Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X


Well-Known Member
I love Will...he's probably my favorite one out there next to Adam and David, but I don't know how to feel about his look this episode.

On the one hand, the continued repeating of the respected rhetoric started to get old, and tribal council as a whole felt like it was a lot more patronizing of him than intended. Plus Adam playing (wasting really) his idol completely stole all of the thunder Will wanted out of being the one to make the move.

Then again, on the other hand...


Seriously though, I think Will just presented his thoughts poorly, but his head was in the right place. He's not winning the game if he doesn't have a resume, and he has a feeling he's being treated as a goat, so trying to control his fate is smart. After all, being 18 is a huge disadvantage in the first place, as a jury is 50 times more likely to give a million dollars to anyone other than a high school student, even if they played the exact same game. I'm rooting for him though, hopefully this is his coming out party that wakes him up and gets him to the end!

In other news, 8 people left and only 2 more episodes? There's got to be a quit or medivac next week... no way there's going to be a 7 person finale...right?
Another possible thought is that the Legacy Advantage has something to do with a surprise double tribal where Ken gets immunity at, like the message in a bottle in Cook Islands.


Well-Known Member
I can find a case for most of the contestants remaining to win the game. Will is not one of them. Yes, he can still put a resume together, but the only way he wins is if Sunday and Hannah go with him. I see everyone else having a better case than him at this point.

Bret has an outside shot, but I can see him being like Michele from last season where he is a likable guy who is a sneaky winner. Although I think this jury is much more strategically inclined than the one from Koah Rong. Ken doesn't have that strong of a resume post-merge, but his perceived strengths could win him the game. David, Adam and Jay all have strong arguments to make at a final Tribal Council. All of them were next in line to go home, but recovered. And they've all played a pretty strategic game. I think Jay has the best personal relationships, though. He could definitely win this game... and I wouldn't complain. But I'm still rooting for David.


Time To Be Movin’ Along
Premium Member
Ken is still my guy, despite his best efforts to blow up his own game tonight.

Jay has definitely raised himself in my opinion. Even before he invited Adam to join him on the reward, I was starting to think that he's not as big a jerk as I had originally thought. Mostly, I think, he was tarred with the Fig-Tails brush.

Not that sorry to see Zeke go. He's gotten a little cocky lately. And Will? Meh. Too desperate to make a "big move". I found it interesting with which group he ended up voting. Sadly Adam used his idol for nothing.

Fave 5:
Adam & David tied
Hannah (but only because I need a fifth)


Well-Known Member
I hate the loved ones episodes. Enough with the crying already, just play the game.

I agree with @JenniferS on the redemption of Jay. He thinks strategically and may actually win this thing.

Good call by Adam to unload his "advantage", which is little more than a great way to make people mad at you.


Well-Known Member
I watched an unaired clip of Jay talking about his respect for Adam, which is why he chose him to be part of the reward. He also talked about getting the advantage, and he said he has no need to play it.

The top three threats to win right now I feel like are David, Jay and Adam on the bottom of that three. Ken may have a chance, but as I said in my analysis this week, he's more of a pervceived threat than an actual threat. Because of that he might garner enough votes, but I sure wouldn't vote for him. If Jay and David get to the end together it would be very interesting to see the votes play out. Jay would definitely receive Michelle and Taylor's votes. He would be my biggest worry right now in the game. He doesn't have any enemies since he's rebuilt relationships with his former foes.

I honestly don't know who's going to win, but barring a major turnaround from other players, I would be surprised if one of those three didn't win.


Premium Member
This season has taken a turn for me... the David vs Zeneca thing has gone well... and the threesome of Adam/Hannah/David is interesting. The bad thing is they don't seem to be able to win any sort of physical challenge at all.

Ken... wtheck? Any confidence I had in him is completely gone. Now it looks like jay of all people is the biggest threat that people still won't focus on. If he makes the right deals... he's my favorite to win right now.

And what's with the length of this one... day 33 and there are still 9 people?? Classically it's every 3rd dat for tribal. They are going to eliminate 6 more in just 5 days??


Premium Member
I can find a case for most of the contestants remaining to win the game. Will is not one of them. Yes, he can still put a resume together, but the only way he wins is if Sunday and Hannah go with him. I see everyone else having a better case than him at this point.

Bret has an outside shot, but I can see him being like Michele from last season where he is a likable guy who is a sneaky winner. Although I think this jury is much more strategically inclined than the one from Koah Rong. Ken doesn't have that strong of a resume post-merge, but his perceived strengths could win him the game. David, Adam and Jay all have strong arguments to make at a final Tribal Council. All of them were next in line to go home, but recovered. And they've all played a pretty strategic game. I think Jay has the best personal relationships, though. He could definitely win this game... and I wouldn't complain. But I'm still rooting for David.

Do you really think Bret could put together a final tribal speech? I don't. I think anyone would win over him... except maybe Ken. (Because Ken would end up ing people off more than they were at the start of the speech)


Well-Known Member
Do you really think Bret could put together a final tribal speech? I don't. I think anyone would win over him... except maybe Ken. (Because Ken would end up ****ing people off more than they were at the start of the speech)
I think Bret could win in the right scenario. If he ended up in the finals with a combination of Sunday, Will or Hannah, I can see the jury rewarding him over the others. He'd have Chris campaigning for him at Ponderosa. Zeke has better ties to him than Sunday, Will or Hannah. And I don't see Michelle or Taylor rewarding Sunday or Hannah over Bret. I don't realistically see it happening, but in the right scenario I could definitely see a possibility.


Time To Be Movin’ Along
Premium Member
I think Bret could win in the right scenario. If he ended up in the finals with a combination of Sunday, Will or Hannah, I can see the jury rewarding him over the others. He'd have Chris campaigning for him at Ponderosa. Zeke has better ties to him than Sunday, Will or Hannah. And I don't see Michelle or Taylor rewarding Sunday or Hannah over Bret. I don't realistically see it happening, but in the right scenario I could definitely see a possibility.
Okay. Now write the scenario wherein Ken wins, please.


Well-Known Member
Okay. Now write the scenario wherein Ken wins, please.
I still think Ken's perceived threat gives him a legitimate chance to win. Again, he has to be in the right scenario, but it's plausible. While he hasn't done anything post-merge, he still gives the illusion that he's a force in this game. Whether that's based on his appearance, his "soulfulness", etc, it's still a factor for the jury. It usually doesn't come down to the most strategic; it usually comes down to who is most well-liked. I think he could beat Sunday, Hannah or Will. David and Jessica I think would vote for him as locks. The rest would be toss-ups. I think he could beat Bret, too.

This past episode was really the first time we've seen Ken portrayed negatively. It makes me wonder if this is a fluke, or if people really don't care for him.

My order of players most likely to win if they get to the end are...

1. Jay
2. David
3. Adam
4. Ken
5. Bret
6. Will
7. Hannah
8. Sunday


Well-Known Member
I still think Ken's perceived threat gives him a legitimate chance to win. Again, he has to be in the right scenario, but it's plausible. While he hasn't done anything post-merge, he still gives the illusion that he's a force in this game. Whether that's based on his appearance, his "soulfulness", etc, it's still a factor for the jury. It usually doesn't come down to the most strategic; it usually comes down to who is most well-liked. I think he could beat Sunday, Hannah or Will. David and Jessica I think would vote for him as locks. The rest would be toss-ups. I think he could beat Bret, too.

This past episode was really the first time we've seen Ken portrayed negatively. It makes me wonder if this is a fluke, or if people really don't care for him.

My order of players most likely to win if they get to the end are...

1. Jay
2. David
3. Adam
4. Ken
5. Bret
6. Will
7. Hannah
8. Sunday
However, I would like to add that anything below Adam is a real stretch of a winner, depending on what happens over the final two episodes.


Premium Member
I think Bret could win in the right scenario. If he ended up in the finals with a combination of Sunday, Will or Hannah, I can see the jury rewarding him over the others. He'd have Chris campaigning for him at Ponderosa. Zeke has better ties to him than Sunday, Will or Hannah. And I don't see Michelle or Taylor rewarding Sunday or Hannah over Bret. I don't realistically see it happening, but in the right scenario I could definitely see a possibility.

Ken and Bret have the same problem... their mouth. Chris Sunday and Bret are the only genx that would be loyal to vote genx at the final. They are way out numbered on the jury. It's going to be based on people and late game play IMO.

Sundays only hope to continue is that she's a dead fish that can vote. Bret is just a matter of his allies winning or not.


Well-Known Member
Will's vote was not surprising if you know how to read the edit. Sunday was a surprise, and I think a mistake by Hannah. Hannah's not going to win against many people. Sunday is one she CAN beat. You need to keep her in there. She's looking like the new goat to take to the end, which might be what she wants.

Will was becoming too arrogant. He let his one move, which was mitigated by the idol play, go to his head and decided he got to run everything. He doesn't have the ability to read people or socialize that you need in this game.

Adam and Jay have a very unique bond. They have this strong emotional connection, but they have been opposing each other the entire game. How Adam can flat out tell Jay he's trying to screw him over and Jay thinks higher of Adam than he ever has - that's amazing. The recent Adam we've seen has been the genuine Adam that connects with people on an emotional level. The stuff we saw in the early merge episodes was pure strategy. He definitely has a huge chance of winning this game, and nobody seems to realize it. Adam keeping David in here I think could be a smart move. David is still the obvious target, and he's not going to win enough challenges where you may not have another opportunity to get him out. Plus, he got Jay's idol out. This was a win-win for Adam, whose stock has been rising since Taylor's boot episode.

The next obvious target is Jay. He has a legitimate chance to win out. If he does, it's going to be hard to beat him in the end. He has the friends, the story and the resume (although I hate using the term "resume" in this game because it's so overused these days - along with the term "big moves").

David really hasn't done anything over the past few votes. He's sat in the background, which I think is a great move on his part. He still takes heat, deservedly so, but he hasn't become the 100% clear cut target that he would have become if he continued to dictate every vote.

Ken, Bret and Hannah have a very slim chance of winning. Bret's chances have all but evaporated since Sunday got voted out. The only control Bret had on the game was his partner in crime, and now that she's on the jury, he becomes a goat. Hannah I've already discussed a little bit. Ken has the immunity necklaces to show, but there is nothing much more he can claim.

Next week is the finale already! It's been a pretty good season. The pre-merge was pretty slow, as the boots were obvious almost every time, but once we got past Taylor, this game really picked up its pace. A very strong post-merge. And while next week will decide how this season rates, it looks to go down as one of the better seasons in the past few years. Definitely not on the elite level of Cambodia or Cagayan, but I'd say it so far ranks in 3rd place if we're talking Caramoan and onward.

My updated power rankings...

1. Hannah - I think she'll end up the goat. She has some strong connections, but she the credit goes to her allies for all the moves that have been pulled off.
2. Bret - I don't think he'll necessarily get to the end, but I don't think he's the next vote.
3. Ken - He hasn't been playing since pre-merge, which everyone has forgotten about by now. He's a loyal asset to take the the end, while feeling confident about your chances against him.
4. Adam - Like I said, he isn't the target. He's the 3rd target at best. And depending on how he plays the rest of the way, he could make it seem as if Ken, Bret or Hannah are bigger targets. He's really become a strong player.
5. David - He's needed to cool off lately to hide behind Jay and push himself out of the line of fire, but he's still a big threat to win. And if Jay wins immunity - he's the next target.
6. Jay - Barring an immunity win, he has to be the next to go. It'd be stupid to keep him in the game.

My updated list of most likely to win, should they get to the end...

1. Jay
2. Adam
3. David
4. Hannah
5. Ken
6. Bret

As you can tell, I've really been impressed with Adam over the past few weeks. He's put himself in a great spot. I would cast my vote for Adam over David at this point. Jay would be the only other person I'd consider over him. Adam was my male winner pick (let's not talk about my female winner pick) at the beginning of the season, and especially after this episode I feel he's going to win... which probably means he'll be voted out next.

Excited to see how it plays out!
Last edited:


Time To Be Movin’ Along
Premium Member
Will's vote was not surprising if you know how to read the edit. Sunday was a surprise, and I think a mistake by Hannah. Hannah's not going to win against many people. Sunday is one she CAN beat. You need to keep her in there. She's looking like the new goat to take to the end, which might be what she wants.

Will was becoming too arrogant. He let his one move, which was mitigated by the idol play, go to his head and decided he got to run everything. He doesn't have the ability to read people or socialize that you need in this game.

Adam and Jay have a very unique bond. They have this strong emotional connection, but they have been opposing each other the entire game. How Adam can flat out tell Jay he's trying to screw him over and Jay thinks higher of Adam than he ever has - that's amazing. The recent Adam we've seen has been the genuine Adam that connects with people on an emotional level. The stuff we saw in the early merge episodes was pure strategy. He definitely has a huge chance of winning this game, and nobody seems to realize it. Adam keeping David in here I think could be a smart move. David is still the obvious target, and he's not going to win enough challenges where you may not have another opportunity to get him out. Plus, he got Jay's idol out. This was a win-win for Adam, whose stock has been rising since Taylor's boot episode.

The next obvious target is Jay. He has a legitimate chance to win out. If he does, it's going to be hard to beat him in the end. He has the friends, the story and the resume (although I hate using the term "resume" in this game because it's so overused these days - along with the term "big moves").

David really hasn't done anything over the past few votes. He's sat in the background, which I think is a great move on his part. He still takes heat, deservedly so, but he hasn't become the 100% clear cut target that he would have become if he continued to dictate every vote.

Ken, Bret and Hannah have a very slim chance of winning. Bret's chances have all but evaporated since Sunday got voted out. The only control Bret had on the game was his partner in crime, and now that she's on the jury, he becomes a goat. Hannah I've already discussed a little bit. Ken has the immunity necklaces to show, but there is nothing much more he can claim.

Next week is the finale already! It's been a pretty good season. The pre-merge was pretty slow, as the boots were obvious almost every time, but once we got past Taylor, this game really picked up its pace. A very strong post-merge. And while next week will decide how this season rates, it looks to go down as one of the better seasons in the past few years. Definitely not on the elite level of Cambodia or Cagayan, but I'd say it so far ranks in 3rd place if we're talking Caramoan and onward.

My updated power rankings...

1. Hannah - I think she'll end up the goat. She has some strong connections, but she the credit goes to her allies for all the moves that have been pulled off.
2. Bret - I don't think he'll necessarily get to the end, but I don't think he's the next vote.
3. Ken - He hasn't been playing since pre-merge, which everyone has forgotten about by now. He's a loyal asset to take the the end, while feeling confident about your chances against him.
4. Adam - Like I said, he isn't the target. He's the 3rd target at best. And depending on how he plays the rest of the way, he could make it seem as if Ken, Bret or Hannah are bigger targets. He's really become a strong player.
5. David - He's needed to cool off lately to hide behind Jay and push himself out of the line of fire, but he's still a big threat to win. And if Jay wins immunity - he's the next target.
6. Jay - Barring an immunity win, he has to be the next to go. It'd be stupid to keep him in the game.

My updated list of most likely to win, should they get to the end...

1. Jay
2. Adam
3. David
4. Hannah
5. Ken
6. Bret

As you can tell, I've really been impressed with Adam over the past few weeks. He's put himself in a great spot. I would cast my vote for Adam over David at this point. Jay would be the only other person I'd consider over him. Adam was my male winner pick (let's not talk about my female winner pick) at the beginning of the season, and especially after this episode I feel he's going to win... which probably means he'll be voted out next.

Excited to see how it plays out!
Don't forget, Ken has the legacy advantage, and once Jay is gone, is by far the most dominant physical threat out there.

Another teary episode for me. Between this and Moana last night, my sinuses are killing me!

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