never venture to Florida. Out of my Son's class of 20(4th grade) 6 have been to DisneyWorld/Disneyland. But I bet with driving more of an option from here to the Houston area more would go. Nearly all those kids have been to Six Flags Arlington, what's three more hours to DISNEY. That 1,000 bucks for airfare to Orlando just paid for gas, room and tickets in Texas.

Another added benefit is the potential of a park between Houston and San Antonio is the close to a port aspect like Canaveral.

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