Well-Known Member
I have to agree with the other comments. I can't believe that Dan is around and that neither of these tribes are concerned with keeping themselves strong. Stay strong until the merge and then start picking off your competition - simple. Dan should have been out a long time ago. He is worthless to the team, two good players - Tyrone and Yve have gone out instead of him.
I don't like Brenda either, never did. She annoys me too. Plus, not getting out Marty was really dumb on her part. She shouldn't have verbally attacked him during tribal only to vote out someone else. I liked Kelly B. She was a really strong player that the younger team needed to keep their numbers.
I don't like Brenda either, never did. She annoys me too. Plus, not getting out Marty was really dumb on her part. She shouldn't have verbally attacked him during tribal only to vote out someone else. I liked Kelly B. She was a really strong player that the younger team needed to keep their numbers.