Oh yay, fun charts! So for more fun lets add some pretend numbers
So assume 1/2 represents a 18,000 day, 3 23,000, 4/5 28,000, 6/7, 33,000 and 8+ 41,000.
So sum of: # of days * # of people
107*18,000 + 40*23000 + 77*28,000 +85*33,000 + 56*41,000 = 10,103,000. Reported attendance was 10,110,000, so in the ballpark, but may not be accurate.
Then same thing for 2014
74*18,000 + 50*23,000 +108*28,000 + 85*33,000 + 48*41000 = 10,279,000
So 1.74% increase (between my numbers, not using the TEA one). Would love to know what the park actually pulls on a 1/2 day vs a 8+ and how I should adjust those attendance numbers. Between the data you have and that, we could get really good at this prediction thing.