SURVIVOR : Nicaragua


Well-Known Member
Also, I'll be interested to see if Holly has any more breakdowns.

She lost it after 6 days. They haven't even begun truly starving yet. And Nay is just nuts. Who loses a sock and steals someone elses socks? And then flies off the handle over it! Remember the guy that used a rock as his Blackberry - we may have another one of those on our hands! It's going to be fun to watch these people unravel!!


Well-Known Member
I haven't watched Survivor for seasons and seasons.. watched it a lot in my early teens.. and since I am at school, I just have things playing in the back ground and the bug has bitten me again!

Going to punch 'Nay' if I have have the displeasure of meeting her in real life. Shannon committed Survivor Suicide at tribal council.

Also kinda wondering if Jeff gets tired of saying same thing over and over, season after season. I was sayin' the 'fire represents life' thing right along with him, hahaha.


I hate these beginning weeks every season. Too many annoying people to have to watch. Nay, Holly...move along please...I can't wait to finally see some good Survivor players start to shine. It also disturbs me to know that Nay is a PE teacher. The thought of her teaching or influencing kids makes me angry. Her students probably have more maturity than her...and for some reason, the thought of putting someone else's dirty socks on makes me want to :hurl:

The whole snail thing confused me....why did Holly think they were bad? It was so bizarre. I had to rewind it again to see if I missed something, but I still can't figure out why she thought they were bad.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any favorite contestants yet, because most of 'em are pretty unlikeable so far. I'm okay with that. Ultimately, I want to have someone to root for, but I'm more interested in who makes good TV and is worthy of being mocked mercilessly.

As for Probstisms, by now I think most of us could play his part:

"C'mon in guys"

"Getting your first look at the new <name> tribe. <previous bootee> voted out at the last tribal council"

"Want to know what you're playing for?"

"<losing tribe>, I got nothing for you. Head back to camp."

"I'll see you tonight at tribal"

"It's time to vote"

"I'll go tally the votes"

"The person will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately"

"The tribe has spoken"


Active Member
I hate these beginning weeks every season. Too many annoying people to have to watch. Nay, Holly...move along please...I can't wait to finally see some good Survivor players start to shine. It also disturbs me to know that Nay is a PE teacher. The thought of her teaching or influencing kids makes me angry. Her students probably have more maturity than her...and for some reason, the thought of putting someone else's dirty socks on makes me want to :hurl:

The whole snail thing confused me....why did Holly think they were bad? It was so bizarre. I had to rewind it again to see if I missed something, but I still can't figure out why she thought they were bad.

Why didn't someone just say "escargot"?


Well-Known Member
I haven't watched Survivor for seasons and seasons.. watched it a lot in my early teens.. and since I am at school, I just have things playing in the back ground and the bug has bitten me again!

Going to punch 'Nay' if I have have the displeasure of meeting her in real life. Shannon committed Survivor Suicide at tribal council.
This. Oh she e s me off..:hammer::lol:

Also kinda wondering if Jeff gets tired of saying same thing over and over, season after season. I was sayin' the 'fire represents life' thing right along with him, hahaha.

If I got paid to do what he did I would say it fifty million times a night! :lol:

I was wondering why they did not go get the shoes either...and Holly has issues..:dazzle:


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Original Poster
Alright...It's official. I really can't stand Nay. She's not a villain like Russell was, she's just a big mouth with a major attitude. She hasn't done anything strategic, she's just a rag. And I HATE that head bob thing she does. It's so annoying. And so far it's 4 of the brain surgeons who can't come close to figuring out the clues. Hopefully Nay thinks she is so comfortable, but upsets too many people, one flips and takes her out. Fabio is a riot...what a character.

The old folks did the right thing by voting Jimmy J. out tonite. He didn't do much to help win the challenges and he was a threat. They do need to get it together...and quickly.

Other than that a really Meh show tonite. Not a lot of good camera work and pretty boring overall.


Well-Known Member
Nay is beyond obnoxious. Loud, rude, in your face... I'm sure her alliance will get sick of her very soon and she will get the boot. I hope so, anyway.

Marty annoys me. Do not like him at all. I always seem to root for the under the radar players. Not the coat-tail riders, but rather the players who strategize quietly and keep to themselves. Marty is one of those "Look at me; I'm playing the game and no one else is..." yada yada. He thinks he is a better player than he is. Jimmy T needs to get over himself. Who says, "I got skills!" :lol: Seriously, how old are you? I used to like Jill, until she turned into Marty's pawn. She is smart (most doctors are) so why is she letting him lead her around on a leash?? Ugh.

Hmm, what else? I like Jud, aka Fabio. I don't think he'll go too far, though. I must say I'm bummed Coach Jimmy got the boot. It was interesting watching him try to motivate a bunch of old, grumpy people. :lol: Glad Shannon is gone. He was obnoxious and full of himself. I like Chase. (Plus he is HOT!) Hoping he does well. Let's keep the commentary on Survivor Nicaragua going! :D


Well-Known Member
When Nay broke into her explanation of whooping Kelly B for the clue and was comparing ghetto vs. hood I just cringed. Really? I think this whole season is going to be a train wreck I just can't take my eyes off!


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Original Poster
Marty is playing a hell of a game. Dan is so weak, but Marty knows he needs him and is playing the rest of the tribe. Jimmy T. was annoying, but he was strong.

The "Drop your Buffs" for next week should be interesting. Not sure how they will change them up. Colored rocks in a bag? 2 people are "captains" and then pick? I was getting a little tired of the old vs young stuff. The old couldn't compete.

Hopefully Nay lets her big mouth get her booted first.

I wish they would do a reward challenge and then Immunity separately. Like the yout's said, "this is for reward and immunity" when they used the Medallion. Way too much was on the line for one challenge that had such a big advantage.

It should be interesting when the changed tribe goes back to the geriatric camp and the "hidden" immunity key is sitting out on the tree. Especially if Marty is switched to the other beach.


Well-Known Member
It should be interesting when the changed tribe goes back to the geriatric camp and the "hidden" immunity key is sitting out on the tree. Especially if Marty is switched to the other beach.

I hadn't thought of that - I bet he's not sharp enough to think to bring it with him every time he leaves camp.

Watching tribal last night I was thinking that they should probably re-work the teams soon or the old tribe would have no chance...guess the producers knew that was going to happen. Should be interesting...can't wait!


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Original Poster
Well, Marty was smart enough to bring it with. I didn't like how they changed the teams up, but it's better than leaving them the way they were.

MAN...I was hoping Nay would crack and leave the game. Instead, they get rid of the one player on their team who had it together. Kinda dumb at this point in the game when it is still team challenges.

That new reward challenge was cool and surprising at who couldn't catch the ball. The immunity was a good one too. Kinda gross when you think they were dunking their disgusting hair into the water and then putting that into their mouths...:veryconfu


Well, Marty was smart enough to bring it with. I didn't like how they changed the teams up, but it's better than leaving them the way they were.

MAN...I was hoping Nay would crack and leave the game. Instead, they get rid of the one player on their team who had it together. Kinda dumb at this point in the game when it is still team challenges.

That new reward challenge was cool and surprising at who couldn't catch the ball. The immunity was a good one too. Kinda gross when you think they were dunking their disgusting hair into the water and then putting that into their mouths...:veryconfu

Forget the dirty hair, that ball was floating in spit water and then they touched it. Ew. :lol:

I'm not sure I understood why Marty revealed his immunity idol though.


Well-Known Member
The old people had no chance, so it's good they mixed the tribes up. I believe I heard one of the ladies complaining that the show was breaking their tribe up, because she thought the old tribe was doing so well. Not sure what she was thinking there.

Based on the number of questions at tribal council that he directed at her, Probst has really taken a liking to Alina. The dirty ol' man! She's not even half his age.

Every season has one guy playing the overt, "master manipulator" game, and this season it's Marty. He said he showed the idol to the kids because he figured that the one old lady that wasn't part of his alliance would tell them anyway. I think he did it to show off to the kids how smart he is.

I still don't know who to root for.


Well-Known Member
It seems like every season there is a moment when I stare at the TV and yell, "What were you THINKING??" during an episode of Survivor. Last night I had that moment. :lol: I can not believe that La Flor didn't vote out Marty after he and Kelly B tied. Why on Earth would they not?? He can't use the hidden immunity idol on the tiebreaker, so not only do you get rid of the idol, you GET RID OF MARTY!! He is so arrogant, slick, and thinks he is just God's gift to the game of Survivor. I can not stand him! And Jill is guilty by association. She is smart, but is acting dumb by letting Marty lead her around like sheep to slaughter. Ugh. I know they all thought Kelly B would win if she made it to the end, based on the "sympathy" vote, but they aren't even at the merge yet! Still plenty of time to get rid of her. And "Fabio" is soooo dumb. :lol: He is going to ruin it for those in his alliance.

As for the other tribe, I can't believe Dan is still around. Yve dug her own grave last night. She was playing soooo hard, she left them no choice but to get rid of her. Although I'd be PO'd, too, if I was playing hard and someone like Dan was still there, but she really brought in on herself with her attitude. Nay has seemed to drop into the background a bit. I find myself liking Chase, Alina, Benry, and Brenda. I'll be happy if one of them wins it. :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster thing. Benry? What the hell kind of name is Benry? That just bugs me (Sorry if we have any Benry's on the board).

Anyhoo...Sad to see Kelly B. go. She was cute and a sweet girl.

Strange decision not getting rid of Marty when they had the chance. You know he's gonna be out to get Brenda now. The things that came out in Tribal may just allow him to do that. I think he can get Fabio to switch over.

Like Dan has said, he doesn't need the $$, so he is just out there to be there. He is pretty worthless in the challenges. He couldn't even figure out how to flip that ring over his shoulder. Nay has slipped back because she isn't in a position of power anymore. She can't mouth off. Yve screwed herself.


Well-Known Member thing. Benry? What the hell kind of name is Benry? That just bugs me (Sorry if we have any Benry's on the board).

:lol: I've seen this happen when parents can't agree on a name...they combine. I would just go by Ben...but that's just me.

I bet Fabio is going to win this thing...he's just stupid enough to trip over a rock and fall into a position of power.

There's NO WAY Marty is stupid enough to give Sash his idol.

Brenda is starting to ________ me off - can't really pinpoint what's so annoying - but I'd LOVE to see her get blindsided.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Me, Three.

I think it's because Brenda is getting really cocky out there. It seems like anyone who does that, annoys the viewers(See Russell, even though I loved the guy...most didn't).

Since I would be on the over 40 tribe, I want one of them to win it.

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