SURVIVOR : Nicaragua


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I can see why Jane got whacked, but unanimously? Dan and Fabio are out of the 3 alliance, so I don't get the move at all. If those 3 would have just voted for one of those 3, then they have the numbers to go top 3. Each would have had a case for winning it all.

At least the idols were both flushed and aren't a factor anymore.


Well-Known Member
I can see why Jane got whacked, but unanimously? Dan and Fabio are out of the 3 alliance, so I don't get the move at all. If those 3 would have just voted for one of those 3, then they have the numbers to go top 3. Each would have had a case for winning it all.

I think they all know they have no shot against Jane if she's in the Final 3, so she had to go. Fabio and Dan have to try to flip one of the solid three, but I doubt they can pull it off.


The loved ones episodes always make me bawl like a baby....

Glad to see Jane go. I understand her feeling of betrayal towards her alliance, but where I come from, her behavior is called being a sore sport. It's a game. Outwit, outplay, outlast.

I wish Chase would stop promising things he does not intend to keep. As for Dan and Jane, their anger towards Chase was unjustified. If you wanted to see your family members so bad, you should have won. The winner can't take everyone. If Jane was so was upset it was her daughter's last summer at home, maybe she shouldn't have accepted a spot on the show? :shrug:

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
The loved ones episodes always make me bawl like a baby....

And it infuriates me to no end. I usually turn it off for a while or fast forward it On Demand or if I dvr it. Boo Hoo Hoo I miss you/everybody so much. You knew you were going to a freaking island for 39 days ! Stay the hell home if you're going to miss everybody so much and cry like a wuss. Sheesh.

And Jane absolutely had to go. While I thought her fire stunt was funny, I don't get why she was so ed. She's had to have watched the show before and knew she was a major huge threat. Like DiPSU224 said, "Outwit, Outlast, Outplay". Why don't people understand that slogan :brick:


Well-Known Member
The photography on this show makes me glad I have HDTV
I say the same thing every week. I go so far as to turn off the lights in the family room so there is absolutely no glare. The photography is outstanding and the colors are vibrant.

Jane was lost in soreloserville. She achieved her goal of getting rid of Marty, but overplayed her hand and allowed him to seriously damage her long-term chances in the game.

I don't have any love for the "loved ones" episodes. You'll see these people in a week and a half. Yawn.

Chase is an idiot. He's not sharp enough to twist his flip-flopping and waffling into a coherent argument in front of a jury. I'm guessing he hasn't watched much of the show and doesn't realize that you don't want to win Reward challenges.


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The Finale is tonight!!

I am hoping that Fabio wins it all. He can go on a run winning challenges to get there.

I honestly have no clue who is going to be top 3. I think Dan has the least chance because you know this last challenge is usually very physical and he can't complete. That and he hasn't really done anything to upset the jury, so he isn't one of those you bring because you know he won't get any votes.

The "evil" 3 may turn on each other because Chase is such a freak out. It will be interesting.


I'm working tonight so I will have to somehow avoid all spoilers on tv and the radio on the way home in the AM. I always seem to end up working the night the finale airs. :(

Thanks for the heads up about the timing that it might be on late due to the football games. I might just forget the DVR and watch it on demand tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
What's with the kooky questions to the jury? Alina wants to award the money to a man? Marty wants Chase to award a dumber than a bag of hammers award? How does this help you vote?! Reminds me of when that weirdo Natalie asked Parvarti how her assertiveness in the game translates to the bedroom.

What do you think of the changes for next season? Will it be one person to re-enter or can it be multiple? Is this kind of a spin on the season they had the misfit team that came back?


Well-Known Member
To summarize the finale:

Alina: Which one of you wants to date me?

Marty: I can't believe I got outplayed by Chase.

Jane/Dan: Hey, you punks, get off my lawn!!

Sash: I backstabbed every one of you, and I wasn't even remotely charming while doing it. That should be enough to win, right? Right?

Purple Kelly: *giggle*

Survivor Producers: NaOnka, we gave you the final jury question for a reason, and we were expecting much more crazy.

Fabio: Hmmm, Chase, flip-flopping dufus. Sash, back-stabbing jerk. Holly, well-respected strategy player. Which one should I send packing on my way to a million ...


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Good to see Fabio pull it out like he did.

Those were some pretty lame Jury questions. I can't believe Chase got as many votes as he did. I thought it would be Fabio in a landslide.

Good to see Russell & Coach in the crowd. Very weird finale, though.

I'm not sure I like the rule changes. It's already hard to fit everything in the hour each week, now they have to put another plot line into it.

I'll have to go back and watch the Ponderosa footage for Dan & Holly. It could be interesting.

It's funny, you see a lot more of Alina and Purple Kelly on the Ponderosa than you did in the entire time they were in the game.


To summarize the finale:

Alina: Which one of you wants to date me?

Marty: I can't believe I got outplayed by Chase.

Jane/Dan: Hey, you punks, get off my lawn!!

Sash: I backstabbed every one of you, and I wasn't even remotely charming while doing it. That should be enough to win, right? Right?

Purple Kelly: *giggle*

Survivor Producers: NaOnka, we gave you the final jury question for a reason, and we were expecting much more crazy.

Fabio: Hmmm, Chase, flip-flopping dufus. Sash, back-stabbing jerk. Holly, well-respected strategy player. Which one should I send packing on my way to a million ...

:lol: This.

90% of the time, the jury questions are so pointless. It's just a bunch of sore losers who bash the 3 who made it further than they did. I've hated the jury questions since season 1 when Sue bashed Rich in her drunken tirade about snakes and rats. I don't like how the jury attacks the finalists.

I'm happy about the winner. I love seeing what everyone looks like when they are "normal" again. When they showed the 3 guys for the first time, I thought who are those handsome men?

Haven't watched the whole reunion yet. I'm curious to see these new rules you guys are speaking about.


Well-Known Member
So I was in Disney from 12/18 until 12/28, and just watched the finale last night. I was very happy Fabio won, and even happier that Sash didn't get a single jury vote. What a slimeball. And he defines "social awkwardness". I was just loving Fabio after he won the last immunity challenge, and spent the day laughing at Chase, Holly and Sash as they shamelessly kissed his butt, trying to save themselves. Classic.

Thanks to football pushing everything late, my DVR cut off halfway through the reunion show. What is going on for next season? Someone please tell me! Thanks. :D


Well-Known Member
They were (as always) sketchy on the details, but there is going to be some sort of a third bare bones camp (same supplies as the regular camps - NOT a Ponderosa situation) where people go when they are voted off...and remain there until they are joined by another voted off and then those people "duel" (??!) for the right to re-enter the game. They didn't say how many people can re-enter, the terms of the re-entry, etc. Kind of a cross between exile island and the season with the misfit tribe. Should be interesting...starts in February.


Well-Known Member
Apparently Nicaragua again...just found this on a CBS website (more details - I guess one person EVENTUALLY will re-enter - maybe post merge?):

"Survivor: Redemption Island" will have eliminated contestants living together and competing for a chance to return to the game and winning the $1 million grand prize. Probst explained the new twist to Entertainment Weekly: "When you're voted out at Tribal Council, you don't go home. ... You go to Redemption Island and you live alone. And at a certain point in the game another person will join you. You will compete in a duel. The winner stays. The loser goes home. So you're continuing to live out there on your own with very basic supplies. But you're still in the game. And at a certain point you'll be allowed to reenter the game and have a shot at the money." Season 7, "The Pearl Islands," featured a similar format with six booted contestants returning as the "Outcast Tribe," but according to Probst, it didn't work because "we didn't tell people up front it was going to happen." He insists "Redemption Island" won't be flawed since "everybody knows up front." "A rule can't be unfair if you know going in," he said to EW. "It's an equal opportunity." Another change to the format is that each episode will only have one reward/immunity challenge for the players that have not been eliminated.

"Survivor: Redemption Island," which was filmed in San Juan del Sur Beach, Nicaragua, this past August, will premiere on CBS on Wednesday, Feb. 16.

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