Universal has been doing a bunch of building. They are on the right track. Universal's goal is keep improving profits not out doing Disney. Steady growth over years. Every year can not see a huge jump in attendance. It just doesn't work that way. Pandora is a great ride and Toy Story opened this year so Disney got a boost. AK has gotten a big boost from Pandora. Star Wars will boost DHS a bunch as well next year. Disney is actually trying to do something lately with their half day parks.
Disney has a huge head start, 4 parks, 2 water parks, endless accommodations, characters and stories that have been around for decades and decades. Disney didn't build all this stuff over night.
Less than a decade ago Universal had 2 parks that hadn't been update for a long time. A few high end hotels and City Market which wasn't great, idea was good but.
Universal has address every problem.
Finances always come into play. Universal has been building through an ever increase economy which is over do for a recession. No company can just bet the farm on new products even though fans would like them too. What if Potter did OK for a year but then fell flat? What if a recession happened and park attendance was going down while a bunch of hotels were being built? This stuff has to pay for it's self fairly fast.
Universal started with Potter which went over very well so they have gone with it making more Potter attractions. Along with that Universal has been pumping out other attractions yearly. That was problem number one, newer or different attractions needed.
Problem two was the lack of accommodations at different price levels. That has been addressed year by year finishing with two large hotels coming in at a budget friendly price point. Many people, especially foreigner, like everything to be all run by the same company. It's scary to head to the US and figure out transportation, hotel and theme parks. Disney is great at bring everything together. Universal is trying. Same can be said of some family from East Podunk, they don't want to have to figure everything out because it can be scary especially if you ain't no city person.
Number of parks and just general size are being addressed. You have hotels and two theme parks what else are these hotel guest to do? City Walk is better than it has ever been but could use some more entertainment I think? It's like Epcot but without the $100 cover charge. A water park was built, it's Florida people from cold climates want to do water parks. Hang out on a beach etc. etc. A whole new park is being built right now. With the new park I think Universal will become a full fledged vacation destination. Like I said before most people who have traveled a long ways to get to Universal don't want to become Florida experts on where to go and what company does what etc. etc. I can come up with lots of things to do around FL but they all involve you renting a car and heading out into the wilds of FL. SpaceX has been busy, if you happen to be in Orlando when they launch I would certainly head down to the Cape to watch it. Easy for me to say since I know people who live there. I can see a launch from their back yard.
I think Universal is doing fine but I would like them to move faster with the parks they have. I see dead space and stuff that can go for something better. I do see the reasons why they can only move so fast at any given time. Another problem is if you do a bunch of stuff all at once and then do nothing for a decade everyone will say the place is stale and Universal is being cheap etc. etc. I said that with Disney but that's because they have two half day parks that they did nothing with for a long time. I can see building a new park and waiting a while to make some money back on it but Disney just left DHS and AK for too long. I have always liked AK but it's been a half day park. It's close to a full day now and if they do something other than Hester and Chester or whatever that crap is AK would be a full day park. Of course it would bring in big numbers, it's a well themed park with good attractions. A couple more improvements is all that is needed.